Holding hands

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2. Holding Hands

It was a habit at this point. Everytime Lance was nervous he'd reach out and hold his boyfriends hand. Lance knew it. Keith knew it.

They held hands a lot.

When someone who'd be important to the Coalition joins. 

When it was late and he was missing home.

When they'd go on solo missions.

When a battle got too rough.

When someone got hurt.

It was always about something important.

So when team Voltron finally landed on Earth, Lance was both thrilled and scared at the same time. It meant seeing his family again. It meant Keith meeting his family.

The thought of his family rejecting Keith hurt him. So when it happened Lance made sure he and Keith were holding hands. He didn't want Keith leaving him. Not like this.

So when he heard the words, "Keith, it's very nice too meet you" Come out of his families mouths he couldn't be happier. He squeezed Keith's hand and smiled brightly.

"Of course it is! This is the beautiful Keith we're talking about!"

Some people said that because they were both paladins he shouldn't get so attached.

Well it was far to late for that. 

Lance had reached for Keith's hand.

One. Two.

Rings were exchanged.

Lance was thrilled. 

This was the first time he held Keith's hand and more than nervousness or excitement washed through him.

This time it was love.

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