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Today was the day Keith had been dreading. His boyfriend had been wanting to go to the fair. Keith, however, wasn't thrilled. Fairs were dirty, loud, and overcrowded. On the other hand, Lance really wanted to go and unfortunately, Keith loved his boyfriend too much to say no.

And so that's why Keith had to go. They had driven up to the fair parking lot to the iconic smell of fair food and the farm animals. Lance turned off the car and turned to Keith. "Now I know you're not thrilled about being here but, I think if you never give it a chance you'll never give yourself a chance to enjoy to have a good time. So please, tell me you'll try to enjoy your time here, please?"

Keith sighed, "Sure, I'll try. . .  But only for you and the small bit of hope I have that this won't be a total waste of money."

"That's the spirit."

As they entered the fair Lance grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him to the fair animals.

They reeked of smell only barn animals could obtain.

They walked around looking at the animals together, ever so often Lance or Keith would comment on a certain animal. They pointed at each animal and talk about how much they smelled or how cute they were on a scale of one to ten. 

"Lance, one a scale of one to ten, I think you're a fair 10."

"You're my boyfriend you may be biased."


They continued to work their war to some games as they were closest to that. They played to there strengths trying to do there best to win as many games as they could. When they played against each other is when things got serious, Keith was silent while Lance would tease him ever so often.

Many of the popular games they played they won bigger prizes; Darts, fishing games, strength games, and things like that.

Once they got to a particular shooting game Lance was thrilled, he smirked and motioned Keith to follow behind him. It wasn't long until Lance magically won every shooting game. They proceeded to have trouble throwing the prizes into Keith's bag. Keith decided to try to win a game or two. 

It was actually pretty fun for him. Even though he wouldn't admit it to Lance; Lance could totally tell. 

They walked around the food for a bit. Fair food was normally very fat. It took Lance a while to convince Keith into eating any of it. They ended up sharing food, Then got lemonade and looked at the rides.

Rides were their thing. Whenever they went out together with friends to an amusement park they were always up for any ride. It didn't take long for them to find their favorites.

They started with bumper cars. Going head to head even though there was no way to tell which one would keep on top. It was always a constant back and forth, "I totally beat you."

"You sucked I totally won."


Then rode a couple of roller coaster type rides. Making them both feel sick after they finished riding, after the sugar consumption for dinner it was no surprise. They decided to take a break as it was getting dark soon and rode a couple of calmer rides.

The carousel being one of them. Going around a few times. Taking photos and laughing.

Afterward, they walked to the Ferris wheel. Lance had insisted they go on because it is ultimately the most romantic ride in the fairgrounds. It was a pretty good argument.

As they walked it had gotten dark. They held hands and Keith smiled the entire way there. Lances idea to come hadn't been for nothing after all. Keith had a good time. Lance had a good time from the looks of it. Keith was just happy that they were happy.

By the time they made it over there the line was getting shorter, (mostly because everyone was leaving), and they slowly made their way up.

It was a gorgeous sight. The lights look so pretty from where they were. The wind blew past and they scooted closer. 

Keith smiled at Lance. "So, I hate to admit it but you were right. This was pretty fun. Thanks for bringing me."

A grin grew on Lance's face, "Not a problem babe. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I was so worried that you'd hate it."

"Yeah, you should pick our date spots more often."

"Um, not sure that's the best idea but I'll think about it."

Keith pulled him into a kiss. "I love you. Where ever you chose I'll find a way to like it."

"I love you too," Lance said softly. 

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