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"Keith? Can you hear me?" Shiro asked.

I had just witnessed Keith getting attacked by a flying creature on a strange planet, at first Pidge was the first to notice as he began to lose his balance. Ever since he was bitten he didn't talk to us.

"He's burning up," Hunk noticed.

"Keith, are you OK? Can you hear me?" I had asked. At this point, I didn't expect him to respond let alone so quickly. But he did, he nodded slightly and whispered a quiet "I think so? I'm not sure."

Everyone paused for a moment. Then we packed our stuff up, aborting the mission. It wasn't super important anyway. Shiro had stayed by Keith the entire time, Keith seemed really disoriented at that moment. He was very confused about where we were and what was happening.

The rest of us were pretty concerned, we were just lucky we only took a few lions so that Keith wouldn't have to fly red. 

Shiro had carried Keith into the Black Lion. We kept the comms on the entire time, that, and the live feed from each lion was playing. It was a weird sight to see, Keith was rambling. Trust me basically all of us were confused. Shiro shrugged it off and said Keith was normally quiet or would ramble, even though Shiro said it was normal for Keith we still found it strange. 

When we arrived back at the castle we went to Coran as fast as we can. Keith had been walking now, comfortable on his feet, although we all kept an eye on him now. 

"Some bug attacked Keith and then flew away. At first, he couldn't stand and didn't really respond to what we were saying for a while." Pidge explained as she, Coran, and I set up the scanners to try to find the problem. Keith had been sitting down on the floor, legs criss-crossed, staring at us. It was kinda cute- Wait Lance stop that's gay.

Coran looked down to where Keith was, "Hm, how did it feel when the bug bit you? And how are you feeling now?" Coran asked curiously. 

Keith looked down and stared at his fingers, seemingly calm for once. "I feel fine right now. Although it is pretty cold in here."

Coran looked at him curiously, then ordered for a blood test instead. After getting set up Keith had just looked up at Coran who had been studying the results and mentioned that he thought Coran was a pretty cool person because, "Damn, I have never met someone with such a perfect mustache!"

The whole situation was pretty funny until Coran gave us a diagnosis. "Seems Number four has been bitten by a strange creature. It's harmless but it has resulted in Keith not being in control of his mouth for the most part. He will say anything that he thinks strongly of but if you ask him a question he has to tell the truth. It should wear off but for now, it's pretty strong."

I glanced at Keith for a moment, "Keith, who is your favorite paladin?"

Shiro glared at me.

Keith thought for a moment before carefully answering. "I think Shiro is the most skill at combat so logically he is the best, but I like you the most as a person."

Wait what-

"What? Keith, do you really mean it?" I was honestly shocked.

"Well yeah, you're nice, and funny sometimes, even though you tease me at times. Plus you kinda keep the whole group from killing each other by saying stuff. Besides you're the sharpshooter so you have everyone's back. What's not to like? I should stop talking now before I start rambling. . . " The way Keith said it was as if it was a fact everyone knew already. It may not have been expected but it sure did feel good.

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