Ice-Skating and Other Holiday shenanigans

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Keith would be lying if he said that the team had a break from the castle. As much as he enjoyed training in the place he hardly ever got to go out on a planet and just explore it. Not to mention that the others seem to be getting tired of the same old routine. So when Allura announced that they would be taking a week off to go anywhere (if there wasn't any big emergency that is) and he was kind of relieved. 

Lance and Pidge were both the most excited. Lance had been getting bored recently and he clearly didn't enjoy training as much as Keith did. Although, Keith suspected that the only reason he was even training in the first place instead of bothering Hunk or pidge was for Keiths sake. 

So as soon as they landed everyone had hastily got out of their lions. Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and him had decided to head off in one direction while the others were looking at different supplies they could take back. Keith smiled softly when Lance grabbed his hand to drag him towards different parts of that town. Once they stopped looking at shops they just walked for a bit. Hunk looking at all the food and Pidge third-wheeling behind them.

They soon reached a part of town that looked like an outdoor skating rink. It had the same ice across the ground and people were sliding across it, but it seemed they were what looked like more of ballet slippers then skates. It was interesting so the group investigated further. The ice rink had a place to rent the ballet-slipper-skates. Hunk and Lance had managed to convince the other two to try it. When they looked at the slipper-skates they did have a small blade attached so it wasn't like sliding around with socks on. They had all gotten the slipper-skates on and cautiously made their way towards the rink.

Pidge had never gone ice-skating before so the other gave her a rundown of how it worked. Pidge was obviously upset that she was the only one who didn't know what they were doing but it worked well enough. Once Pidge had gotten the hang of skating Lance grabbed for Keiths hand and the had slid across the rink. It was really fun. Lance had been tight near him the entire time they were skating. Eventually, Shiro, Allura, and Coran had passed by the other and Shiro did a double-take. Lance just waved wildly at him. Honestly, it was really nice to have such a normal day.

Lance loved the winter season. It was the perfect excuse to make hot chocolate. When he was at the Garrison he didn't exactly have access to it. When he was at home for the holidays he tended to make it often. Now he was in space. Space didn't exactly make hot chocolate. 

Then they had visited the space mall he didn't expect to find anything like that. When he had visited the Earth store however Keith had pointed it out and didn't exactly expect Lance to get all hyped up when he did. Of course, they bought it. And Of course, Lance used it as an excuse to have another paladin bonding night™️. 

When everyone had agreed to it Hunk and Lance worked on getting it to warm up without the normal kitchen tools you'd use. When they got it down they excitedly brought it to the others. Lance made a smug joke about how it was as hot as Keith so "watch out". To which Keith smacked him on his arm playfully and rolled his eyes.

They threw on an Altean movie with some helpful translation in the captions. Honestly, it was one of the most satisfying moments with the others in a long while. Lance held Keith tighter and smiled. He was grateful that everyone had been enjoying the moment as well.

Keith wouldn't be lying if he had said that he remembers everything he and his dad had done. He was definitely young when his dad died. But that didn't mean he forgot everything they did. Keith still remembers his scent and some of their more important moments together. He honestly didn't know why he was sad about it. Christmas wasn't even coming up for a few months now but a couple of those moments were part of a holiday tradition. It was little and stupid but that didn't mean he didn't miss it.

When he was with his dad every year they would watch the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. 

It like he couldn't even watch it; I mean they were in space!. That's why he felt stupid when Lance asked him what was wrong. He didn't want to bother him with it. When Lance insisted and Keith caved Lance had then made it his personal mission to find that movie. 

And when he did he was definitely excited to show Keith. Of course, Keith cried. And of course, they watched it together. Honestly, Keith was convinced that Lance was the sweetest person in the galaxy.

Lance was sad. Honestly, it was sad for most of the paladins. It was their first holiday season without their families. Keith knew that he was the only one of the bunch who wouldn't really be as upset. But he saw the way it affected how the others felt. They were sad. Lance and Hunk were definitely upset about it. 

Pidge wasn't thrilled and was more bummed out than sad. 

Allura and Coran celebrated a different alien holiday during that season and had no one else to celebrate with but themselves. Shiro had almost forgotten about it totally and felt bad because he knew that Adam would be going home to his family without Keith, (or him) for the first time. 

Keith didn't really get too excited about the holidays since his dad had passed away but he thought he might as well try for everyone else.

And so he did. He wasn't one-hundred percent sure what everyone celebrated. He decided to dabble in everyone he knew of a little just to be sure. Maybe it would make them feel better. Lance was especially upset because he had planned multiple things to do with his family this year. Hunk and Keith were the only ones he had bothered to tell at any point. Keith had brought him and the others to do more tame things that Lance had mentioned. Lance was thankful that they did that. Sure, he didn't feel 100% better but it was good to see his space family together having fun. Maybe next time he'd have Earth and Space family with him.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, y uploads have been weird I've had school stuff. If you want to see more of my writing I do have more stories out. And I plan for more. Here is stuff I already have out-

Voltron 4 other books

Lockwood & Co. 3 books (planning more)

Assassination Classroom 1 book (planning more)

Sally Face 1 book

Steven Universe 1 book

The Dragon Prince 1 book (planing more)

She-Ra And The Princesses of Power 1 book (planing more)

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