A ballroom dance

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The paladins had been taught how to do many things, they had to know for the war efforts. They didn't expect to be attending a ball. They recently allied with a small orderly planet that was quite proper. In celebration of the paladins and their new allies, they had decided to planet throw a party for them. Pidge was not thrilled but went along with it, Hunk was excited to taste the plant's foods and drinks, Shiro decided to make this his break, they had nothing to that morning so he was thrilled to sleep in, Allura had been super excited for the gathering. It had been a long time since she attended a ball and she adored them. Lance was just as excited as Allura, he finally got to dress up and swoon the people of this planet. Keith was just as excited as Pidge. Keith didn't care for parties and can't stand the number of people but had to go along with it. 

To get ready they had all taken their time. Allura had decided to help Keith out. She still felt bad about how she had treated him and wanted to make it up to him. After she had gotten over his Galran genes she started to make it up to him the best she could. She hung out with him enough for them to become good friends.

And so they had gotten ready together. "Keith," Allura had started to put his hair up in a bun, "Y'know this may be a perfect time to ask Lance out, you know he likes you to right?"

Keith known this was coming and sighed, "I can't just do that. It's not as easy as it seems. Besides what if you're wrong what if he actually hates me."

Allura laughed, "If he hated you, you wouldn't be able to form Voltron, so there is no way he dislikes you. And, if you don't tell him you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You guys would be adorable together." Allura finished Keith's hair and they switched places and Keith started on Alluras hair.

"If he liked me I'd be shocked."

"There is only one way to find out," Allura teased.

The ball had begun and Lance and Hunk had been hyped. All the paladins had dressed according to their lions. Hunk, Lance, Keith, and Pidge had all been dressed in Black suits with black bows and ties, each had their shirts the color of their lions. Keith had had his hair up in a ponytail with a shiny piece of jewelry in his hair, and Pidge had her glasses removed. Shiro had a white suit with a black top under it, Allura had worn a simple pink dress. They had entered together and Lance got to see Keith for the first time dressed up. He was cute, and Lance quickly found that he liked it and had a soft blush grow across his face when he accidentally made eye contact with him.

And boy, Lance really wanted to kiss him right then and there.

After the group started to separate Lance turned to Hunk, "Hey bud, uh, so I think that little crush on Keith I mentioned earlier is more serious than before."

That definitely got Hunks attention, "How so?"

"Uh well, he won't stop being cute. And he looks really kissable right now and-"

"Okay man, calm down. Y'know if you really like him like that you should ask him out."

"Is he even gay?" 

Hunk turned to face him, making serious eye contact, "Do you really think that he's even 1% straight?"

Lance stopped for a second, "Yeah, you got me there. . . But what do I do?"

"Ask him out! The worst he can say is no."

Lance frowned trying to understand how he'd be able to ask him, he came to the conclusion that telling him would have to be as soon as possible, and it was just his luck that Keith was standing alone. 

After a few minutes of seeing if he'd be interested in anything else, he walked over towards Keith. "Hey."


They stood there for a couple of minutes, awkwardly. Before Keith took action by asking, "Will you dance with me?" The question was shocking to Lance, Keith was never one to go ahead and offer something like that, and after a moment Lance took his hand and pulled him along to the floor. Keith, being the smaller of the two, had taken and placed himself as the 'girl' would. They danced for a bit and a small smile crept onto Keiths face for the first time that day. It made Lances already existing smile grow a touch larger.

They dance for a bit and then Lance spoke for the first time since they began. "So, Keith, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Keith hummed in response. 

"It's just that I wanted to make it clear that I like you. I might love you even."

Keith's face shot up and stared at Lance, the continued dancing all the while. "You do?" Keith asked with a bright red face, matching his lion perfectly. "Yeah, I really do. I don't know when I started liking you but I know it was ages ago. Maybe around the Garrison days."

Keith's eyes grew large, "That long! Man, I thought I was bad."

"What do you mean, 'I thought I was bad' ?" Lance asked cautiously, almost hesitant. 

"I mean I like you too. And I had a crush on you since we left for space, I thought my pining was worthless yet here we are. . ." 

Lance was pumped, Keith liked him back! His smile was growing larger by the minute. He looked down at Keith and smiled again, "You like me back then right?" Keith rolled his eyes playfully, "That's what I said right?" "Can I kiss you?" To that, Keith blushed again, "Yeah, I guess you can."

And so he did, Lance found that Keith's lips were soft and comforting against his, it was quick but not quick enough to avoid Pidges whistles from across the room. They leaned closer now, comfortable with dancing this close and now with the light weight of a confession now gone.

"So are we a thing now or-" Keith asked.

"Yes please, if you want that of course," Lance replied quickly. 

"I would be honored to be your boyfriend."

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