The Date

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Honestly, the boys had half an idea where they were going.

Keith decided that he'd go first when it came to places they'd visit. Keith decided on visiting a planet that he thought Lance would really appreciate. The entire trip over there Lance had been teasing Keith, asking curiously about where they would be going. Keith had just smiled at him. 

Keith was confident that he'd get a reaction out of Lance for the trip. He was nervous about it though. He wasn't sure that Lance would hate it. Maybe he'd be a little mad for not telling him about it sooner but he wanted to see the look on Lances' face. They'd gone out in their casual clothing. As they neared the planet Keith could sense Lance eyeing him.

The planet its self was very average. Not a lot of creatures lived on it. But what Lance couldn't tell at that point was a large number of beaches.

Keith discovered it while working with the Marmora. Once he Landed on it for the first time he had felt like Lance would enjoy it. Of course, the others would too but this was more personal to Keith's boyfriend. When he landed he was there to collect the planet's sand for a project the group of rebels wanted to use. 

About five minutes in the Blade he had been assigned to work with had warned him to put his hood up or he'd get wet. After that, it hadn't long before he became drenched from head to toe. Apparently the planet had been put in danger because the excess amount of water from constant rain had been flooding it for decades.

As they approached he checked to see if the incoming weather was on time and rushed Lance out. Lance, who was very confused at what was happening.

When they landed he was surprised at the beaches. They both carefully to their shoes off and walked in the sand and into the water. Lance kicked the water and grinned and they talked about the beaches they'd been to beforehand.

So when Lance felt a drop of rain hit the top of his head he jumped. And then slowly it started to pour. Lance had laughed and yell. Keith was laughing along with him. They played in the water for a long time before they decided to leave. Lance had made a quick joke about Keith looking like a drenched cat. This had gained him the chance of being tackled back into the water.

Lance had seemed beyond happy. Much to Keith's relief. They walked back into Red both in need of a towel.  It was worth keeping it secret, Keith had thought. Lance had later taken him aside after dinner and told him about how glad he was that Keith was there with him.

Lance took over next. Because they were soaked Lance had taken them out to find new clothes they could change into for dinner.

Afterward, they had traveled a while before stopping at a bustling planet. It was small and Lance had been excited to bring Keith there. Keith had to admit it was pretty perfect. The food was really good (for alien food). They sat on a balcony looking over the neighboring city. 

They had eaten both dinners and had desserts. Afterward, they just sat looking at the city and talking about anything and everything. Everything slowed down and they just took the time to enjoy themselves.

They ended watched the sun go down for a while, which Keith really appreciated. They headed back to the castle a little later then expected but all was well.

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading! I'm probably going to finish up the one-shot book sooner or later, I'll say when for sure but I'm running out of ideas. After I finish the book I'll just post one-shots separately on my profile and I want to write a short klance book, one with a continuing plot. For now, keep commenting ideas, they are really appreciated!!

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