Meeting the family (part two)

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To say Keith was nervous was an understatement.

Keith loved Lance way too much to not be.

Family was very important to Lance.

So it is becoming very important to Keith.

"Welcome to my home!" Lance had spoken happily as we parked his car in the driveway. 

It was a cute home. A large blue house, with bikes and toys scattered on the porch and front yard. It reminded me of the large family homes I had lived with when I was still in foster care.

We began walking towards the home when Lance had mentioned that his sister would be having her girlfriend over as well.

He unlocked the door and we stepped into the house, it already appeared very busy and immediately I felt out of place. There were young children, teens, and adults all together in the kitchen or the living room, all speaking (or playing in the children's cases) together. 

Lance grabbed my hand and walked me towards the group. 

A woman who I guess was his mom, happily greeted him.

"Mama, this is my pretty boyfriend Keith, Keith this is my pretty mama, Rosa," Lance said, he seemed extra excited. "Keith may appear super emo but he is also super awkward."

Rosa just laughed and shook my hand, "Welcome to our home Keith." She was very nice and told me that Lances embarrassing stories are for dinner, to which Lance just scoffed.

Lance walked me around to his other family members, until finally,

"This is Veronica and her girlfriend Axca. Ronnie and Axca this is-"

"-You were the daughter of one of the foster parents I had not long before I was adopted." I interrupted.

Her eyes grew wide. "Yes, you're Keith right?!"


Lance just gave me a look as if to say, "What the actual fuck."

I just shrugged and the four of us continued talking until dinner. We arrived at the table and I sat down between Lance and Axca, looking at a large amount of food and people.

Then Lance and a few others began eating, then I did.

We began talking about anything and everything. From how me and Lance met to our latest date, to how I knew Axca, then finally my blackmail material.

"You know when Lance was little he used to watch only barbie Christmas movies for like 8 months of his life." Lances sister Rachel had said, "He refused to watch anything else."

"I watched other stuff." Lance interrupted.


 ".... Shut up."

It was weird to be around people who know Lance so well. It's nice as well. His whole family seems so close and I can see why he gets so homesick. They are all so close.

"So Keith, got anything on Lance?" Veronica asked curiously. "Has he smoked, done drugs, anything worth him getting in trouble?"

"Not really. He has only had a cigarette to his lips once but he thought it was way to gross. He has gotten drunk before but it wasn't really his fault." I shrugged, "Someone spiked it."

His mom raised an eyebrow, "Who's cigarette was it?"

Oh lord, "It was mine, I stole a pack from the teacher's lounge once a week in middle school. I used to smoke until my third year in high school, he wanted to prove to me it was bad."


"He hated it and told me I must've had so many I've gotten to the used to the taste." They all looked at me curiously. "He challenged me too stop smoking for a while and then try again. Basically tricking me to stop."

Lance smiled, "I'm pretty smart am I?"

Lances brother Marco shook his head, "Let's not try to fill his ego anymore please."

Lance shot him a glare.

Rachel looked at Lance and then me, "How is he when he is drunk?"

Lance looked at me in horror, "Keith, I don't even know."

"Lance is a sophisticated romantic, although he forgot we were dating."

"I did what?"

His family smiled and asked to know what he had done, being the nice person I am I filled them in. "Lance had walked back towards me, smiled and asked if I had a boyfriend. Then when I told him I did he just frowned and tried to convince me to go out with him instead. When I told him that he was my boyfriend he smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it saying that he was lucky for that."

"So was romantic, where did the sophisticated part come in?" Axca said.

"I would but there are children here."

Lances face went red and his family proceeded to tease him. His niece and nephew were confused but laughed along.

We had cleaned up food and went to the living room to watch a movie and talk. Lance had pulled me onto the couch and into his lap, playing with my hair as the movie began. I looked around to the family that had raised my boyfriend. They had the stereotypical family dynamic but it was even better. I'm glad I had met someone like Lance who had been so caring and sweet to me. I smiled and grabbed his hand, looking at it, hoping this will be the way it is or a long time.

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