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A/N: Hey, thank you guys so much for the views, votes, and comments. It's been really encouraging. Right now I just got off of school and have a month left, I want to spend this time writing for you guys but I've found myself in a writers' block. I don't want to waste the time I have on prompts that just aren't working for me right now.

I just don't want this to end like my Karma X Nagisa one-shot book.

So my request for you guys is; do you have any suggestions/ideas that I could use for future chapters. Whether it's AUs or maybe crossovers (I normally dislike doing crossovers but I might take one) Just anything you guys can help me with. (Besides Smut I can't write smut, suggestive stuff I can most likely do) You all are fantastic here is a mini fic about straws to get that word count in and not waste your time.

Also if you are interested in joining the Klance Discord I made earlier you can always still join, tell me and I'll send you a link.

Lance stretched himself out lazily across the couch while resting his head in his boyfriends lap, who was busy reading a book. It was a common pastime of theirs to just lay around without a care. As paladins between training and saving the world fitting time in to relax is important. Nothing that they could've said would change the calming feeling across the room. Until Lance caught sight of Keith straw. 

He frowned and looked up at Keith, "You do know that straws kill."

Keith shot him a look, "You do know that we aren't on earth where it could kill."

"Shut up, it's important to remember the important things."

Keith rolled his eyes playfully, "Like paper straws?"

"Exactly like paper straws."

The paper straw conversation would come up every time Keith used one. Ultimately Keith saw Lance use a straw and they argued over straws much longer than they normally would.

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