5 Times Pidge Thought They Were Dating (And 1 Time She Was Right)

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Keith and Lance had decided to keep their relationship a secret. It's not that they thought the other paladins would judge them or be rude they honestly just wanted some time between the two without being questioned. Of course, this leads them to have a few moments that seemed quite suspicious to the others. Particularly Pidge. 

Pidge thought that the group had no secrets to keep, or at least any big ones. They were all pretty close so when someone did act weird she could normally figure it out pretty quickly. So when Lance and Keith's fighting had gone down over the course of a couple of months it was a nice adjust for her. Of course, they'd still bicker over simple things but they all did.

Then they began to act close, suspiciously so. She just figured they had gotten to be good friends at first, but no, they acted a bit too gay for that.


It started when one day she was passing through a lounge room. She hadn't seen Lance at first. She'd just spotted Keith from behind. As she rounded the couch however she spotted Lance laying across Keith's lap. It was weirdly natural for both of them. Keith was reading; holding a book in one hand he was running his fingers through Lance's hair with the other. Lance was laying with his head in Keith's lap playing on some mobile game Hunk bought for him earlier that month. It seemed so domestic she almost didn't want to interrupt them.


"Ahem," She faked coughed loudly into her hand. Immediately after she saw Keith's ears go a really bright pink and Lance sit up and began rambling.

"Hey Pidge, didn't see you there. What are you up to? Keithy over here was just reading and I've been bored out of my mind. Are you hungry? Cause I'm hungry. I'm starving but no one will go look for food with me" Lance grinned, getting up and waltzing out of the room.

Pidge turned towards Keith who was obviously pretending to read. (She added a note in her head to remind Keith to get some acting lessons just in case he were to be interrogated cause that boy can not lie on the spot.)

"Hey Keith, are you two dating or something? Because that was pretty gay."

"No," his faced dropped into a 'are you serious?' look. "No way, I have higher standards than that."

Pidge just threw her hands up, "Just making sure I don't have to ask Shiro to give you 'the talk' or something."

She could see Keith'ears went red again as she walked out.


Keith wasn't very open with his personal life before Voltron. Pidge always figured that it was boring or dreadful or both. They, of course, knew the basics. Personality growing up, some important figures in his life, and other things that Shiro would randomly bring up in the hopes to embarrass him. 

So the way she found out that Keith was gay was a bit odd.

Allura had decided that she should try on some of the guys' clothes. She hadn't worn anything like that before so it was funny. She had tried on Lance's clothing and had done her hair in a low ponytail to get it out of the way. It was Lance and Allura's idea and honestly, Allura was really pulling it off.

So Pidge, Lance, and Allura had made an entrance to show the others who were looking at some maps. Shiro was the first to notice their presence with a chuckle that alarmed Hunk and Keith. Pidge did not expect Keith to be as amused as he was.

Keith snorted when he saw Allura, "You look like my ex when we were in middle school."

She could hear Lance sigh, "Didn't he beat the shit outta a teacher?"

Keith laughed softer this time, "Yeah, he did. Then Shiro got scared he'd beat the shit outta me and we broke up." Then he frowned, "Then I found out he was just using me to get proof that I stole a bunch of stuff from a couple of his friends. He wanted to get it back without me noticing."

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