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It had been a rough day for Lance. He'd woke up late, had gotten a beat down in training, and was extremely homesick for what felt like no reason at all. By bedtime, he was warn out. He curled up on his and Keiths bed. He was tired and just wanted the day to end.

I walked into our room. As soon as I step in I see Lance, curled up and visibly upset.

"Lance, babe, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. . ."

I sit on the bed next to him, leaning on his side. "Bad day then?" He leaned his head on mine, humming what I assumed was a yes in response.

And we sit, and I grab his hand, rubbing it softly in circles.

Then he begins to cry. And I let him cry. He'd cry and I'd try my best to quietly comfort him.

"Keith, I miss my Momma and Papi. I miss my siblings. I miss the beach, and rain, and going hiking. I miss sneaking out in the middle of the night for snacks. I miss video games and soccer and reading aloud to my family."


"Keith, why does it have to be this way?" Lance continued, speaking softly, "Why can't I be happy? I mean it's not like I don't like being apart of Voltron, and I love being with you, and hanging around the others. . . It's just difficult y'know? It's been so long at this point I don't think we'll ever see Earth again!"

"Lance, it's okay for you to miss those things. It's normal. Everyone here misses something about Earth."

We lay until an idea popped into my head. "Lance, I just had an idea. I want you to join me."

We had gotten up and walked through the halls, knocking on each of the paladin's doors. Lance kept giving me questioning looks as we walked down the corridors.

Soon we arrived at a familiar room, stepping in. It was the room that created a simulation of Altea. We were greeted by a soft moo from Kaltenecker. 

"Keith? What are we doing here?" Pidge asked.

"A while back we had visited a planet that I thought was beautiful and wanted to draw. I didn't have a reference for it so I asked Coran for a picture from that planet, he said to instead come here and see if the planet was scanned in. If it was scanned in then the simulation it would change from Altea to the planet I choose. I just had the idea, if the Galra had come to Earth and had me maybe the Alteans gave Earth a visit as well." I explained and started to type into an altean system. Searching up Earth and turning around to see if it would load.

Slowly the sky of Altea had faded into a night sky. From one side you could see the moon, and soon you could see the Earths grass as well. The Earths flowers formed beneath our feet and a starry Earth night was shown to us.

It was so familiar and we grabbed onto each other, sitting on the grass. Shiro turned to me, eyes wide with wonder. Lance and Hunk began to cry. Pidge stared at the moon. 

The simulation of Earth loaded. 

We had no idea how long we were there. We eventually laid down taking in it all.

We leaned into each other. We knew it wasn't real but it was still so comforting. 

Lance had pulled me close onto his chest, his eyes were red and puffy from crying but he had a smile on his face.

We continued to stare at the moon and stars from the Earths point of view. 

Lance opened his mouth and whispered, "When we get back to Earth I want you to meet my family. They'd love you."

"I would be honored to. I love you Lance, let's get some sleep."

"I love you too."

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