Valentines day

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A/N: This will be kinda short I think. Also, I started writing this like a year ago;-;

I woke up excited. Today, Earth's time, as valentine's day. Which meant I can prance around and love on Keith as much as I want. No one can stop me.

I quickly get dressed and walk to the dining area, a smile on my face. Keith just looks at me and practically reads my mind.

We have been dating for a few months now and we decided on Valentine's day we'd come out together as a couple. Which means I can be the best boyfriend ever and not have to hide it from anyone.

The others are getting their breakfast together, not paying any mind to what we were doing. Keith had stopped for a second to look at me so I decided it was a perfect time for a public display of affection.

I walked over with to him, wrapping my arms under his and smiling, "Hey sweetheart". No one has taken noticed yet but I know that won't last long.

I let go and grab my own food, he moves to sit down.

Once everyone was seated Shiro looked around, "It's valentine's day you guys, so, happy Valentine day."

Each of the paladins, and Allura and Coran. Looked up. The earthlings wished him a happy Valentine's day.

"Uh, what exactly is valentines day?" Alurra questioned.

"It's the day of love. We celebrate it every year and we celebrate it with friends or your significant others." Pidge explained.

"And, " Hunk continued, "I got a little excited so I made you all cards."

Hunk handed each person a card.

Keith was the first one to speak up. "Thanks, Hunk it means a lot."

Hunk smiled in return.

"Also, I and Keith are dating," I said quickly said taking a drink of water.

"What?!" Shiro looked at Keith surprised.

"Surprise?" Keith laughed.

I smiled. "So today we're going out."

A/N: don't worry I'm writing a part two, I just wanted to get a little thing out real fast.

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