Hand to hand (but not combat)

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Once Lance and Keith had gotten together they got close fast. In hindsight it made sense but it was still cute to the others when they actually saw.

Lance was just really into physical contact in any form. It didn't take long for anyone to see. Keith had been a bit nervous about that because he wasn't quite used to it himself. Still, He tried his best. He would let Lance lean into him and hold him. Keith soon realized that he didn't mind it as much as he thought. Or maybe it was because it was with Lance. Then on missions, they couldn't always be so close. Especially the diplomatic ones. One particular one really had been long. Lance was obviously getting fidgety. Anyone who knew him could tell. Keith had decided to lean a bit closer and wrap a finger around one of Lance's fingers.

Lance just smiled softly at him.

Pidge was known to have all the details. Sometimes it wasn't always great. This mostly happened when Lance and Keith were being sickeningly cute. She knew it they were doing it on purpose. Right in front of her computer. One day all of the paladins had been just sitting in a lounge room together. No one was doing anything in particular. Lance had decided to lean over to Keith and take Keith's hands in his. Keith didn't even bat an eye at the gesture, he just kept his conversation with Allura like Lance didn't do a thing. Lance had proceeded to just examine Keith's hands quietly. Pidge had no clue how a person could act like that. Maybe romance wasn't her thing to understand. 

Pidge just laughed to herself when she saw Lance lightly slap Keith with Keith's own hand.

Hunk thought they were absolutely adorable and supported them one hundred percent. Hunk knew his best friend. And Hunk had known he had gotten to know Keith really well as well. So when he saw Keith go stiff about something a Coalition member said about family Hunk had sent supporting smiles his way. He had a feeling it wouldn't be enough. A quick nudge to Lance and Keith had been holding Keith's hand not long after. Lance had taken it and had kissed it flirtily. Keith just playfully rolled his eyes and took a step closer. Hunk smiled and knew that Keith would be fine soon enough.

He just couldn't get over how perfect they were for each other.

Coran had quickly found a place in the human's little family and been thrilled to see the bonds between them all growing rapidly. He did not expect Keith and Lance to become an item but he still was behind it one-hundred percent. When Lance had to put in a healing pod for another back injury they were all shaken up a bit. Keith was rightfully nervous. As soon as Lance stepped out Keith had reached for him and pulled him into a tight hug. After a moment he saw them separate. Coran just smiled, they reminded him of his own young love. Keith hadn't let go of Lance's hand for a while afterward.

They were a bittersweet reminder of an old life he once had.

Shiro was not going to lie. He was a little nervous about Lance dating his baby brother. At first, he tried his best not to get in the way to much. It wasn't long before he realized that they would be good when it came to respecting boundaries. Lance didn't push Keith into anything. Once Shiro realized this he calmed down. He knows he should have trusted Lance more but he felt too responsible for Keith. Shiro quickly realized that the only thing they really did was hug and hold hands for the first couple of weeks anyway.

Shiro respected Lance in a new light after that.

She honestly had no clue what most human dating rituals would be like. Allura figured that it might be similar to Alteans, as both species had a lot in common anyway. She didn't really realize there would be so much hand touching. It wasn't like Lance and Keith were ones for PDA or anything either. They just seemed to enjoy the presence of the other. When she asked them about it they seemed a bit startled. They both flushed and explained that they didn't even realize they were doing it. Allura thought maybe it was a habit at that point but it did make her curious. Maybe it was just a Keith and Lance thing?

Allura didn't pry any further but she had to admit it was a pretty cute thing for them to do.

Keith was known for being stand-offish. He assumed that getting close to people would be too hard or they might not like him. It didn't take him long to realize that it wasn't that way with Lance. Lance was a tease but when it came down to it he was good enough to let Keith go at his own pace. So they made up for it in little ways. One of those happened to be little touches. A shoulder bump or they'd rest a leg on the other. The first night they had gotten together Keith had been nervous and had explained that it might take him a while to learn about couple-y things as he wasn't as experienced and it might take him a bit to get used to it. Lance just smiled and held out his pinky, "I can be patient. Pinky promise."

Keith knew that Lance cared and that helped a hell of a lot.

It wasn't always going to be perfect all the time but it was still clear that they cared for each other deeply. And the team figured that it would be enough.

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