Not alone

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Sometimes Keith felt like no one was listening. Like no one paid attention to him. He found that often, people would ignore or interrupt him. No one wanted to be with him. His friends seemed to not care about what he had to say, they all hung out with each other anyway. They were nice people, he's known most of them for a while now. Maybe they thought he was weird and they're actually just being nice. Hell, he'd never know.

Ever so often they'd talk to him one on one. He wasn't quite sure what to say or do, he never did. He wasn't sure though so he decided to perform an experiment. They sat all together normally but what if he sat by himself? Would they come over to check on him? Would they say anything about it to anyone? He wasn't sure about any of it but he could try to find out now, even if the experiment wasn't the most factual.

And then it came time.

He sat at the table over, all the way over. And for the longest time, no one came to say anything. Shiro gave him a look of confusion before sitting down but he obviously did say anything to him about it. And so he sat and waited for what felt like nobody. 

After a while, he gave up. At this point no way would someone come over.

Until someone did.

"Hey, Keith! Whatcha doing sitting alone like this?" He recognized that voice. It was Lance.

"Uh, I don't know I guess I felt like it," Was his only reply.

Lance sat down, "Are you sure? I can sit with you if you want."

"No, I'm fine. Thanks though." He smiled.


At least he knew someone cared.

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