Swapping Clothes

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A/N: I found this image on pintrest. I'll be writing stories based of that. One each day kinda. I'll still try to post longer chapters between or afterwords. These will  be short stories.

1. Swapping clothes

Keith woke up during breakfast. He doesn't normally but he had stayed up late the previous night, training with the Marmora Blade and passed out on his bed, as soon as his head hit the covers. 

He really didn't care at this point, and ended up throwing on one Lance's shirts he had stole. 

He walked into the dining area while everyone was eating, and now was sorting out the replacement-for-food hunk had made them all. Although his actions were followed by the stares of his peers.

Well everyone but Lance that is. I mean, it was normal for Lance.

Lance had gotten up and walked behind Keith, wrapping his arms around Keith. "That's a nice shirt babe where'd you get it?"

"From you."

"Ah. That's what I thought." Lance rested his head on Keith's.

It was all very cute but the rest of the paladins were just trying to enjoy breakfast, and this seemed like a moment the others didn't want to interrupt. The others tried their best to be silent, they really did. That was until Hunk dropped his spoon. 

The boys looked up and over, realizing once again, they weren't the only ones in the room.

They both blushed and sat down.

The other paladins never forgot that moment. It was one of the only times Keith and Lance had been affectionate in front of the others, other then sitting/laying in the others lap or the occasional kiss on the cheek. It was nice to see how they cared for each other. And the conformation the needed at the time to know the bond would last.

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