Happy Birthday Lance!

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Today was the first day he was going to spend his birthday in space. Without his family. He knew they would be training all day so there was no time to bring up the fact that it was his birthday anyways. Not to mention that he was pretty sure only Hunk was aware of it; so not even his boyfriend would say anything about it. So what was the point?

He got out of bed slowly and stared at the floor. His family thought he was missing. It was his birthday. 'They must feel as terrible as I do,' He thought.

He made his way down the hall and into the kitchen where Hunk engulfed him in a hug. "Happy birthday buddy!" Hunk grinned.

"Thanks." Lance smiled back. "It means a lot."

"I made your favorite for breakfast," Hunk explained; "The others finished a bit ago so they're getting ready for training."

Lance thanked Hunk again and finished eating. While he thought of what they would be doing in training that day he walked down the hall towards the training rooms when he ran into his boyfriend.


"Hey," Keith smiled softly.

They continued towards the training room.

Keith opened the door for Lance. The door slowly opened and Lance grinned.

Waiting in the training room was his friends. The training room was decorated. His space family was all together, to celebrate him... He couldn't be happier.

Sorry this is so short. Part 2 of Area 51 is being written as we speak

KLANCE ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now