Pool Party

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"It'll be fun Keith. You'll get to meet people."

"Sounds horrible."

That's exactly what happened. I went and I was bored out off my freaking mind.

Earlier Shiro had dropped me off at this apartment party and now he is refusing to come back for another hour. Leaving me to stand here downstairs two floor down from where the party is supposed to be by myself.

"No, no, no!"

Also my phone just died.

Before you say anything, yes I already dropped by the party but I didn't know anyone so I went downstairs to the lobby.

The lobby was quite empty, (mostly because it was night but still), so I ended staring at the ceiling for a while feeling bad for myself. I don't normally do but Shiro was being a real asshole today so if he gets to act immature, so do I.

I sat for a while until I hear guy yell, "Hey mullet! You seem pretty bored with yourself."

I, of course, immediately sit up to look at this dimwit. He was a tall lanky guy with a stupid grin on his face as if he won the lottery.

He's kinda cute actually. . . 

"Did I startle you, cutie?"


"A little bit, but it's nothing the 'cutie' can handle."

"Ah, so the young, edgy-lookin, princess, is aware he's a princess."

"Why of course I am."

Hey looked at me for a second before grinning wider, (if that's even possible), and offered me a proposal. "Hey, your phone died right?"

How long was this dude watching me?


He toned his smiled down a bit, "Well I have a charger you must want, and I want some company while i'm in the pool. So you join me, plug your phone in and stay with me until it's done charging."

"Um, I don't really swim."

"You don't have too, just stay with me okay? I'd like to have some company."

 I sigh and go along with it. I have nothing too lose right? I'm stuck here either way anyways, maybe this'll be a good story to tell Shiro after i'm done beating his ass for leaving me alone.

We walk towards the strong smell of chlorine filled pool water. He turns towards me, walking backwards now, a character look of curiosity on his face. He asks, "What is your name? I'm Lance Mcclain."


"Not a chatty type?"

"Not particularly."

"Got it." He does that grin of his again,  "Then I guess i'll be doing most of the talking then?"

"Uh, I guess."

He turns back around and continues walking towards the pool. Right before he jumps in he turns towards me and throws his charger at me.


 I finally plug that damn phone in.

"Hm. So you were at that party they were throwing upstairs right? Yeah, they were so loud. Couldn't sleep that's why i'm here. I'm guessing you don't dig parties." He lays on his back in the water. "I'm not trying to seem rude or anything but I just don't think you'd be the type of person to join into that kinda stuff."

 I walk over to the edge of the pool, and roll up my pant legs, resting them into the chemical water. "I guess you got that right." I stare down at my feet in the water, "My friend wanted me to go. He says that I don't talk to people enough. . . Something about it being good for my sanity of something like that."

Lance laughs, "You could say i'm a people person. I like interacting with people. Well I don't like yelling at my neighbors to quiet down so I can sleep" He laughs again, "I tried getting my roommate  to come down but he refused to. Didn't want to get wet at 11 at night."

It's my turn to grin at him. "I wonder why he thought that?" my sarcasm slipping through.

"I know right?" He jokes along with me.

We stay silent for a bit. My eyes never leaving my now, very wet feet.

Lance is the first to speak up, "Wanna join me?"

I look up at him like he's crazy. "Uh, I don't have any swim wear. I mean just taking a look at me you can see i'm in my clothes."

"I know, I know. It's just," He smirks at me, "You're so hot I thought you'd wanna cool down."

 I choke on his words, "Are you flirting with me?! 

He stops floating in the pool to swim straight up and look at me. "So what if I am? I'm just here hoping my gaydar is right. I mean look at you, you'd be a score. Your good-looking and, you haven't gotten sick of me."

"How do you know that I have gotten sick of you?"

"You haven't checked you phones battery percentage once since you got here. Plus, you didn't ignore me." He speaks with the damn grin again.

That's it.

 I rip my top layer of clothes off, all except underwear and shirt, through them aside and jump in after him.

"Well someone's eager."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you're not a bad looking guy yourself, and I haven't seen a handsome boy in months. I mean going from that to a stranger flirting with me, it's a miracle." I sigh, this isn't my best route with me confessing my admiration for someone. "So, yeah, i'm a little desperate. Plus you're turning out to be perfect so far. You're a nice guy, who just so happens to have some visual perks as well."

Lance looks at me like i'm crazy for a split second, then goes back to his grinning face. "So, Keith, then do you wanna go out with me? "

"Yeah. ."

"Great! I'm very free Friday." He winks.

Okay, so he's also a handsome dork.

Now that i'm in the pool I take this chance to swim closer him. "Sounds great."

"I'm glad you decided to come to my pool party , instead of Joshs party upstairs."

"Me too"

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