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(Dear Reader,
Just warning you, the writing in the first several chapters is horrible, but that's because cringy 13 year old me who had just started writing wrote it. Please bare with me and keep readingb no matter how bad it gets. I promise, it gets so much better around part 15, but it won't take you long to get there because the chapters up until then are pretty short. I swear it gets so much better because i've had more practice with writing, but i hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.)
When people don't understand something they learn to fear it, then they look at it like a monster.
I had been taught i was a monster. Strucker made sure it was hard-wired into my brain that i couldn't be trusted with anyone, and that no matter what i couldn't come out of my cell. The only things i could ever see were the people behind the wall of glass and the three stone walls with a metal bench in the corner. For 7 years this was my life, never leaving the small cell, barely moving for fear that i would accidentilly break the walls of the cell with my powerful magic.
I have powers almost identical to Wanda Maximoff's, but at least 3 times stronger, and a hell of a whole lot more lethal.
Strucker convinced me to go through with the experiments by telling me i had nowhere else to go. My entire family and my friends and their families had either been killed in the bombings or they moved as quickly as they could after, and i was left alone in the rubble, searching for someone else for days before Strucker found me shortly before he recruited Wanda and Pietro. He had manipulated me into turning myself into a monster. And he was right, i couldn't be trusted with anyone.
According to science, blue is a very calming color. I guess that's another reason I'm dangourous. They see the blue and their spirits lift. Then the color turns on them and kills them.
So i took whatever Strucker dished out, let him do his experiments; his long, painful, torturous experiments with the weird scepter.
One day, the power had gone out. The lights cut off and i was yet again, alone. But this time in the dark. I resorted to using my bright blue magic to dimly light the area. The heater had alos cut off, and the room started to get colder and colder. After awhile, frost started to form on the glass and i could see my breath in the air. I knew i needed to get out of there or i would freeze to death. But would that have been such a bad thing? No one would be troubled by me anymore and i wouldn't have to live in fear or myself.
However, my human instincts kicked in and i used my magic to break out of the cell. It was a lot easier than it should have been. Just one swipe of two fingers and the glass broke into a billion peices.
I crept out of the room, shards of glass cutting my feet and i had left trials of blood behind me. I took the stairs since the elevators wern't working, and i climbed up and up and up until i saw daylight. The first daylight i'd seen in 5 years. I gazed at it, wanting to feel the warmth of it on my skin. I slowly walked toward a ray of sun, but shortly before i reached it i caught a glimpse of myself in a dirty mirror.
I had huge dark circles under my eyes, my tar black hair matted down in grease and tangled beyond repair. I was as thin as a twig, my skin snow-white, and my eyes were bloodshot. I froze like a deer in headlights. I hadn't seen my reflection in 5 years, other than the fuzzy glimpses i caught in the glass in my cell.
I shook my head and started walking again. I finally reached the sunlight and goosebumps formed on my skin. Not just because it was 15 degrees outside, but because my skin practically shimmered in the sunlight.
I kept moving, hoping the forest would help hide me from Strucker, who would be searching for me.
I heard a loud explosion followed by a deafening roar. I hadn't heard any loud noises besides my own ear rattling screams in years, so i was shocked by the loud noise, which made me send out a small blast that made one of the support beams above me break and caused the stone to crumble. I dashed out of there as quick as i could, using my flight powers to get away faster.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now