"You're Alright"

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Spring break came around and Peter got out of school so he spent a lot of time at "the Stark internship" with me and sometimes he forgot i could read his thoughts just like i forgot Wanda could read my thoughts. So i caught him thinking about me a lot then sometimes i would laugh for seemingly no reason but it would be because he was thinking of something i found funny. He'd blush when he figured out i was reading his thoughts. It was kind of cute. Like a lot of things he did. We were friends, but i think we both thought our friendship was getting...stronger.
And then things took a dark turn in March. Remember those weird dreams?
"Face it, i have the education of a 4th grader. And even then, i was kind of stupid to begin with. There's no way i'm getting into Midtown." It was Spring Break and i was wondering around the facility, and eventually went into the lab where Peter was working on something.
"Yeah you've told me that a million times. I get it. But you seriously can't go your whole life with a 4th graders education." He tweaked with some sort of scientific thing with a screwdriver. I had no idea what it was but he seemed to know what he was doing.
"For example, i have no idea what that is or what you're doing." I gesture towards the thing he's working on.
"It's for robotics club." He says, but can tell he's lying.
"I thought you quit robotics club?"
"Uhhh, i joined it, again."
"Hmm, ok" i fon't ask anything else.
Then all hell breaks loose. The lab turns into a dark reddish-orange dusty place. I can't see anything but some abandoned structures and the dark red sky. I can hear people talking, thunder roaring, and i can see lighting in the sky.
"Something's happening..." Says a dreamy souning girl.
"Quill?" A deep voice says.
"Steady Quill." A familiar voice says, and i realize it's Tony.
"Oh man..." Another guy says.
"Tony..." Another familiar voice says. It sounds like one of the man's voices i heard in the weird dreams. Then i realize it is him when he says "there was no other way"
Then, i hear it.
I hear him.
"Mr. Stark?" The voice i'd heard in one of the dreams. The voice i've come to recognize no matter what it's saying. Then i see him. He looks, i can't even describe it. Tears are welling up in his eyes and he's starting to stumble "I don't feel so good."
"You're alright." Tony says, but clearly he isn't.
"I don't - i don't know what's happening" Peter's tripping over his feet and the rocks on the ground, his whole body breaking apart into peices, very slowly. "I don't- save me save me" he says quietly. He falls into Tony and wraps his arms around him. Tony does the same. Peter can't stand because his legs are gone. Disappeared into thin air, turned to dust. Just like his hands are, now.
"I don't want to go," his voice breaks and wavers as he starts to cry. "I don't wanna go, sir. Please! Please, i don't wanna go, i don't want to go!" They fall to the ground because Peter's legs are gone, and the rest of him is disapearing too. I realize he's dying, and there' nothing i can do to help him. He lays on the ground for a second before he looks at Tony and says "i'm sorry". I hear some odd whispering before he turns to dust in Tony's arms.
And then an agonized scream wakes me up.
I open my eyes to find myslef on the ground, blood trickling into my eye. Then i see Peter. He's also on the ground, screaming. It's a scream i can never unhear, one that's embedded in your mind forever because you heard it and you knew something horrible was happening for someone to make that terrifying noise.
And it was even worse when i realized it was me who was making him scream like that because my powers were pinning him to the floor, the concrete breaking as i was pushing him through the floor. I didn't know how to stop it so i just stood there watching, punching my hamds together to make it stop but it wouldn't. The blue mist-like magic filled the whole room, and i didn't know how to stop it in time before i sent Peter flying through the floor, so i just turned around and ran off downstairs and out the front doors. The screaming stopped but that meant one of two things, I either stopped whatever i was doing to him, or i killed him because i didn't hear the floor collapse and he might have been able to recover from that because he told me about the time Tony had taken his suit away and a building fell on him.
But i don't want to go back and find out. And I am not about to, no matter what happened. In fact, i fon't think i'll ever go back there. I knew i wad too dangourous. I could have killed him. I might have. Oh my god. I really might have actually killed him...he died in that vision- and that might have been my fault.
Oh my god. It's all my fault. It's goibg to be all my fault. I can't...i don't...i can't breathe. I can't- i have to get out of here.
After a minute of deliberation and after i hear the front door swing open, i jump up and use my powers to fly away as fast as i can into the woods, flinging trees behind me to slow whoever thatw as down. I'm pretty sure it was Tony coming to kill me for killing Peter. I soar up into the air, up into the clouds, and then...i fall. I just fall and fall and fall back through the clouds, down down down to the ground with the wind and air whipping my hair and the stars just startibg to be visible because the sun's just starting to set. I slowly close my eyes and just fall. Just a few more seconds more and it'll all be over. It'll all be-
Then i see how close i'm getting to the trees and how close i am to getting skewered on one of them. I scream for half a second before i blast myself up just feet from killing myself.
I hear someone calling for me as i search for Peter, and i can tell it's not Peter but they sound mad. It's probably Tony, yeah it's Tony, it's his voice. I can't hear Peter's thoughts- oh god. Oh no, oh my god. Damn it. I think i killed him...

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now