Something Else

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(Sorry, this is kind of a short chapter. And i apolojize for taking so long to update, sometimes. School and mental health problems keep getting in the way of things, but i'll try to update more often.)
"Wait up!" I shout. The room we were in was a side room under a bridge, so i had left that and walked to the boat Dimitri was just climbing into.
"What are you doing?" Peter asks, putting something down next to him on the boat.
"Apparently i'm a chaperone on your trip, now," i say, tumbling into the boat with absolutely no grace whatsover. I trip over a chair and fall to my knees, making the boat rock.
"Sorry," i say as Dimitri glares at me. He just grumbles and starts the boat.
"Fury's idea?" He asks, already knowing.
"Yeah," i confirm. I sit up and get into a chair on the boat. It's a nice motor boat, so it's got a few seats and a place for the driver at the front. The boat lurches forward gently and we're off.
Soon Dimitri settles on a speed and we cruise down the river. The air is damp and i can see the city lights. The wind whips my hair back, and the thought that something like this would make a great date with Harley comes to mind.
Then something else does.
I may never see Harley again. If Mysterio kills me, i'll probably be dead before the end of this.
Just as my mind starts to go into dark places, we turn and my hair slaps me in the face. Typical.
I pick the hair off my face and Peter starts talking.
"I'll bet my teachers will love having you around, with the Elementals and all."
"Yeah, i guess," I think they might also be scared of me. A lot of people still are.
"So, these Elementals. How dangerous do you think they are?" He asks.
"Uh..." I can't let him know they're not real. I can tell he trusts Beck already -- stupid. "I don't know. Although, with me around, i suspect they'll be gone by the end of the week." I say, flashing a smirk at him. He nods and turns something over in his hands.
"What's that?" I ask, turning in the chair to face him.
"Mr. Stark left them for me." He looks at them, all signs of happiness gone from face. "I don't really know what they are."
"Oh, okay," i say. I want to change the subject so he doesn't have to think about that anymore. "So, how's 'the plan' going?"
He looks up and i can see the corner od his mouth twitch. He's fighting it, but just the thought of MJ makes him smile. I still personally think he likes her because she's a lot like me, but i'm not going to tell him that.
"It's going" He says.
"Still as planned?"
"Yeah," he pauses for a few seconds, thinking. "If you're a chaperone on my trip, then how are you going to be in Prague helping Beck with the fire monster?"
"Uh...that's a good question."
"Oh, just to let you know, the place we're staying in here is kind down."
"Run down how?"
"Let's just say someone stepped into water when we got inside."
"I mean, it is Venice, but still."
"There were also cats in there?"
"Cats? Do they belong to someone staying there?"
"I have no idea."
"We are here," Dimitri grunts as we come to a stop in front of a building.
"It speaks," i whisper to Peter quietly enough that Dimitri can't hear it. He laughs a little but and Dimitri shoots a cold glare at us.
"Yeesh," Peter mutters. He picks some stuff up off the floor of the boat and slips on a jacket, then a pair of jeans.
I climb out of the boat first after grabbing my bag, again with absolutly no grace. I almost fall onto my face but catch myself at the last second. I hear Peter get out after me and of course he doesn't fall (that bastard).
"This is it?" I say. I can't help but make a face as i look at the building. It's water stained and filthy, and the sign on the front is falling apart. "You weren't exaggerating."
"You're Frankie?" A man with glasses and facial hair asks. He's scrawny and i can feel the anxiety pouring out of him.
"Yes, that'd be me," i say. Peter runs up the stairs silently behind his teacher. He was supposed to be asleep an hour ago. "Sorry i got here so late, plane got delayed a few hours and there was a ton of traffic."
"That's no problem, it happens all the time." He's talking so fast, he sounds like one of those guys at the end of commercials, but his voice is a lot higher. "I'm actually really glad you're here. What with the monster and all--"
"I'm telling you, it's witches!" Another man eith a much deeper voice says, coming fown the stairs.
"Go back to bed, Julian!" He turns back to me. "As i was saying, it's good you're hereb with the monster and all. Having an Avenger on hand might come in handy. I'm Roger Harrington, but you can just call me Roger."
"Ok, Roger. I'm Francessca Grant, but you can just call me Frankie."
"You're real name is Francessca?"
"I recently found that out myself."
He makes a really confused face, but shakes his head and starts talking again.
"Anyways, all the rooms are upstairs and luckily there was one left, so that's for you. I'll show you there." He starts turns and walks to the staircase, and i follow. "If i may ask, how did you know about this trip? Why'd you volunteer to chaperone?"
"Uh..." I have to think fast. "I'm friends with Peter."
"Really? Oh right! The Stark internship. He could never shut up about that when he did that."
We make it to the top of the stairs and we go doen the short hallway to the left.
"We're leaving here at 8:30 tommorow morning to go to Paris, by the way."
"Ok," i say. He leads me to the very end of the hallway.
"So um, this is it here," he opens a door at the end of the right side of the hallway. "Thanks for being here, and we'll see you in the morning."
"See you then," i say, walking into the room and closing the door behind me. I hear him walking away and take a good look at the room.
It's not so bad. It's a lot better than what i was expecting based on how it looked on the outside and in the lobby. There's one twin bed and one sink. I saw a bathroom in the hallway, but there has to be more than just one. I set my bag on the bed and start sufting through it after i take my jacket off. Why i was wearing it in the middle of summer, i have no idea. Maybe i'm still trying to hide the scars without realizing it i think. That's probably it.
I dump everything out of the bag in one heap. Everything is wrinkled, but still clean. I sift through it all to find my pajamas so i can change into those.
"Crap," i mutter, realizing i didn't pack a sleepshirt to go with the pants. Whatever. Sports bras work just fine on their own.
After i brush my teeth and a few other things the typical person does before bed, i collapse onto the twin bed, exhausted. Jet lag is no joke. I fall asleep almost instantly, it having any time to even think about the normal things that keep me up at night.

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