A Minute

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"5 years ago, we lost. All of us," Steve starts his pre-time travel speech. "We lost friends, we lost family, we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes, no do overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, but it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes." He looks around at all of us. "Good luck."
He puts his hand in the center, clenched in a fist. We all fo the same, making a circle.
"He's pretty good at that," Rocket says after we split.
"I know, right?" Scott replies.
"Did you practice that in the mirror or something?" I ask Steve with a small smile. I'm in a much better mood right now, even though i'm about to go to the "dominion of death at the center of celestial existence".
Steve doesn't answer, he just smiles and laughs a little bit.

"No seriously, i wanna know, because there is no way you came uo with that on the spot."

Nat laughs a little, too.
"Alright, you heard the man. Stroke those keys, jolly green," Tony shouts over to Bruce, who had walked off the platform after the hands-in thing.

"Tractors engaged," Bruce says as he messes with the control board.
I look back over to the people on the platform and see Clint and Rocket talking.
"You promise to bring that back in one peice, right?" Rocket asks Clint, who has the Guardian's ship miniaturized in his hand.
"Yeah yeah yeah yeah," Clint mutters. "I'll do my best.
"As far as promises go, that was pretty lame."
Bruce has walked back up to the platform and hits his time-space GPS. We're all wearing matching suits, still ugly, but we have normal clothes and suits under them. I have Wanda's old red jacket (which apparently used to be Nat's) and black clothes under that.
"See you in a minute," Nat says as she smiles to Steve.
The platform turns into the Quanntum Tunnel, which is what the back of Scott's van was. The glass thing above us moves around, too. I have no idea what it does, but it's beautiful.  The helmets go on on their ownb and a few seconds later we're all sucked inti the Quantum Tunnel. I see the colorful Quentum Rhelm again before i fall to the ground on Morag. That was the plan. We go to 2014 Morag with Nebula and Rhodey and take the ship to Vormir from there.
"Alright, bring it down low. Right on that line...thats it." Rhodey directs the lowering of the pod from the ship.
Nat kicks an alien rat squirrel thing rhat had scurried up to us. It hisses and skitters away.
We've all deactivated our Quantum suits so we're all in our "normal" clothes, which blend in better and are more comfortable.
"Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint says impatiently.
"Guys, chop-chop, we're on the clock," Nat adds
"All that is really helpful!" Rhodey announces sarcasticly.
After they finally get the pod lowered, Nat and Clint start hugging Rhodey goodbye.
"Take care, okay?" Nat tells Rhodey.

"Get that stone and come back. No messing around." Rhodey turns to look directly at me. "No angsty teenager fighting."
"For the last time, i'm 21," i mutter, but i know he's just making fun of me.
"You guys watch each others six," He says to all of us.
"Why do you think i'm here?" I ask sarcasticly. "So they don't get sucked into the dominion of death or whatever is there."

"Bye, Frankie. Be careful!"
"Bye, Rhodey."

The coordinates for Vormir are already put into the ship. All we have to do is not fall out, as Nebula said. We get off Morag and the ship goes straight into light speed. Clint and Nat are at the front, and i'm in one of the seats in the row behind them.

"We're a long way from Budapest," Clint says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"What's so important about Budapest?" I ask.
"It's a long story," Nat answers, smiling back at Clint.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now