Scared Little Girl

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It didn't take long for the gauntlet to be built, just half an hour. It was about 4:00, now, and we have just brought the stones in to put on the gauntlet.
"Frankie?" Tony turns to me. "Do you want to do the honors?"
I smile a little and nod, turning my attention to the gauntlet and the stones scattered around it. It takes a little but of concentraition, but i put all the stones in their places in a few seconds. They settle into the gauntlet, the nanotech securing them into place.
A second after they're all in the gauntlet, Rocket yells "Boom!" And Tony gives him a death glare.
A few minutes later, the gauntlet is resting in a sort of anti-gravity thing, and everyone...besides Nat, in the room.
"Alright, the glove's ready," Rovket announces as he finishes fidgeting with the glove. "Question is, whose gonna snap their freaking fingers?"
And just like the test run, i volunteer without thinking. "I'll do it."
I start to walk up to the gauntlet before Thor blocks my path. "No, you won't. It'll kill you instantly," he says with a slight smirk. "I'll do it."

He walks to the gauntlet too, but Tony stops him.
"Excuse me?" Tony says, blocking Thor's path.

"Thor, slow down. Just wait." Steve says. "We haven't decided who's gonna put that on, yet."
"I'm sorry, are we all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?"

Thor retorts.
I can't tear my gaze away from that gauntlet. I can feel it's power from here. It's...captivating. It feels like it's calling out to me, drawing me towards it. It feels like a magnetic force is pulling me towards it. I glance down and see a flash of my blue magic creeping it's way towards the gauntlet. I pull it back in quickly before it does any damage. Something connects in my mind. The Mind Stone. It gave me my powers. Maybe i'm not drawn to it, but they are, like my powers have a mind of their own.
Maybe that's why Wanda loved Vision.
But i'm not a very patient person, so standing here staring at the thing that will bring everyone back and arguing about it is really getting on my nerves. I tap my foot on the ground freakishly fast and something snaps in me.
No one seemed to notice my powers crawling towards the gauntlet. They had continued their conversation.
"We should at least discuss it."

Scott chimes in.
"Look, sitting here staring at that thing is not going to bring everybody back." Thor says, gritting his teeth. "I'm the strongest Avenger, so the responsibility falls to me."
"That's debatable," i laugh snarkily.
"Excuse me?"
"Who's the one that killed Thanos?" I remind him. "Who's the one who could kill everyone in this room with the wave of her hand if she wanted to or got upset enough?" I almost yell.

"Frankie, calm down," Steve says softly.
"Don't tell me to calm down!" I shout, turning back to Thor. "Who's the one who obliterated half a city in a few minutes 5 years ago when i wasn't even as powerful as i am, now? Huh? Me."
"Frankie, stop," Tony says, looking at me with a little fear in his eyes, and i can see why. In his eyes reflect the distinct blue swirling i know too well. My hands are surrounded with my powers, and it just expands until i can calm down enough to pull it all back in.
I turn to Thor. "I just wanted to let you know you're not all high and mighty." I think for a second and something finally connects in my mind.
I may be the most powerful Avenger, but the snap would still kill me. I'm still human, and my powers wouldn't stop it from hurting me. "If i could do the snap myself, i would." I continue. "But it would kill me. And if i was going to die, it would have been on Vormir. I've come this far, and i'm not getting killed just when we're about to finally get everyone back."
"I meant strongest as in who is more capable to do this snap." Thor says, which isn't what he meant, i can see it in his mind. "You are a puny mortal. I am a literal god. I am more fit to do this."
"Really?" I say, almost in a sassy way, even though i've never been a sassy person. "I don't think so. Because for the past 5 years, you've been wallowing in your own self pity. An alcoholic who can't be bothered to help anyone else unless there's something in it for you."
"I'll bet you've been doing the exact same thing," He snaps back. "Not moving on and 'wallowing in your own self pity'. But you have a different addiction. You are obsessed with letting everyone know just how broken you are. Making them feel bad for you then shutting them out. But we all see right through this hard, tough show your putting on. Deep down, your just a scared litle girl, aren't you?"
"This has gone way too far--" Bruce starts, but i cut him off.
"Yeah. Maybe i did do that. And yeah, i'm scared. Scared that this won't work. Scared that Nat died for nothing and that i won't see Peter or Wanda again. Sue me for wanting my friends back. And i'm terrified that if i do get them back, i'll only hurt them again, because that's what i did to Peter, and i ran away like a scared little girl. That's why i wasn't there to fight Thanos, and that's probably why we lost. Why they're all dead now, because i know i could have taken that purple bitch down in a second. So sue me for being scared."
Thor doesn't even pause for a second to take in what i just said before he says "You are just looking for someone to take all of your pain out on."
"So are you! You know, we probably hate each other because we are exactly the same. Stubborn as hell, but just really broken, putting up a strong facade to disquise how broken we really are! The only difference between us is that i haven't started drinking like you have. But i am 21, so if this doesn't work, consider me a fucking drinking buddy.

"Okay, everyone just calm down," Tony says, getting inbetween Thor and I. "We need to figure out who's gonna put that on."

"I will," Thor automatically says.
"No, Thor--" Tony says.
"Just let me! Let me do something good, something great," Thor begs.
"It's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, i'm telling you, you're in no condition."
"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?"
"Cheez Whiz?"Rhodey suggests.
Thor looks to him with a glare before turing back to Tony. "Lightning."
"Lightning won't help you, pal," Bruce says. I can hear the frown in his voice. "It's gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos, it almost killed him." Bruce walks over to the gauntlet. "None of you could survive."
"How do we know you will?" Steve asks, worried.
"I don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like...i was made for this."

He reaches down and picks up the gauntlet, making sure not to touch any of the stones.
I thunk everyone silently agrees Bruce should do it.
"Ready to go, yeah?"

Tony asks Bruce.
Bruce looks down to Tony, determaination in his eyes. "Let's do it."

"Remember, everyone Thanos snapped away 5 years ago and just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last 5 years."

Tony reminds him.
"Got it."
Everyone starts getting ready for whatever is about to happen when he snaps. Tony puts on his suit and puts up a holographic sheild. Rhodey, Steve, and Scott put their helmets on, Rocket puts his goggles on and Thor pushes Rocket behind him. I put a dome around Bruce, blocking him and the gauntlet from everyone else. Steve puts up his iconic red, white, and blue shield.
"Friday, do me a favor and activate armed door protocol, will you?" Tony says. Almost immedeatly, windows start getting shielded and the room becomes darker with all the shielding around the building. Heavy duty doors come down and close us all in here.
Most of the light in here is coming from my powers.
"Everybody comes home" Bruce says to himself. He starts to put on the gauntlet and the nanoteck morphs to the size of his hand. The second it's on, different colored things that look like little lightning bolts race up his arm. He falls to the ground and screams. The scream dies down to a groaning after a few seconds as his arm looks like it's burning.

"Take it off! Take it off!"

Thor shouts.
"No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" Steve asks.

"Talk to me, Banner," Tony says.
There's a sort of orange burning up to shoulder, now, and he's still groaning. "I'm okay, i'm okay." He says, even though he obviously isn't.
He starts to bring his fingers together to snap and my heart feeling like it's about to leap out of my chest. We're probably just seconds away from everyone coming back. Seconds away from Peter and Wanda, and maybe even Natasha coming back.
Bruce screams and groans even louder as his fingers are only about an inch away. When they finallt come together, i hear a metal scraping on metal sound and a clink before everything goes white and hot. I feel a surging force fight against my dome, but i keep it contained for a few more second before it dies down and i can see Bruce fall to the ground, the gauntlet slipping off of his arm as he tumbles to the ground.
The second i take the dome down, everyone rushes towards him to make sure he's okay. Clint kicks the gauntlet away.
"Don't move him," Tony says as he crouches next to him. Tony ices down Bruces arm with something from his suit and Bruce uses his good arm to sqweeze Steve's arm.
"Did it work?" Bruce rasps.
"We're not sure," Thor answers him, trying to keep him calm.
The armor around the building starts to disappear, letting the sun shine in. I follow Scott out of the room to the window with a tree in front of it. Birds fly around it, chirping and singing in the sunlight.
A phone starts buzzing in the distance, and seconds later, my own phone starts buzzing. I pull it out of my back pocket just as Scott says "Guys, i think it worked!"
The second i see the screen, i grin and almost squeal.
It's Peter's contact photo.
"Hello?" I say as i answer.
"Are you okay?" He answers. I almost drop the phone. I haven't heard his voice in years, unless you count the test run, but still it fills me with something i haven't felt in a long time. A warm, happy feeling.
"Yeah, i'm fine!" I almost shout as tears spring in my eyes. If he's alive, that means Wanda and everyone else is too. I can't stop the tears from coming and i can't stop smiling. He start rambling and i just let him, because it's so great to hear his voice and just to know he's alive.
"Good. Because i'm in space and there are these cool alien dudes and...well it would take awhile to explain, but there was this huge purple alien guy, Thanos, and he tried to kill all of us, and--"
I hear a huge boom half a second before something hits me and everything goes black.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now