Test Run

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Tony and Scott had been sitting up all night planning the "Quantum Tunnel", whatever that is. All i know is that it has something to do with the time travel.
I can hear Tony's music from in this side room Bruce, Scott, Rhodey, and Nebula. I tried to get him to listen to My Chemical Romance, who i know he would like, but he insisted on playing his music.
But since i had no idea ehat they were doing out there, i went to see how the progress with the suit was coming.
"Time travel suit," Rhodey says. "Not bad."
Bruce starts putting the small tube of red liquid Scott brough with him into the suit

"Hey, hey, hey, easy!" Scott shouts.
"I'm being very careful" Bruce assures him.

No, you're being very Hulky!"
"I'm being careful."

"These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it! This is what we have, we're not making any more!" Scott's been frustrated all day. We all have been. It's a huge, history changing thing we could be doing, so there's a lot of pressure for everthing to go right.
"Scott, calm down," Rhodey says in a soft voice.

Sorry," Scott says a little less frustrated "We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do overs. Plus two test runs." He had taken the Pym Particles from Bruce and put them in the suit. But the second he puts them in the suit, he shrinks down. "Aaahhh!" He immedeatly comes back to normal size. "One test run."
Rhodey chuckles quietly. Sometimes i think this will work, sometimes i think these people can't stop being idiots long enough for us to get anything done.
Scott sighs. "Alright, i'm not ready for this."
Before I even know I say it, it's out of my mouth. "Let me do it."
Everyone turns to face me.
"I'll do it."
Nebula taps the shoulder of the suit, bringing up a hologram control thing and fiddles with it for a little bit while they talk. The suit itself isn't very appealing; White black and red, clunky, but that doesn't matter.
"Frankie, you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about it."
I nod as Rhodey says "Wait, let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know, go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos, you know, and..." He makes gestures that mean he wants to strangle Thanos.
"First of all, that's horrible" Bruce says.
"It's Thanos." Rhodey and I say at the same time.

"And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"Look," Scott chimes in. "We go back, we get the stones before Thanos gets them. Thanos doesn't have the stones! Problem solved!"

That's not how it works," Nebula says, irritated with these idiots as always.
"Well that's what i heard," Clint says from in the corner.
"What? By who? Who told you that?" Bruce says. I can tell he's getting ready for a debate.

"Star Trek, Terminator, Time Cop, Time After Time..." Rhodey says, counting them on his fingers as he goes.
"Quantum Leap" Scoot adds.

Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere In Time..."
"Hot Tub Time Machine."
"Hot Tub Time Machine! Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Bascically any movie that deals with Time Travel."
"Die Hard? No that's not one."
"This is known."
Bruce sounds annoyed. "I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true. Think about it: if you travel to the past, that past becomes you're future. And your former present becomes the past! Which can't now be changed by your new future!"
"Exactly," Nebula says, continuing to mess with the hologram screen next to my shoulder.
"Makes sense," I say.
"So back to the future's a bunch of bullshit?" Scott says as if he is rethinking everything he ever knew.
"Yes, back to the future is bullshit. It's a good movie, but it's bullshit." I say impatiently. "Now can we please do this test run?" I had already told Bruce where and when i wanted to go, and i can't wait any longer.
"Yeah, we're ready, let's go."
We all walk into the room where Tony and Rocket just finished making the Quantum Tunnel. It's a huge glass platform with a bunch of mechanical stuff under it with an intricate but beautiful looking metal thing above it.
"When you get there, bring something back so we know we can take the Stones." Bruce says to me as he starts messing with the control board.
"I will." I say. I didn't notice how nervous i was about this until now, but i press my shaking hands to my sides so no one sees.
"Frankie, just go up there."
As i make my way up the steps, Tony sees me. "You're doing the test run?" He asks, suprised.
"Yeah. Why, do you have a problem with that?"
"Just didn't think you would."
"You'll see why."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
I just smile at him. But rhen i can't stop smiling thinking of where i'm about to go and who i'm about to see.
"Alright, Frankie, we're going in 3," The helmet wraps itself around my head. "...2, 1."
The floor of the platform turns into a giant version of the back of Scott's van and i'm sent plunging into it. I soar past a bunch of colorful things that make me think i'm high for a second, but then everything changes and i crash to the floor of my room. My room 5 years ago. The main difference is the books are more organized and the bed is made.
Bruce was right. I do feel a little "discombobulated". It's hard to catch my breath and the room is spinning.
Something catches my ear. A humming noise, no, a strumming noise.
Wanda's guitar.
I rush out of the room so i can hear it better. She's playing the song she loved to play over and over again. I recognized it the first time i ever heard it. It's a lullaby from Sokovia. I've known it forever and it's one of the only memories i have of my mom; her singing it to me during a thunderstorm.
I don't have time for nostagia.
I make my way down the hallway as quickly and quietly as possible, trying not to let anyone know i'm here. I get to the stairwell and go down a flight of stairs. I open the door and i already here him.
"But he didn't know!" Peter argues.
"She was his sister!" 2018 me says replies, putting a set of legos i'd put together on the main part of the Millienium Falcon. I remember that conversation. We were arguing over whether or not it was okay that Luke Skywalker kissed his sister.
I peek around the corner and i see us. My hair much shorter and Peter...
It takes me a few seconds to regain myself after seeing him in person again. I didn't think this would ever happen again.
"I know that, but there's no way he could have know that Leia was his sister."
"Whatever," I stand up.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"Lunch," i say, walking out of the door.
"Wait up, i'm coming!" I hear the scatter of legos and a "ow!" He had stepped on the legos with his bare feet.
As soon as i know he's gone, i have to breathe for a few seconds before going in there. I jog to the center of the room and stop at the pile of legos. The Millenium Falcon was only about halfway done and we worked really hard over it, obsessing over the instructions and finding tiny peices that wound up missing. The Time-Space GPS on my hand starts beeping, so i quickly take the lego ship and as the beeping gets quicker, i feel the pull of gravity on me. Suddenly i'm seeing the colorful Quantum Rhelm again. I think if you stared at it long enough, you coukd hypnotize yourself. But just as quickly as i got pulled into it, i get pulled out. Thr colors are gone and in it's place is thr Quantum Tunnel platform. For a second, it feels like i'm ripping apart, so all i can do is fall to the floor and scream. I don't mean to, but the pain hit me like a train.
I hear racing footsteps climb up the stairs and i stop screaming. It doesn't hurt anymore, it just shocked me to my core.
"Frankie!" I hear Nat only a few feet away from me, and she's next to me in a second. "Are you okay?" She puts an arm around me and i nod. I have a huge headache that feels more like one of the migranes i had in the hospital a few years ago from all the blood loss.
"I worked," I manage to say. I stand up and hold the lego ship so everyone could see.
"Is that...?"

"Yup," i say, a smile spreading across my face despite the fact that my head feels like it's splitting open. "Peter's."
"Do you feel okay?" Bruce asks.
"Not really." I say, the dizziness suddenly making itself known. I almost fall, but Nat catches me. But the dizziness might not be from the Time Travel. It could have something to do with the fact that i haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, and it's almost 6:00 pm, now.
"You haven't eaten, have you?" Nat asks so only i can hear her. How the hell does she always know? I shake my head. "How long?" She asks.
"Lunch yesterday," i mutter.
"You're going to eat, right now." She walks me off the platform and towards the kitchen where i fall asleep as she starts making dinner. By the time i wake up, everyone's in there and i'm on the couch across the room. I start to get up and Nat sees me. No one has started eating yet. Bruce gets down plates and everyone else is doing something to help. Nat walks over to me and gives me another short lecture on how i need to eat. I've heard it a million times it seems, and i nod like everytime.
"Hey," She says as she finishes her speech. "This is going to work. Everyone's going to come back, i know it."
She smiles at me and all seems right in the world.
Except obviously it's not.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now