It Has Everything To Do With Me

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(Author: You guys aren't ready for the end of this chapter)
Mid-terms are over.
Let me repeat that: mid-terms are over.
A giant weight lifted off my chest when i finished my last exam and i could breathe a little easier. Two whole weeks away from school and back in New York with Aunt May and Christmas at Avengers Compound.
I'm leaving tommrow morning, so i have to pack tonight. A lot of people are leaving today, so that's why i see a bunch of people all hugging their friends goodbye as i walk back to my dorm. Some of the people from my last class, and others who have suitcases beside them.
One of the only people that isn't with friends is a girl i don't think i've seen before. She holds about half a dozen textbooks plus a backpack, with a thick book on top of the others, open. Her glasses are about to fall right off of her nose and her blonde, wavy hair is tucked under her scarf. Her head is practocally stick in that book.
She's almost speedwalking and before i can move or tell her to watch out, she slams right into me. Her books go flying and she falls to her knees.
"Oh shit, sorry," she mutters, and wipes gravel out of her hands. She has tiny scrapes all over them.
"It's fine, i should have--" I start, but stop when i see the way she's looking at me. It's not like how the rest of the girls here look at me. They look at me like they are hungry and i'm a meal.
But this girl doesn't look at me like that. She looks at me like she knows exactly who i am like everyone else, but not like they do. She looks...scared of me.
"Are you alright?" I ask as kneels doen to help her with her books.
"Uh...yeah," she says. She sighs and clutches the book she was reading to her chest. I see why she is so relieved; her bookmark is still in the page she was on.
I pick up a textbook and glance at the cover.
"Advanced Avengers and Enhanced history?" I ask. AKA how the Avengers happened, explainations of their powers, etc. Frankie is in that book.
"Yeah," she says. I pile up the rest of her books on one hand, using my spider-stick (whatever you want to call it) to balance and not drop them.
"You're Peter Parker, right?" She asks.
"Yeah, i am."
"Sorry, it's're kind of a big deal, y'know."
"Yeah, i know," I shrug.
For a second, everything goes still. The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stands up, and a chill passes through my whole body. It's my 6th sense, otherwise known to my Aunt as my "Peter Tingle".
There's something about her...
"Are you okay?" She asks when she catches me staring at her.
"Yeah i'm fine, it's just...who are you?"
"Blake. Blake Austin."
I stare for a few more seconds, trying to figure out why my 6th sense went off.
"Are you..." I try to think of what i can ask her or how to explain. I decide to just be completely honest.
"Have you read the part in that textbook about my '6th sense?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
"Well, it-it just went off and i feel like it's trying to tell me something. Something about you."
"Is this some weird Spider-Man way of flirting?"
"No, i'm serious. Do you have any idea why thay would happen?"
"Uh..." She gives me a weird look, like she has an idea. "Can you hand me the Avengers History book?"
"Yeah," i pick up the books on top of it so she can get to the book she wants.
She grabs it and thumbs through the pages. There are several dog-eared pages and annotations. About 2/3rds of the way through the book, she stops.
I quickly realize it's my section.
"What are you--?" I start, but she shushes me.
She reads over the page and flips to the next, and points at something.
"You were friends with Frankie Grant," she states.
"Uh, yeah. What are you doing?"
"And you were close with Iron Man, correct?"
"They're both dead."
"I don't see what this has to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me."
She looks around, probably to make sure no one is listening to us.
"Come with me."
And i do.
She leads me to an alley inbetween two dorm buildings. No one can hear us here.
"I things," she says. She shifts her feet and sways slightly from side to side.
"Like what?"
She whispers "I'm a mutant." It sounds like she's ashamed of it.
In the last 10 years, mutants have been popping up everywhere. People have all sorts of guesses as to why, ranging from rapid evolution to radiation from both Snaps.
"I can..." She leans on one leg for awhile, then shifts to the other.
"I can't," she says. "Bad things happen to the people that know. People are looking for me, and i don't want to be found."
"Why? Are you dangerous?"
"No. It's just...what i can do. Everyone wants to use me."
"I still don't see what this has to do with Frankie and Mr. Stark."
"Just say it!"
"I can bring back the dead."
My heart skipps a beat. "What?!"
"Shh!" She pleads. "No one can know. Too many people already know."
"Then why would you tell me?" I ask, but really the main thing on my mind is having Frankie and Mr. Stark back. And maybe even my parents and Uncle Ben.
"Because i'm a bleeding heart, okay? I feel too bad too easily for people, and i just so happened to know what happened."
"'re offering to bring Frankie and Mr. Stark back?"
"I guess so."
I stare at her for a few seconds before i lean against the wall. It's a lot to take in all at once. There's no way this is happening.
I pinch my arm. Nope, this is definitely happening.
"When?" I ask, hoping it's sooner rather than later.
"I don't know," she answers. "But i'm not really busy over Winter Break. I mean, i have to go home for Christmas, but after that, i'm free."
"That's soon," i say, thinking about how i could have everyone who i have lost back in a matter of days. Their faces flash in my mind, and they stay there. Just like they have for the past four and a half years. "So...after Christmas?"
"Yeah. Just tell me where they're buried and i'll bring them back. Is it just Tony and Frankie?"
" it okay if there are a few more?"
"Depends. How many more?"
I got over them in my head. Frankie, Tony, Uncle Ben, Mon, Dad...
I remember Frankie telling me that Wanda's brother died.
"It's also my parents and Uncle Ben.," I tell her. "And possibly Miss Maximoff's brother." Then i remember something i had forgotten. "Oh, right, she got married, so it's Mrs. Barnes, now." She had married Bucky Barnes, AKA The Winter Soldier.
"That's cutting it close," she mumbles, looking to the ground and pacing a little bit.
"What do you mean?" I ask. "What's wrong?"
"Every time i bring someone back, it takes a lot out of me. It usually takes me a few days to recover. And seeing as you have 5 or 6 you want me to bring back, that means it would take me over two weeks to bring then all back."
"Oh," i say. " want me to take some people off the list?"
"No, no, of course not, i just--"
"If it's going to hurt you to bring that many back, you don't have to. I can...i can take soke people off the list."
"No, don't do that. I can handle it. I would just need to do a few over the break and a few on the weekends after." She looks away again, and paces a few steps again before i stop her.
"You're not telling me something," i say.
"It's just that...i've never done that many in that short of a time before."
"Then you don't have to. You can do 1 or 2 over the break and take awhile inbetween them."
"No, i don't need that long. I can do 3 or 4 on the break, then i can bring back the others on the weekends after."
"Well," i think it over. "Fine."
She gives me the smallest of smiles and turns to walk away, but i stop her.
"What?" She asks.
"Shouldn't we have a way to contact each other, so you know where to go and all that?"
We end up getting each other's phone numbers, then she starts to walk away again.
"Thank you!" I call out, realizing i never thanked her for doing this.
She makes a hand gesture that says she heard me, and keeps walking.
I smile to myself. In a few short weeks, i will have everyone i loved and lost back.


I open my eyes.
I opened my eyes. That isn't supposed to happen.
Even though my eyes are open, everything is dark. Like it's just minutes away from officially being night.
I sit up, my eyes still adjusting to the darkness. Clouds cover the almost navy sky, and i make out mountains in the distance.
For a few seconds, i think i'm on Vormir. But soon i realize it looks nothing like Vormir. And, why the hell would i be on Vormir?
So where am i?
Then i remember.
I look down at my shirt. It's still covered in blood, but nothing hurts anymore. I'm not even wet from the water i fell into, anymore.
I feel around, and the bullet wounds are gone. There aren't even scars--
I take off my jacket and look at my arms.
The scars are gone. The scars from where i slit my wrists are gone.
"What. The. Fuck?" I say to myself, slipping my jacket back on, even though i'm not cold.
"Hello?" I call out quietly. No one answers.
"Hello?!" I say louder. Still, no one aknowledges it.
"Who the hell are you?" Someone says from behind me. Their voice sounds strange. Foreign. British.
I turn, and for a split second, i think i'm staring back at myself. The man looks shocked, too.
He's got black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes like i do. He even stands like i do. Like he is unsure and suspicious of me. Like he is trying to get close to a sleeping tiger.
"Who are you?" I ask. "And why am i here?"
"This is Hell," he says.
"What?!" I'm in Hell? This isn't what i imagined it to be. "That stuff is real? So that means God and Satan are real too-- wait, are you Satan?"
"No, no. Not Hell. And no, i am not 'Satan'. Hel, with one L."
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you not know what this place is?"
I shake my head. "So who are you?"
"I'm Loki of Asgard. Who are are you?"
"Frankie Grant. I'm from Earth and i have no idea what the hell you are talking about."
"Why not?"
"'Why not' what?"
"Why don't you know about this place? Only Asgardians can come hereb and if you are not Asgardian, how are you here?"
"Asgardian?" I mumble, then as him "You're Loki, Thor's brother, but you are not really Asgardian."
"I lived most of my life in Asgard and was one of the prince's. It's close enough." He looks at me like he's studying me. After a long moment, he asks "How old are you?"
"Why do you want to know?" I cross my arms, annoyed.
"I just...i have a thought, an idea. It's impossible, though." He steps closer to me, and i step back, hands ready to shoot him away if he tries anything.
"I'm 22."
"When is you're birthday?"
"December 20th, 2001. Why do you want to know?"
He furrows his brow, thinking. I look into his mind. He's adding up years and months since...March 2001?
"What's so important about 2001?"
"It''s the year i came to Earth for the first time."
"What? No, you came to Earth in 2014."
(Author note: Avengers 1 happened in 2014, not 2012. The MCU before Endgame was 2 years ahead of our time.)
"Yes, but that wasn't the first time i went there. I first went when Earth as celebrating the turn of the century. January, 2000."
"So what does March 2001 have to do with anything?" This guy is starting to get on my nerves.
"After January, i stayed. Not because i enjoyed Earth, but one person there. Elizabeth Dew. She lived in America,  but she was so..." He sighs.
"What? An old flame of yours? What does this have to do with me?"
"Elizabeth Dew is your mother."
The statement shocks me, but i stand my ground. "No, Katherine and Gerard Grant are my parents."
"No, they are not."
"Yes they are!" I scream, sounding like a crazy 14 year old.
"Tell me: Can you do things that are out of the ordinary? Things that no normal person could do?"
"I mean, yeah, but that's because this asshole Strucker experimented on me with a scepter, your scepter."
"You didn't get those powers from it, it just made you stronger." He takes several steps closer to me, and i take a few back."
"Frankie, listen to me," he says, and looks me directly in the eyes. "You are Asgardian...because you are my daughter."

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now