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I didn't care who i killed while getting there. It would only make The Avengers angrier with me. In fact, all i could feel while causing mayhem in New York was rage. Rage at Strucker for making me what i was, rage at those 4 guys in my apartment, rage at myself for surviving the bombings and for going down to this level.
I tore apart buildings by moving my fingers, i threw people in the air just by looking at them, and i just created as much destruction as i could. It was kind It was like demolishing the worlds biggest Lego city.
Finally, i saw Avengers tower. It looked odd, though. The 'A' was gone and there were no cars in the parking lot.
I waited for them, but they didn't show. The police did, though.
"Hands in the air!" One of them yelled.
I turned slowly, and put my hands behind my head. That small movement made them all fly 200 feet in the air, and i didn't bother to slow their decent back to earth. I just let them fall to their deaths. There were about 20 of them, and more were showing up.
Out of the corner of my eye, i saw a streak of red fly by. They made a whooshing sound as they passed. I turned to where i heard the noise, and seconds later heard the policemen's screams stop, but there was no thud behind me. I turned to them, and they were on their hands and knees, some of them throwing up. But they all had a white stringly looking thing on them.
"What the-" i started to say, but i stopped when i heard noises behind me. Shoes scraping on concrete, rocket sounds, and 2 small thuds.
I turned to them, and saw Iron Man, War Machine, The Vision, Scarlet Witch, and someone who looked vaguely familiar. I think i saw him on the news once. He wore a red and blue suit with a spider on the front.
'Who is this?' The spider-guy thought. He was just a kid. 15 or 16.
Most of them were wondering who i was, but i was wondering where the rest of them were. Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye.
"Who are you?" Iron Man asked.
"Why do you need to know?" I said.
I could tell the spider-guy was super confused and scared.
'You should be scared' I told him in his head. He jumped in shock.
"Uh, Mister Stark, she just talked in my head!" The spider-guy said.
"Parker, what are you doing here?" Iron Man asked, obviously annoyed.
"I wanted to help!" 'Parker' said in a whiney voice.
"Whatever. We just want to know why you're doing this." Iron man turned his attention to me again.
"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with? Then we wouldn't have to chit-chat!" I yelled. They were about 30 feet away from me.
"I think i know who she is." Wanda said hesitantly.
"Who?" Iron Man asked.
"When i was with Strucker, i read in people's minds about another girl like me, but much younger and a lot more powerful" Wanda said with a tone of fear in her voice. "She's just a kid."
"Why are you doing this?" Vision asked.
"Why don't you guys just kill me already?!" I shouted. The buildings around me started rumbling.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Parker said in a calming voice. Tears started welling up in my eyes.
'What could have happened to this girl to make her want to die?' Parker thought. I wasn't about to tell him.
"Frankie, right?" Wanda asked. She'd read my mind.
"Yeah" i replied. The tears started streaming down my face.
"Would you just kill me already? Please!!" I screamed.
"Strucker told you you were a monster, right? And you belived him? You're not a monster. You never were. You can choose what you use your powers for; good or bad. Strucker doesn't determain that for you." Wanda reasoned.
"But everywhere i go, bad things happen. And they happen because i get upset. I can't control my powers, and i can't get close to anyone because i'm just going to hurt them!" My voice broke, and more tears spilled over. I wiped my eyes. "Please."
"We're not going to kill you because if you really wanted to die you would have done it yourself already!" Parker yelled back. He didn't say it in a mean or harsh way, but in a more sentimental and understanding way.
What he said hit me hard, because it was so true. I felt like Parker understood how i felt, but not in a way that he'd experienced it before. I read his mind, and he'd decided to use his powers for good. I felt as though it were a lot easier for him to be good because his powers were less destructive and lethal.
But i then decided i would at least try to use my powers for good. If not for me, for my family who died shortly before i became whatever i am.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now