Time Travel Test Number One

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"Okay, here we go, time travel test number one." Bruce says. Even now, after a few hours of being around him, I still find myself staring at him and his weird Hulk-Bruce hybrid self. "Scott, fire up the uh, the van thing"
When Scott opens the back doors of the ugly brown van he showed up in yesterday, it lights up in a weird, goldish glow. If you look at it long enough, you could probably hypnotize yourself, or get stuck in some sort of trance.
"Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby." Steve says, walking back over to the table where Bruce has all the confusing buttons and computers that are supposed to send Scott a into the past.
"Good. Cause if we blow the grid..." Bruce lowers his voice. "I don't wanna lose tiny here in the 1950's."
"Excuse me?" Scott says, obviously worried, now.
"He's kidding." Natasha says with a smile. I always thought she had the most beautiful smile. It was one of those smiles that would make anything seem better.
"You can't just say things like that." She says, looking up at Bruce, still smiling.
"Just- it was just a bad joke." Bruce stammers. It obviously wasn't a joke.
"You are kidding right?" Her smile quickly fades.
"I have no idea, we're talking about time travel here!" Bruce says so Scott couldn't hear him, turning to Natasha. "Either it's all a joke or none of it is." He quickly turns back to Scott and gives him a huge thumbs up."We're good! Get your helmet on."
Scott puts on him helmet, walking back over to the van.
"Scott, i'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?" Bruce starts pressing some buttons on the huge control board.
"Perfectly not confusing." Scott replies, waving it off. He's putting way too much faith in us.
"Good luck, Scott," Steve says in such a Captain America way it's almost funny.
Scott smiles at Steve. "You're right. I do Captain America." He says so confidently, there should be music in the background. How cheesy can this guy get?
"On the count of three," Bruce says. "3, 2, 1..."
Everyone who wasn't already looking looks up to Scott. Bruce presses a final button and Scott shoots backwards into the van with the quantum whatchamacallit in the trunk.
"3, 2, 1," Hulk says, tapping buttons and flipping switches to bring Scott back. He presses the button that sent him into the van, and he shoots back out of it. But he's shorter and the suit is baggier on him then before. It looks like a different person in the suit.

"Uh...guys? This, this doesn't feel right." The boy says.
Bruce mutters to himself, "What's going on?"
"Is that Scott?" Natasha says, almost panicked.
"Hold on," Bruce says as he goes under the panel.
"Yes, it's Scott!," He says, frustrated.
"What the hell?" I say under my breath. I knew it. I knew it wouldn't work.
Young Scott shoots back into the van Bruce comes back up.
A second later, something comes out of the van and says "Oh! My back!" I'm guessing it's Scott, but an old one. It's all going to shit, isn't it?

ruce sends Scott into the van again and he comes out again. By now i know it's always Scott coming out if there, but this time i almost think he's gone because the suit is in a crumple in the ground. But after a second of looking, i see a little baby Scott in the suit.
"It's a baby," Steve says, all hope lost in the world.
Bruce points out "It's Scott!"
"As a baby!"
"He'll grow!"
"Bring Scott back."
"When i say kill the power, kill the power!
"Oh my god," Nat mutters to herself as she starts to make her way to the power switch in the corner of the huge room we're in.
"I got it," I say, wrapping my blue powers around the lever. Nat turns aroumd a starts to walk back, eyeing the van and Bruce anxiously.
Bruce presses a button and flips a seitch, and yells "Kill it!" I jerk my hand slightly down, sending the lever down almost hard enough to snap it off. I think i'm starting to get mad because usually when i make that little of a movement, it doesn't almost break like that. But whenever my emotions get involved, things like that happen.
Scott shoots back out of the van, back to his real age. "Someone peed my pants." He looks terrified.
"Oh, thank god," Natasha mutters.
"I don't think he had much to do with it." I say. She laughs a little at that and Steve glares at me.
"But i don't know if it was baby me or old me." Scott stops to catch his breath. "Or just me me."

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