Are You Trying To Get Yourself Killed?

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"What did you mean 'so that's what he's doing'" Peter asks me as we run.
I try to ignore the pain in my arm. "Beck, i-i knew from the start."
"You knew he was faking it and didn't think to tell me?"
"I didn't know to what extent he was faking it, i thought that maybe he was just making up the Elementals and his backstory and was trying to get EDITH to control something, but this is gong so much farther than i thought."
"Wait a second," Peter says as we round the corner, the hotel within our sights. "If EDITH has control of the drones and Beck has EDITH--"
"He can control the drones," MJ finishes.
"And that's not all," i say. "Remember Prom? When i told you about that vision?"
"The drone!" Peter realizes what he's done. "Beck is the guy i saw," i say as we stumble inti the hotel, all out of breath. "In the vision, he's the one who kills me."
"Why didn't you say anything?!" Peter yells way too loudly, grabbing the attention of several people as we walk into the lobby.
"I didn't want you to worry about that on top of everything else. I thought i could handle it!"
"And look at how that turned out!"
"I'm sorry," i say, even though it will do no help, now.
We all pile into the elevator, panting.
"And i just gave him the glasses!" Peter says. "If you die, it's my fault!"
"No, it's not." I say, pushing the button for floor 2.
"What vision? Why is she dying? What's going on?" MJ asks quickly, then gasping for breath. We must have run half a mile or more as fast as we could to get back here.
"It's complicated," i say," but basically i've been having visions that i'm going to die, and that a man, Beck, will kill me with a drone that will shoot me 3 times." I remember the dream from last night, with the 3 bloody wounds and this shirt. "And i should probably mention that in the visions, i'm wearing this outfit."
"Then why the hell would you wear that?!" Peter yells as the elevator doors open, and we all get out.
"It's all i had left with me!"
"Whatever, that doesn't matter." Peter runs around the railing of the staircase with MJ and i in tow. Soon, we're at Peter's door and he's fumbling for his key. "What does matter is that we keep you as far away from Beck as possible."
"Obviously," i say as he opens the door and rushes to the window.
"I can't believe i gave Beck those glasses!" Peter says, closing the curtains on ever window. "How could i be so stupid?! He's probably spying on us right now or sending a drone to come and kill us."
"You had access to killer drones?" MJ asks, an equal mix of confused and shocked.
"Yeah, i didn't really want them, especially after i almost killed Brad."
"You almost killed Brad?"
"I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him Beck's a fraud, but i think he tapped my phone."
"I got it," i say, already closing my eyes and trying to find Fury. I know Berlin is North of here, so i search that way. It doesn't take long for me to find his distinctive thoughts.
Talos, it's Frankie.
What the hell?!
Listen, Beck is a fraud. He's using some sort of projector system to fake things like his powers and the Elementals. They were all fake.
How the hell do you know this?
I've...i've known all along, but i didn't know it went this deep.
You knew all along and you didn't think to tell me?!
I know it wasn't a great decision on my part, but i was trying to do the right thing. But Beck knows that i know, and he probably knows that Peter knows, so he's going to try and kill us.
I wish you'd have told me this sooner, now i have to go and clean up your mess.
I was trying to keep Peter out of it, that's all.
And now, hundreds of people could die, and their blood will be on your hands. Come to Berlin, we need to talk. Bring Peter.
"Done," i say, exiting Fury's mind. The thing he said about thousands of people's blood being on my hands shook me to my core. "This is all my fault."
"Yeah, it is," Peter says, typing something into a computer, then crossing over to the side of the bed and grabbing his backpack, then dumping his black suit out.
"Wow, thanks for putting it subtly."
He doesn't say anything, but he starts stripping.
"Uhh..." He says as both MJ and i stare at him shirtless for a second, stunned. I really didn't want to have to see him in his underwear earlier today, and now i have to see him shirtless?
I turn around and face the opposite wall, and MJ does too.
But a few seconds later, i catch her trying take a peek of him changing into his suit, but her eyes meet my glare, and she quickly turns her head away, and we both notice Ned standing in the doorway, silent and stunned.
"Ned, perfect," Peter says, zipping up the vest part and flipping up the eye peices.
"The costume looks great!" Ned exclaims, glancing from Peter to MJ. "For the costume the...princes castle" He starts mumbling, losing the groundwork of his on the spot fake excuse for Peter wearing the same outfit that the "Night Monkey" was wearing.
"She knows, i told her," Peter says. I turn so that i'm facing the corner in between Ned and Peter so i can look at everyone in the room.
"He didn't tell me, i figured it out," MJ corrects him.
"Oh," Ned says, nodding his head. "That's cool."
"Like, a long time ago."
"I've known for almost 6 years," i blurt out, as if it's a competition. Why? I have no idea.
"Mysterio is a fraud," Peter says.
"But he saved me and Betty's life," Ned argues.
"He's been faking the whole thing with illusion tech," MJ tells him.
"Yeah, he's using these hologram projectors," Peter says.
"Woah, that's crazy," Ned says, almost to himself.
"Yeah," MJ says, glancing at Peter. They look at each other for a second, then Ned distracts them.
"So you guys were like, working the case togther or what?
"It's been mostly me," MJ says.
"Uh, excuse me, but i'm the one who told you both and knew the whole time," i correct her.
"You only told us what was going on after we figured it out," MJ says, gesturing to her and Peter. "And as i recall, you knew the whole time and had no intentions of telling anyone that Beck was going to try and kill us all."
"I didn't know he was going to kill all of us, i thought he was just trying to kill me!"
"You do realize you're only making yourself sound even more suicidal, right?" Peter interupts.
"I'm not suicidal!"
"Then why the hell are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"I'm not, i'm trying to stop it!"
"Am i missing something?" Ned asks.
"She's had visions that Mysterio kills her," MJ explains, "and she never told anyone."
"I didn't--"
"Ned, i need you to call May, get her to call Mr. Harrington and that she wanted me to stay with family in Berlin until this all blows over," Peter says so fast, i almost couldn't make out what he said.
"Got it, easy," Ned replies.
"Wow, you guys lie with such ease," MJ says.
"Gotta go," Peter says, glancing at me. "You ready?"
"I'm fine," i say. I only realize after i say it that 1. I'm lying, 2. That wasn't what he asked.
"Wait, the projector," MJ shouts as Peter is opening a window. "You're gonna need this." She tosses it to Peter.
"Don't tell anyone about this," Peter says, catching it. "Anyone who knows is in danger." He passes the projector to me and flipps the eyes on his suit back down, then jumps out of the window. I follow, spotting him heading to the left.
By now, the sun has started to come up, and the sky is a dull light blue.
So much for one last good night sleep.
"We're not swinging and flying the whole way there, are we?" I ask through our comms.
"No, i was thinking we could catch a train," he answers.
"Is that a legitimate suggestion?"
"Do you have a better one?"

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now