Not a Cheesy Netflix Original

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"Frankie! Frankie! Stop! Stop!" Wanda screamed through her own tears. She shook my shoulders to get my attention but since i couldn't move or think or breath i didn't know how to get out of her head and i couldn't stop replaying that memory in both mine and Wanda's heads.
For 5 minutes this went on. The agonizing pain of having my heart ripped out for what felt like forever.
Finally i passed out and was finally out of Wanda's thoughts. I could still feel it though, the pain. It felt like salt in a wound. It stung like a hornet and i was swimming in a pool of pain and numbness; sadness, anger, emotionlessness, shock, confusion, everything all at once.
"Frankie" Wanda said, her voice shaking more than an electric toothbrush. Her voice was fuzzy and muffled. "It's over." That was clearer.
My cheek was pressed to the cold and damp forest floor. I didn't want to move. I couldn't move. Wanda crawled around to face me. "It's over." She looked me in the eyes. I couldn't even move my eyes. I probably looked like a corpse. I blinked and she could knew i was still alive. But that's all i felt i could do.
"Frankie, you have to get up. Frankie!"
"I'm sorry." I whispered hoarsly.
"It's ok, you didn't mean to. You weren't ready." Wanda was still sobbing. I could see that she had cuts all over her. I'd thrown her into a falling tree when i fell.
"I'm sorry" i whispered. I'd lost my voice from all the screaming.
"It's ok." She assured me.
"No it's not. I can never say i'm sorry enough times to make up for this." The now warm dirt turned to mud with a puddle of my tears. "I think i'll stay down here for a few minutes." I said blankly.
"...ok. We'll stay here a few minutes." Wanda layed down next to me. "We'll stay here a minute."
"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry!" I croaked frantically.
"It's fine, it's fine! It's not your fault, you weren't ready!" Wanda tried calming me down. I was sitting in the dirt now, hyperventilating with my head in my hands. I kept replaying everything in my head. The emotions and feelings and the pain.
"It's ok! It really is! I understand!" Wanda put her hand on my shoulder.
"No!" I shouted. I shook her hand off.
"Fine, it's not ok. I'm not ok. But we need to get back to the facility because both of us need stitches." She pointed to her leg that had a huge cut in it. I had a huge gash on my head just below my hairline and blood was flowing into my eye. I nodded.
Wanda helped me up and we walked back to the facility looking like newborn horses with our wobbly legs.
Tony was cooped up in his lab as always and didn't notice when we came in. Vision was more concerned about Wanda and helped with her stitches while a doctor helped me.
"What the hell happened to you?" Peter aksed that night.
"Please don't make me tell you." I said with no emotion as a tear started to roll down my cheek.
"Hey," Peter took off his mask. "It's ok" He crawled as fast as he could through the window and wrapped me in his arms. I broke down there in the safe and warm place in Peter's arms. It was like a different dimension where it was just Peter and I. It was so warm and fuzzy and i swear it looked like one of those cheesy Netflix originals where they pretend they like each other then all of a sudden "Hey, im in love with you and even though we're only 15 you're the love of my life."
This was so not a cheesy Netflix original.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now