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"Don't try to bottle it up." Carol said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I saw you earlier. You were doing all you could to not do more than break a vase and a window. Trust me, i should know. How do you think i'm so powerful? I use my emotions as fuel."
I look at her, and she's just smiling at me. Like a mother smiling at a newborn baby. Like a cheesy movie, kind of smile.
"The people i used to be with...the kree, they told me to not let my emotions get the best of me. To keep them in check because they will make me weak. I soon found out they only tild me that to keep me naive. To keep me from realizing my full potential. To keep me from beating them."
"If i did that...people would get hurt because i can't control it. I can't control anything. Not my powers and most certainly not my emotions."
"Then you make sure anyone you don't want to hurt is well out of the way."
"I could read Peter's mind while he was dying on another planet across the universe. I don't think i could get far enough away."
"If you really didn't want to hurt them, if you really loved them, you wouldn't, couldn't hurt them."
Like i said. Carol is awesome. And the two of us together, let alone everyone else with us? Thanos didn't stand a chance.
There were pictures of them all. Everywhere. Like a graveyard slideshow. Showing us one of our Vanished after the other. One by one, on at least 10 different screens. Some i recognized, some i didn't. But then i saw Wanda's face. And Peter's. And Carol saw Nick Fury's. That must have been just enough for her, and for me. Because we started walking away in the same direction, like we both knew what the other was doing.
"Where are you going?" Rhodey asked.
And in unision, we both said "To kill Thanos."
We made it about 15 feet down the hallway before Natasha stopped us.
"Hey. We usually work as a team here, and right now moral is a little low."
"You don't even know where he is." Rhodey says from the room with all the Vanished's pictures.
"I know people who might." Carol says, as if hunting the Mad Titan was an everyday thing. I don't think she's really that confident. No one should be. If they are not afraid to take on Thanos with all 6 Infinity Stones alone, they are probably insane. Well, she wouldn't be alone. And neither would i, but it's still mental. Even i was starting to have my doubts. As powerful as i am, would i be able to defeat him? Even with Carol?
No way. There's no way we did it. There's no way we found him this easily.
Just yesterday, we were looking at holographic maps of Earth, how the massive effects the snap had on earth was now found on another planet. Then Nebula explained how after his plan was complete, he said he would go to The Garden.
And so here we are, in a spaceship, flying to said Garden. The same ship Nebula and Tony came back to earth in, while Carol effortlessly carried the thing all the way back to earth from who knows how many miles out into space?
"Ok, who hasn't been to space?" Rocket, the talking raccoon says.
Natasha, Rhodey, Cap, and I all raise our hands.
And everyone else snickers.
"Well, some of us are from a planet where regular space travel is about as common as eating a bowl of bread...Thor." I look straight back at Thor.
"Hey!" Hey exclaims.
"Well, you better not throw up on my ship." Rocket started pressing a bunch of buttons and we were off, flying at what seemed to be light speed, but i have to admit, it seemed faster than even that.
It probably was. Either that or we teleported, because were at the planet with The Garden within seconds. I guess this is my life now. Talking raccoons, Avengers, and Titan Hunting.
"I'm going to go down and scout it out" Carol said just after she left the ship. No space suit or anything. Just her and her golden-orange plasma magic stuff. I really don't know what it is, but i know for a fact they are nothing like mine.
"There's nothing." She announces when she gets back. "No army's no ships, no defemces at all." She looks straight at us. "It's just him."
"And that's enough." Nebula says from the back. She's like that one person always lingering in the shadows everyone forgets about until she speaks. I always know she's there, though.
It's so peaceful on this planet. It's sun doesn't shine so bright it blinds you, and there are mountains with waterfalls cascading down them. It's like the perfect paradise you only see in movies or imagain in books.
But this was no vacation. This was it. We are going to kill Thanos. Once and for all, we will avenge everyone, get the stones off his dead corpse, and bring them all back.
And then i see it. The small house made of what looks like wood and straw. Crops spread out just beyond the small house. Not an outragously large feild, but enough to be a kind of hobby and to sustain a life.
We flew the ship down and landed in one of the crops. He wouldn't be needing it anymore.
"Here's the plan. Carol will go in first, then Thor," Steve started explaining the plan we had already heard about a dozen time.
"Yeah yeah, we know. We've been over this a million times." I interupted. "Then we all follow and Bruce will go under the house and burst thrpugh the floorboards in the Hulkbuster armour. We'll all help hold him down while Thor chops off his hand with the Gauntlet. Then we kill him and take the Stones."
Steve glares at me, but shakes his head. We start walking off the ship, but Natasha pulls me aside.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Natasha said as she gently dragged me a few feet away from the group.
"What makes you think i don't want to go?" I retort, almost offended.
"Well, you're just 16--"
"And so was Peter when he went to space and got killed by this bastard. So there is now way in hell i'm staying on this ship."
"Oh, okay then." She just looks at me for a second before she joggs back to Steve, Nebula, Rocket, Carol, and Rhodey. And for a second, just a second, i look back at Rocket's ship. Maybe i should stay...i am just a kid and this is Thanos we're talking about...
Yeah, i'm a kid who can rip whole buildings apart with the clench of her fist.
So i jog back to them. Carol goes ahead and breaks through the door. We hear deep shouts and take that to mean she's got him, so we run and Bruce goes under the elevated house in the Hulkbuster armor. It's actually kind of funny watching him squeeze under there.
We all run inside and attack. Bruce, Carol and I all hold Thanos down and Thor chops off the Gauntlet hand. Thanos shouts in pain as Carol has him in a chokehold, Bruce has a hold of his other arm, and i am using my telekinesis to keep him from standing up. It took everything i had not to send him straight through the floor and down through the ground.
Rocket goes to the gauntlet, but when he sees it, he says something none of us were expecting.
"They're gone."
"Where are the stones?" Natasha asks, looking calm but she's cracking with anger, greif and frustration.
"Gone," Thanos replies, acting even more calm, as if this was his plan all along. Bastard. "Reduced to atoms."
"He's lying," I say, barely believing the words as they flew out of my mouth. "Where are they?!"
"I used the stones to destroy one another." Thanos says in a strained voice, clearly in pain. "It nearly killed me."
"He's got to be lying." Natasha states, slightly panicked.
"My father is many things. But he is no liar." Nebula says, again from the shadows. The flames from the fire reflect off of her metal face. I wonder what she looked like before he did that to her.
"Daughter." Thanos looks straight at her, and i can see the beginning of a sadistic smile on the bastard's face. Nebula only looks down as to avoid his gaze.
"Where are the stones, really?" Steve asks.
"As i said. Gone." And now he's really got a evil grin spread across his face. "I am inevitable."
And that's all it took for me. With the thrust of my arm, i raised him out of Carol and Bruce's grasp without toiching him at all. My blue fog like magic filled the room. I lift him up to the the ceiling, and i squeezed until he choked. Then snapped his neck with the tilt of my head, looking straight into his eyes. Those sinister, smiling eyes.
"What have you done?!" Steve shouts as Thanos's dead body hits the floor. He's never liked me, much. Natasha puts a hand on his shoulder, telling him to back off.
Thor looks right at me, his eyes wide with horror. I search through his thoughtsb and i see the exact scenario playing through his head, but with his brother Loki in Thanos's grasp.
"I'm sorry, Thor, i didn't know--"
But he was already out the door.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now