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We headed back to the facility where Tony had already set up a room for me. I liked it; it had a whole wall that had verticle rectangle window segments going up and down one of the walls that i could roll down for some fresh air, it had a large bookshelf (with no books in it yet), a queen sized bed with sheets and a blanket on it, and a dresser with a mirror on it. There was also a big TV in the corner facing a small couch that was kind of surrounded by the bookshelf.
"I didn't know what color you like so i didn't get a comforter yet." Tony said, " And i don't know if you like books or movies or anything so i didn't get any of those. We can do some of that stuff later, but it's late now and you should probabaly go to sleep."
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem." He started to walk out.
"No, really. Thank you. I know it's kind of sudden and all and i know you don't feel the same way towards me as Wanda and Peter do, but thank you for giving chance." I said.
"You're welcome." He smiled a small smile, and walked out.
A few minutes later Wanda came in. "Hey. You can borrow some of my pajamas and some of my cloths until we can get you some of your own if you want."
"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." I replied.
"And im not trying to be mean, but there's a shower through there and i highly suggest you use it. And there's soap and stuff under the sink and towels in the cupboard."
"Ok. Thanks"
Wanda walked out to get the clothes and i went into the bathroom. There were a dozen amazing smelling shampoos, conditioners, body washes, and facial cleansers. I took a few and had a quick shower. When i went back out, there were some cloths laid out for me on the bed. There were 2 pairs of pajamas and a few pairs of clothes. They were mostly red and black because most of Wanda's clothes were red and black, but i like darker colors, so i didn't mind. I put the clithes in the dresser and put on one of the pairs of pajamas. It was a dark green shirt with some dark purple pants that had grey swirls on them.
I sat on the bed exausted, about to go to sleep, when i heard someone knocking at my window.
It was Peter, and he appeared to be sticking to the wall beside the far left hand window. I walked over staring at him weird and rolled down the window.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered.
"Coming to see you for a little bit. And i brought some movies for you to watch in case you get bored." He climbed through the open window and took off his backpack. "So here we have the Star Wars movies, The Breakfast Club, E.T, Footloose, Aliens, Back To The Future, Mrs. Doubtfire,  and all of the Harry Potter movies." (This was kind of a Pitch Perfect referance, idk if you caught that. I make a lot of references to stuff)
"Thanks. I've seen some of these and i really like them. But... 'The Breakfast Club'? 'Mrs. Doubtfire'? 'Footloose'? 'Back To The Future'? I've never heard of any of those!" I responded.
"Boy, do you have some work to do." He said. "Watch those and tell me how you like them. I have to go, May's gonna catch me."
"Who's May?" I had no idea why, but i got upset when for a split second i thought May was his girlfriend. I made a tree in the distance sway.
"My Aunt. See you tommorow?" Peter asked.
"Yeah. I'll be here." I answered.
"Oh, how'd that thing with Miss Maximoff go?" Peter asked as he was halfway climbed out the window.
"Fine," I lied.
"Good. See ya." He climbed out the window.
"See ya." I watched him as he crawled on the wall and swung a web into the trees.
After he was gone, i noticed that my windows looked directly out onto the thin layer of trees next the the river. There was an opening where i could see the moon reflect on the water. I stood there looking at it for a few minutes. I looked at how peaceful it was. The water was flat and the moon and it's reflection had a calming effect on me. I again realized how tired i was and abandoned the window to go to sleep.
Dust. Or was it ash? Or flakes of some sort?
I don't know, but it was everywhere. It was in the air, in my throat for breathing it in, in my eyes.
After a few seconds i didn't see the dust anymore. I was back in my room. In my bed, looking out the window because i was on my side. I could still smell it, feel it, and see it. I had no idea what ut was but it creeped me out. Was ut just a bad dream? Or was it something more? Was it a warning, a sign of danger? But dust? I had no idea what to think, so i just went back to sleep, which had proved to be very difficult. I couldn't sleep well first of all because i was still haunted by what i had done that day, and second of all, because the dream made me anxious. I don't think i went back to sleep that night.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now