I Will NOT Calm Down

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The sight of the drone this close to me sends a shock through my whole body, and i just stand there, frozen.
"Frankie!" I hear Peter yell just before he pushes me out of the way of the drone shot. We hit the ground hard, and just my luck, i land on my bad arm.
I cry out in pain and he gets off of me, but a second later, the drone shoots him in the chest.
"PETER!!" I scream, watching him fly through the air and down through where there is no floor.
I start to get up, but i hear the drone shoot again, and duck back down to the floor before it could get me.
"What do i do, what do i do?" I mutter. I don't have long before the drone aims and shoots at me again.
I turn to face it, and bring up my hand lightning quick, and smash it in on itself before it can shoot me. It sparks and pops, but nothing else.
But just as i think the danger is gone, the room goes pitch black. For a split second, i see another drone with the same metal projector on it, then it disappears inti the darkness, as well.
The i see something. A dark, greenish concrete wall. It looks so familiar...
No. No no no no no, please no!
I turn around and sure enough, i'm in a room with 3 walls and a window. A window that stretches from two of the walls and floor to ceiling. And on the other side of the glass is Strucker.
"Please," I beg. "Don't hurt me."
"Oh, i wouldn't dream of it," he says, but it doesn't sound like him. "You've already done that, yourself."
"What?" And sure enough, i feel something hot and thick running down my arm to my wrist. I bring uo my arms, and they are soaked in blood, spilling everywhere from one long, deep cut down both arms.
Something pushes my chest hard, and i trip over something that catches my leg. My head slams into something and i soon realize i'm in a bathtub.
"It's not real," i say, bringing my knees to my chest, and tangle my hands inti my hair. I bring my head down to my knees and squeeze my eyes shur tight. "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real."
"Are you sure about that?" Someone says. I think it's Beck.
Then i hear it. I hear it one second and feel it in the next.
I open my eyes and i'm back in the spot where Thanos bombed the old Avengers Compound. The smoke makes the sky a dark purple and my breath trembles on the way in and out. The bombs fall a few dozen yard ahead of me, and get closer and closer. I start to get out of the bathtub and slip on my own blood, but start running soon enough.
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real."
I have to fnd Peter. If this is happening to me, it's probably happening to him. And i remember he got shot, but knowing Fury, that vest was hopefully bulletproof.
"Peter!" I call out. "Peter!!"
I run and run and run, my lungs feeling like they're going to explode, but i can't stop.
Smack! I slam face first into a wall. I bring my hands up to the wall to feel it. The illusion makes it look like the destruction goes on forever, but my hand stops in what seems to be midair, but i can feel the wall.
The scene changes to something familiar. Something i can't quite put my finger on but i feel like i know it.
Oh my god.
I'm surrounded by buildings that are destroyed beyond repair. There's blood flowing out from underneath all of them, and they go as far as i can see.
It's New York City after i destroyed some of it. When i first went there and Peter saved my life.
A hand closes around my throat and lifts me into the air, cutting off my air. I choke and gasp for breath, but that's not my main concern.
My main concern is that Peter is the one choking me.
"Peter," i strain, barely able to make a sound. "Stop it."
"Why? You wanted this," He flings me to the side and the illusion crumbles as i tumble down the wall of the building, my fingers scraping along the concrete for anything to grab to stop me from falling, but there's nothing.
I scream for a few seconds before slamming onto the pavement, all the air knocked out of my lungs with a groan. I struggle to breath for awhile, coughing and heaving, my throat still hurting from where a fake Peter choked me.
I look back down at my arms to see if Beck was really sick enough ti somehow slit my wrists, but he didn't. It's just water. The drones must have faked the bloodb but it felt so real.
I must not have fallen that far, but it felt far. It felt like i was falling for at least 5 seconds, in which time a person could fall several stories. So how the hell am i fine? I sit up, trying to feel if i have any broken bones or anything. I move my feet, my toes, my legs, so no spinal injuries.
I know i was on the 4th floor, so i must have fallen four stories. That's at least, at least, 40 feet. What the hell? I didnct even use my powers to stop myself, so how did i fall that far without a scratch? That fall would have severly hurt or even killed most people.
Nevermind, i have more important thungs to worry about.
"Peter!" I call out, still not able to find him. I run around the building and by the time i round the 2nd corner, i see people.
But i see drones, and Beck in the same outfit i see him in in the visions. The weird motion capture suit.
I turn and press myself against the wall, trying not to panic.
I peek around again and this time i see Peter, but he doesn't see me. No one does.
But it doesn't matter thatbhe doesn't see me, because half a second later, a train comes out of nowhere and hits him at lightning speed, taking him away.
I cover my mouth to try and hide the scream that comes out of my mouth and duck back behind the corner.
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real," i try to tell myself, but no matter hoe many times i say it, everything in me is telling me that it was real and that Peter is dead. "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real!"
"Boss, did you hear that?" I hear someone faintly around the corner.
By now, tears have sprung from my eyes and flow down. I try to stop the sobs from coming, but they won't. They take over and my whole bady shakes as my eyes swell and my cheeks and eyes get soaked.
I hear footsteps in the gravel coming closer and can't even bring myself to stand as they near me. Beck's going to find me here and he's going to kill me but honestly? I don't care. I just lost the one person that means the absolute most in the world to me.
You know what? No. I'm not sad, i'm mad. Angry. Furious at Beck for killing Peter, and i'm not about to give him the satisfaction of getting away with that, getting away with any of this
"You BASTARD!!" I shriek, rounding the corner and pushing anyone whose in my way out so i have a clear path to Beck.
"What are you talking about?" He asks calmly, a smug look on his face.
"You killed him!" More tears are springing from my eyes, but they are from pure rage.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Liar!" I run up to him and push him, slamming him into the ground. I rip off the fucking fishbowl and just go at it. I punch his stupid nose and scratch his stupid face with my fingernails, then punvh his stupid throat, stand up, and kick him in the stupid balls.
He curls into himself and groans, blood covering his face. He coughs and moans.
Someone grabs me from behind, and i push my magic through myself to force them off, then turn around to see about two dozen people facing me, a few with guns pointed straight at me.
I force the guns out of their hands, all at the same time, and throw them so far into the distance, i don't even see them land.
I turn back around to see Beck, who is now attempting to stand. I force him back to the ground by pushinh a foot down on his back.
"Anyone who tries to touch me or otherwise hurt me gets killed immedeatly!" I yell out to everyone.
"Where are the EDITH glasses?" I ask Beck with gritted teeth.
"I don't have them," he groans.
"No really, they're not on me."
"Fine," i say, lifting me foot off of him. "Don't tell me. But it's your funeral."
I launch myself into the air and away from them, and finally let all of the sadness that was building up explode, and i scream.
"Parker! Grant!" I hear Fury bark in my ear. I never thought i would be so happy to hear that bastard's voice.
"Yeah, i'm here," i say, my voice breaking.
"Where are you?"
"Were you were coming to the SHIELD compound here."
"I thought i was already there!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Beck tricked us again."
"Get your ass over here and explain yourselves, both of you!"
"Peter is dead!" I blurt out. I hadn't said it out loud, but the words out loud send a chil through every inch of my body, and a sob escapes me, again.
"Oh," is all Fury says. "So Beck is a fraud?"
"No, you don't get to change the subject! Peter is dead because of you!" My voice cracks and breaks as i talk, but i don't care. "If you hadn't gotten him into this shit in the first place, he wouldn't be dead trying to help you with Beck, who yes, is a fucking fraud. But that doesn't change the fact that Peter is dead!"
"Frankie, you need to calm down--"
"NO! I will NOT calm down!"
"People die, it happens--"
"Not to him, it doesn't! He wasn't supposed to be the one to die, it was supposed to be me!" My voice shakes and my head pounds from the pressure.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I've been having visions of Beck killing me with a drone on this trip, with me wearing this shirt snd these pants and this jacket! It was supposed to be me!" I can't help but scream as i fly through the air. I look for a place to land and find an alley inbetween buildings, so i crash into that. Still, not a scratch.
"It was supposed to be me," i sob.
"I'm sending a car to you. Where exactly are you?"
I peek around the corner, where peope who saw me fall stare at me. The street sign says Berkaer.
"I don't know how to pronounce it, but it's spelled b-e-r-k-a-e-r."
Within minutes, a black SUV rolls up to the alleyway. I get uo and the window rolls down to reveal Fury.
"Wait," i say. This happened before. "How do i know it's really you?"
Fury says nothing. He thinks for a second, then silently changes form to Talos. It's him.
I get into the car and automatically fasten the seatbelt. By the time i'm situated, Talos transforms back into Fury.
"What the hell is going on?" He asks the second we start driving.
"Beck has been faking everything this whole time. Mysterio, the Elementals, being from another dimension, everything."
"How, exactly?"
"Advanced hologram projectors on weaponized drones. Peter gave him EDITH and now he's using the drones EDITH has access to do control illusions."
"And how'd Parker die?" His voice shows absolutely no remorse, even though i know he knows it's s his fault.
"He got hit by a train," i say, the train flashing by in my mind, sweeping Peter along with it. It won't stop playing over and over in my head, and somehow, even more tears spring to my eyes.
"A train?" Fury asks on the verge od laughing. Laughing. "Do you seriously think a train is enough to kill that boy?"
He has a point.
So i search for him. iI search for Peter's thoughtsb stretching out as far as i can possibly go. Berlin, Hamburg, Poland, Munich, bavk to Prague, all the way dosn to Venice, back up to Belgium, and down again to Switzerland.
"I can't find him," i say, my voice sounding completly empty.
"What are you talking about?"
"I can hear people's thoughts hundred of thousands of miles away. Before the Snap, i heard Peter's million of light years away. I can't hear his thoughts anywhere anymore. He's dead."
"And why should i believe you? You have given me absolutely no reason to trust you."
"Using my own words against me?"
"It's what you do," He turns and smirks at me. "Any smart-ass comments to add?"
He laughs, but i don't.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now