We Can Work With This

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Somehow i ended up on the ground crying. I wasn't crying because i was sad, but it was because of a feeling i hadnct felt in years: Hope. I had hope that i wasn't going to be alone and i wouldn't have to walk through my life alone.
Iron Man signaled for the police behind me to put their guns down. Parker walked over to me cautiously, not wanting to startle me. He looked at the police behind me, and back to me.
He crouched down next to me. "Hey. You're gonna be Ok. You're not alone. Ok?"
I nodded.
"Come on" He helped me up and put an arm around me.
"Thanks Parker" I said.
"It's Peter" He replied.
"What? But he called you Parker?"
"Yeah, he never calls my by my first name. It's always 'Parker', 'Pete', 'kid', something like that."
"Oh, ok...Peter"
We walked over to the others, who - besides Wanda - were a little more hesitant towards me.
"So uh..." I muttered.
"We should probabaly get back to the facility" Tony announced.
"Can i come, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked eagerly.
"Sure kiddo, i'll call Happy." He replied.
"It's not here?" I pointed to the tower.
"No, actually we moved upstate several months ago." Wanda answered.
"Well then...i can take Peter." i said hesitantly.
"Uh... I don't know" Tony responded.
"That's fine, i get it" I said. "But i mean, what's the point in wasting that gas when you can get there without doing that and by a much more fun way?"
"How exactly are you planning on getting there?" Tony asked.
"Same way i got here. Flying" i answered.
"As long as your hand doesn't slip i guess it's ok" Tony agreed.
"You're not my dad, you don't have a say in what i can and can't do" Peter complained.
"You're right. I'm sorry. Do you want to fly 250 feet in the air with a stranger who is obvioulsy emotinally unstable and just killed god knows how many people?" Tony asked sarcastically.
"He's right, you shouldn't-" I started.
"Yep. I trust her." Peter said with a smile.
"You shouldn't" i scoffed.
"Why? Are you going to drop me?" Peter asked sarcasticly, trying to imitate Tony.
"I'd try not to." I said through gritted teeth.
"Then i don't see why not." Peter shrugged.
"But I don't trust myself with you."
"You're not going to drop me." Peter said with his best 'you know i'm right' face.
"Fine." I said.
"You do know i was joking, right?" Tony said with wide concerned eyes. I looked in his head tosee where this "upstate" place was. When i knew how to get there i grabbed Peter's hand and flew straight up.
"Whhoooo!" Peter shouted.
I laughed and flied along the Hudson River until i saw the cluster of white and light grey buildings, one with a large "A" on the top.
I descended to the grass in front of the largest building and landed as softly as i could.
"I'm assuming this is it?" I smiled.
"Yep. Come on, i'll show you around before they get here. Well, i'll show you what I know of and am allowed in." Peter took of his mask and Oh. My. God. He was Hot. I almost had to do a double take when i saw his perfect hair and beautiful brown eyes.
He led me inside the big building and we walked down a big hallway which had a lot of doors.
"I'm not allowed in some of those doors even though they're just a bunch of confrence rooms. And up here..." Peter led me up to the next flight of stairs. "...is the lab floor. Icm allowed up here but i can't touch anything unless Mr. Stark says i can and he is present in case i blow something up. Over here..." He pointed at a mess of wires and metal, "is something i've been working on for robotics club. It's supposed to make that lightbulb light up whenever it moves and it's supposed to charge with solar energy. I'm almost done with it, i just have to connect the solar panels to the wires that are connected to the battery."
"Cool." I said.
"This is mainly the reception/lab/confrence room building. The other buildings are the kitchen, people's rooms, library, research rooms; all that stuff." Peter explained. "We don't really have much time time before the others get here, and if they don't see us Mr. Stark will think the worst."
"As in?" I asked.
"Oh, maybe that you did drop me and left or something along those lines." Peter looked out the window and saw something in the skyline along the trees. I couldn't see it, though. "Thats them"
We headed back fown the stairs, out the front doors, and onto the grass. By then i could see them; little dots along the trees. After a minute or two, they descended onto the grass.
"So, uh, you're staying? Here?" Tony asked.
"I guess so. I don't really have anywhere else to go." I answered.
"Ok. So Maximoff?" Tony looked to Wanda.
"Right. So we're gonna go over there and try to see how much we need to fix- i mean...uh....help." Wanda explianed.
"No, that's what i need. To be fixed." I said.
"You don't need to be fixed; you're not broken." Wanda said.
"Kid, go home." Tony said to Peter. "Happy's over there"
"Ok. Bye Frankie." Peter started walking to the car.
"Bye" i said as i waved.
"Try this" Wanda used her powers to make some of the water from the river float up into a shpere about 2 feet wide. It was starting to get dark outside and her powers illuminated a small area around us.
Once she put the water back in the lake, i tried. It didn't really go to plan. I made small movements, but i still did much nore than i wanted to. The water flowed up, over, and back doen again, so that it looked like an arch. I immeadeatly put it back down, but i accidentily splashed a lot of water on us.
"Ok" Wanda said as she wiped water off of her face and wringed out her hair. "We can work with this. It's getting late though, so we need to be heading back. As soon as she said it i realized how tired i was. Not only was it an exausting day but it would be about 2:00 in the morning in Edinburgh.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now