Something Bad

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The nightmares hadn't come back since the first night i was there. But that night they came back. The were people crying now along with the dust or ash. There were two different voices, one that said "There was no other way", and one that said "dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same." They were both man's voices but i could tell they were different people. It was really weird but i decided to ignore it for the time being. They're just dreams, right?
I didn't tell anyone about the dreams because i didn't think it was anything, or had anything to do with them. They didn't suspect anything so i didn't say anything.
Although one night i had a dream that affected me more than i would have ever thought it would, regardless of whether or not i liked Peter. Not liked like relationship, but more of a "i guess we're friends" sort of thing. Yeah. Totally.
It was Peter in my head, as if i didn't get enough of him 10 minutes before i went to bed anyway. But he wasn't happy and smiley like he usually was. That goddamn intoxicating smile, that melodious laugh, and that almost jingle-like voice of his. He looked upset. No, that's an understatement. He looked like he was falling apart, inside and out. He was wearing a different suit, but his hands were flaking and falling apart. It was one of the weirdest things i'd ever seen and i didn't know how to make sense of it, so i just figured it was one of those dreams that is nonsense like riding a ship through a meadow or the one where everyone you know is a different animal or the one where you're being chased by someone and you're running with your feet sliding on the ground so you can't move or the one's where you're locked in a room and there are people staring at you then the room becomes smaller as it fills with water and piranha's, all the while you need to scream for help but the scream comes out airy and no sound comes out.
Not everyone has that dream? Ok.
But Peter looked down and was about to say something but then i woke up in a cold sweat. His face was burned into my mind. That sad, agonized, pitiful, confused look on his face. The look of someone who knew something bad was about to happen. The look of someone who though...they were gonna die. Someone who knew death was a thing but didn't know what death really meant and they were just now figuring it out but it would be too late. Then i wondered why i had dreamt about Peter dying and realized i wouldn't be able to handle something like that on top of everything else. I couldn't handle the nicest person i know besised Wanda dying. Not after everything in the past few years. I would fall apart. But still, i didn't tell anyone. Not when Peter came back the next night or when Wanda and I went back out or when- wait, that's really all i did. I really didn't do much there.
It was only when i saw someone turn to dust that i connected the dots. It was going to be my fault. I was going to kill whoever that was. He looked like Jesus with a metal arm. "Steve?" He'd said. I assumed it was Steve Rogers, Steve, as in Captain America. I don't know how, but i had a feeling it would be my fault. Everything bad these days happens because of me, it seems.
And i just knew, somehow, those 2 men i heard in a dream had something to do with it. But how can you figure something out when it hasn't happened yet? When the only clues you have are dust, "there was no other way", and "dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same".

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now