One Blink

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A few days later, a city rose up from the ground and plummeted towards the ground again, and hundreds - at least - had died. I had nothing to do with it since i had flown as far away as i could, and had somehow ended up in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Even though i was only 14, i could pass for 17 or 18. I had always looked old for my age, and thankfully it had finally come in handy.
I got an apartment and started working at the local bookstore. I mostly worked in the back to help prevent accidents, and i could practice controlling my powers when no one was looking. There had only been a few accidents. A shelf or two knocked over, a cart flying across the store room, little things like that.
This "peace" with myself lasted about a year before the incident.
I was coming home early from work because i had been getting sick with a cold or something. Just before i was about to unlock the door, i noticed it stood ajar. I heard someone shuffling inside. I heard a voice, which was soon joined by 3 other voices. I used my telepthy to see they were there.
"There's nothing in here besides that crappy TV." One of them said.
"Let's just get out of here." Another said.
I don't know what i was thinking, but i stormed into the room, livid.
All 4 men in masks stared at me. One smiled wickedly, and started walking towards me. Out of defense i used my telekinesis to throw him across the room, only moving one finger less than an inch.
The others watched him soar across the room and looked back at me, horror on their faces. Even though they wore masks, i could tell they were scared. One tried to run out, but i forced him back without touching him. The other two stood frozen. They guy i had thrown lied motionless on the floor, blood pouring from his head. I looked inside his head; nothing. I had killed him.
I gasped lightly. I hadn't killed anyone in over a year and i hadn't used my powers violently since Strucker.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and in one blink -one flick of my hand - all four of them lied on the floor motionless. Dead.
Now i looked at them in horror. What was i going to do with the bodies? Could i turn myself in without the police knowing of my powers?
After a few minutes of me asking myself these questions, the walls started to crumble. I looked up, and my magic was surrounding me, creeping up the walls and cracking them. I tried to pull it back, but i only did more damage. My movements were too big, and i ended up ripping the whole side of the building off. I hearda few faint screams from the floors above and below. I tried running out since the building was crumbling around me, but with each step the building shook more and more. Eventually, the whole thing fell, and i jumped out of a window as it collapsed into countless peices of concrete, stone, and brick.
I backed away from the rubble in shock at what i'd done just because i got upset. All the thoughts of how i was a monster and how i couldn't be around other people because everywhere i go, bad things happen because of me.
In that moment, while staring at the destruction i had caused, i decided i couldn't live with it anymore. I decided that i had to be destroyed so i couldn't do this to anyone else.
I thought of ways i could do it. The usual suicide methods: slitting of the wrists, hanging, gun to the head. Then i thought of making a tree fall on my from 200-300 feet up crushing me, maybe snapping my own neck with my powers.
Then i stopped thinking about suicide and of people who might want me dead. The families of those i killed that day, some people at Strucker's facility. But then i thought about Wanda and how she was an Avenger. She decided to use her powers for good. At least she could control her powers.
I thought about how the Avengers aren't exactly the tidiest heros. They always cause a lot of damage when their 'saving' the world.
Maybe they'll want me dead. I mean, their job is to protect earth from anything that endangers it, and i'm certainly a danger to it. I thought.
And again, i was flying as fast as i could, but this time to America. Specifically New York.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now