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When i come to, the first thing i notice is the blinding headache. Then the support beam crushing me, and the water dripping. A drop lands on my cheek and rolls down into my eye. I lift my head and something around my neck stops me. The chain of mt necklace tugs on my neck as i try to lift my head again. There's a pipe caught between my neck and the chain. Apparently it grazed my neck, because i feel something warm and sticky seeping into my hair. Probably blood.
It takes me a few seconds to realize i'm in shock and having a panic attack. I didn't notice i was hyperventilating and my heart was going a mile a second until something shifted and the beam crushed me even more. Tears spring in my eyes again and i try to calm myself down. There's a throbbing pain in my chest, and i can tell one of my ribs is broken. But suprisingly, nothing else is. I try to use my powers to lift the beam off of me, but it's heavy. Well, no shit, it's got a building on it. It try harder, but somethung else shifts above it and things start to fall. If i'm gonna do this, i have to do it fast.
I turn my attention back to my necklace. I'm going to have to have to break it to get loose, but i can't bring myself to do it. It's the only thing i have from my parents. I think of the only flash of their faces i can remember.
I have to break it. If i don't, i canct get out, and if i can't get out i'll die down here.
It's gonna hurt, but i count down from three to break it.
"3, 2...1" i jerk my head to the side so hard my headache threatens too knock me out again. The chain tugs on my neck hard, the then breaks. I hear a metallic clinking and it slides down the pole, disappearing beneath a pile of debris. It left a stinging mark on my neck where it broke, but i have bigger problems than that.
Just as i start to prepare to get everything off of me, i hear someone yelling.
It's Rhodey. And Rocket. And Bruce.
I can't get everythung off, otherwise it'll trap them even more.
New plan.
"I'm coming!" I shout back, my throat hurting even worse than it was after Clint strangled me.
I start to push the beam off of me as slow as possible. I almost think it's too heavy, even for me, but it start to go up. Everything was always so effortless for me. This is new. I don't think i've ever lifted something this heavy with my powers. This is probably the entire Avengers compound i'm lifting.
I grit my teeth and groan as i lift the thousands of tons off of myself, just enough for me to slip out. The second i move, my chest screams in pain. This isn't just a hairline fracture. I can see half the bone poking out underneath my shirt. It's completly split. I'm going to have to reset it before i do anything else. I lift up the torn blouse to see the broken rib. Luckily it didn't break the skin. I use both hands of powers to grab both parts of the rib and in one swift movement so it doesn't hurt so bad for so long, i pull the top peice of rib off the other and set them back together to normal, screaming the whole 5 seconds it lasted. I have to take at least a minute, a minute i don't have, to calm myself down again from the pain. It hurt more than anything i'd ever imagined. It still throbs but i try to ignore it so i can get the others.
"Where are you!?" I scream, doing my best to stand up and navigate through the debris shifting under my feet. Something slides underneath my foot and i fall to the ground, pain surging through my body and lingering at my rib. Black stars show up in the corners of my eyes. I get up again, gritting my teeth. My rib is still the way i put it, but black stars still cloud the corners of my eyes.
"Over here!" I hear Bruce shout on my left. I can't tell how far away he his, but it's not within a minutes trip. All i can really tell is that they're a little above me.
"Over here!" I hear Rocket shout.
Instead of going by their voices, i follow the sound of their thoughts. Forward...right...above that beam...
I hear something creak and groan, and screams.
Water hits me hard, forcing me back and knocking me against a giant pile of debris, knocking the air out of my lungs and making my broken rib shift again. I shout in pain and my hand automatically goes to cover it. The water pushes on me, locking me in place. It fills up whatever room i'm in, and the water level steadily keeps rising and rising. I see some of my books float by, like Hunger games, Chaos Walking, and Divergent.
Other things float by fast and something sharp collides with my right leg. In a second, it sticks at least half an inch into my leg and the current moves it so that it tears across my skin for a few seconds before i get it out.
I see Divergent again and think of Tris in the tank filling up with water, and how she broke the glass to get out.
I try to fight against the water and the pain in my chest, but it's too strong. I can't stop the water, because then it will just fill up faster where the guys are. I can't swim because the current is too strong. The water is up to my neck now, and i've floated up at least 5 feet. My head is touching the ceiling and the water rises faster and faster, until my face is pressed to the ceiling. I breath in the last bit i can and go underwater. I light up the water with my powers and see a doorway. I can't swin there, so i have to push myself forward with my powers. I can't hold my breath long and my throat is already starting to hurt, and my head is only getting worse. I feel like i'm going to either faint or throw up. After a few more seconds, i get to the doorway of the next room and float to the top. It's not filled up yet, so i go to the top and gasp for air, coughing and sounding lime im dying. The first cough sends a punch of pain to my rib, so i try to stop and just breath.
"Frankie!" Bruce shouts.
"Guys!" I shout, my teeth gritted through the pain.
Rhodey shouts back. "We're drowning!"
"I can see that." I say. I meant it to sound sarcastic, but it comes out panicked. "What the hell happened?" I ask.
"I don't know," Rhodey says.
"That doesnct matter right now," Bruce announces, pain in his voice as well. "We need to get out of here."
"You're right," i reply. "I'm gonna lift this off of us."
"The whole building?" Bruce asks. "Can you do that?"
"You underestimate me." I reply, a small smirk on my face. The water level here is up to our necks, but i can still do this.
"Everyone grab on!" I say.
Rocket grabs onto my back and wraps his arms around my neck.
"Too tight, Rocket." I rasp.
"Sorry," he apolojizes, and looses his grip a little.
"Uh..." Rhodey makes a face at me.
"Rhodey, you either die or grab onto me," i say. "You too, Bruce. Just not my arms, i need those."
Bruce takes a huge breath and goes underwater. A second later, i feel him grab my good leg. Rhodey dives down and comes back up a few seconds later in his War Machine suit. He wraps both arms around my waist, making me flinch because he doesn't know about my rib. I can't focus on that, though. I grit my teeth and start lifting the building off of us. The whole room fills with blue and the ceiling starts to break off. I scream as i force us up along with the debris on us. It's thousands of tons and Rhodey holding onto me, making my broken rib isn't helping any.  I scream through all the pain and use it to get all of this off of us. We soar up and everything falls around us, threatening to close in on us. I don't know how far down we are, but it's at least 20 seconds before i see the sky.
I make sure none of the debris comes back on top of us, casting it backwards and away. The sun isn't shining like it was, anymore. Clouds of smoke block out the sun and the sun was setting as the day came to a close, anyways.
Rhodey and Bruce let go the second we land on the ground, making me gasp for air and reach for my rib.
The second i touch it, i scream. The bone has shifted back on top of the other again. Rhodey turns back to see what i screamed about and exclaimed "Oh, shit!"
Rocket hops off of me and looks too. I lift up my shirt some and...shit. The bone has broken the skin and sticks out. They all make disqusted faces. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain for a few seconds before falling to the ground. Bruce catches me before i actually hit the ground and lays me down gently.
"Frankie, i'm so sorry," Rhodey says, thinking he did that.
"It's not your fault, that happened before i found you all," i say, yet again through gritted teeth, then say nothing else.
"I'm going to have to pull that out," Bruce says as he kneels next to me.
"No, i can do it," i say, lifting my head to see. My blouse is torn beyond repair, the sleeves gone and the bottom shredded. Luckily, the cami underneath is still in moderatly okay shape, so i peel the blouse off. I notice them all staring at the scars on my arms as i do. I grab the rib with my powers and start to ease it out of the gash it tore in my skin. Lucklily it was the part that had broken off completly that was sticking out. Rocket and Bruce had to look away and Rhodey just stared in shock as i decided to just jerk the damn thing out and throw it away. Blood soaked part of the cami that used to be white, but is now dark red and dirty white.
I just breathe for a minute, waiting for the worst of the pain to pass before sitting up.
"We need to get you to med bay..." Bruce says but quickly realizes there is no more med bay because there is no more Avengers Complex. "We need to get you to a hospital it something, just out of here." He says instead.
"No." I say. "Someone blew up the building and they're probably still here."
That's when i see him.
The absolute idiot alone in front of an entire army it seems. I quickly realize it's Thanos standing in front, and that must be his army and gigantic fucking ship behind him. They all move into formation as Steve stands up from the ground to face them.
How the HELL is that bitch still alive? I killed him! He must have some twin brother that is equally sadistic or something, becaud ei know fir a fact i killed him. I killed him dead.
Yet, there he is, standing there with a whole fucking army of aliens behind him.
And Steve, alone in the middle of it all.
Well, i guess that means i'm an idiot, too, because i fly over to stand beside him.
"You look like shit," i say when i land.
"Compared to you, i think i look pretty good." He glances at the blood on my shirt before turning back to Thanos's army. I think he says nothing about the huge wound on my torso because he knows we're about to die. It's just him, me, Rocket,   Bruce, and Rhodey out here. Rhey make their way over to us.
"We can't win against them!" Rhodey almost hisses at us.
"We know," i say.
I know i'm about to die. But icm jot going out without a fight.
At least Peter and Wanda, and possibly Natasha, are okay.
At least they're okay.
That's what's keeping fighting.
Just as i raise my hands ti start fighting the army in front of us, Steve stops me. He has a hand to his ear and one on my arm, bringing it down. I turn to him with a "What the fuck?" face. He turns around and gasps. I turn around, too, and i see a golden circle of sparks. 3 figures walk out from it. Okoye, and two others i mildly regognize.
It hits me. It's T'Challa and Shuri of Wakanda. They died in the Snap.
Now they're back.
They're all coming back. I don't know what this sparkling ring is, but it's bringing them here, so i'm not complaining.
Something flies out of the sparkling ring and flies around us. I see it's a man with some sort of metallic wing thing, and as he flies, more sparkling rings appear. One appears about 3 dozen feet away and i see one of the people i saw in Peter's mind. He has a red caoe, and a few of the others i saw in his mind come up, too. Maybe...
Oh my god.
Oh. My. God.
Oh my fucking god.
There he is.
He flips into view, his mask coming off as he stands up from landing.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now