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"How'd today's training go?" Peter whispered. He'd just climbed through my window again, as he'd been doing for a couple of weeks now every night on his way home after his Spider-Man duties.
"Fine. I'm getting better, i managed to not pull up the entire river again. I got a little more water than i would like, but im getting close!" I whispered back exitedly.
"That's great! Listen, do you think Mr. Stark would let you come to school?" He asked.
"First of all, i don't trust myself around that many people, and neither does anyone else here. And second, i haven't gone to school in just under 6 years, so i don't think i'd catch up very quickly. In fact, i don't think i'd catch up at all."
"Oh, right. Well, Mr. Stark wouldn't let you go too long without a basic education, i don't think. Although that probably isn't high on his list of priorities right now. I was just wondering."
I smiled a little because i was happy someone cared about the little things like that about me. He noticed me smiling and said "what's with the grin?" He smiled back.
"Nothing. You need to go, someone's gonna hear us." I still smiled.
"Yeah, you're probably right. Bye." He started climbing back out the window.
"Bye dork" I said as i closed the window. I caught myself beaming and sighing and immedeatly stopped because i proabably looked like one of those teens in a cheesy Netflix original rom-coms. Romance? Psh!
"Can i please try to do the past thoughts thing?" I said as i held up a much smaller shere of water from the river. It was nowhere near as small as Wanda's, but i was getting there.
"Yeah, i think you're ready." She smiled.
I couldn't help but smile right back.
"Hey watch it!" She laughed. I'd accidentily sprayed water on her.
"Sorry." I lowered the water back down into the river. "So how do i do it?"
"First get into my thoughts." She instructed. I did as she said. I read what i was supposed to do next in her head and did it. I moved backwards in my mind and hers. I saw flashes of images. Meals, my own face, Tony, Vision, and other people, too. Captain America, Peter, War Machine, Hawkeye, a guy i've never seen that got huge, a guy in a black cat looking suit, Black Widow, and a few more people. Then I saw Thor and Hulk, and felt a sort of emptyness since I could also feel Wanda's thoughts. I heard muffled noises but thought they were just her thoughts.
Suddenly i felt a huge pain in my chest. I couldnct breath or move or think. I fell to the ground in anquish and agony because of a huge loss of something. It was Pietro. He was gone. Dead. I didn't know about that and i guess i felt a sort of connection to both twins having been the only other experiment to survive. I didn't love him like Wanda does, but now that i felt everything she did i felt like i was being killed. Stabbed in the chest, pain everywhere, i couldn't breath and my throat and lungs hurt from not having any oxygen as i was using all of it screaming because Wanda had screamed. My powers made the trees around me rip from the ground and they were turmed to sawdust mid-air.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now