Baby Mountain Goats

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Peter pokes his head out into the aisle, but i ignore him. He doesn't look at me anyways. I mind ny own buisness and let the music fill my head.
"Isn't it lovely...all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone. Tear me to peices, skin to bone. Hello, welcome home," Billie sings angelicly into my ears. I've got it turned up so loudly that i can't hear anyone or anything on the bus, and that's the way i prefer it.
But when the chorus start again after Khalid finishes his solo, i see something move again.
Peter's leaning into the aisle, looking through the back window. I take out my earbuds and am about to ask him what's wrong, but Dimitri's cold glare distracts me.
"Oh my god," i hear Peter whisper to himself as he takes off the EDITH glasses. What the hell did he do?
"Dope glasses, Parker," Flash says in the seat across from him. He takes the EDITH glasses out of Peter's hand. "How'd you pay for these?"
"Flash, give them back!" Peter whisper-yells, glancing from him to the back window. I look out to see what's going on, and what i see sends a chill down my spine, and i whip back around into the seat.
It's the drone. The same drone i see in thee vision.
The drone that kills me.
I look back to Peter and Flash just in time to see Peter hit Flash, knocking him out cold.
"I'm so sorry!" Peter says as he takes the glasses off of Flash and puts them on, standing up at the start of the aisle.
"What the hell is going on?" I hiss at him. He doesn't answer me, but says something else.
"EDITH, don't kill Brad!" He begs quietly, looking at the back again.
"What the hell is going on?" I whisper at him. He glances at me, but says nothing.
"Did you just punch Flash?" A girl with a pink hijab asks Peter.
"No," Peter says, looking offended. A second later, his eyes widen and he looks back to Dimitri's driver's spot, then shoots a web at the wheelb jerking it back. That sends me slamming inti the window at my seat.
"Ow!" I excalim when my head hits the window. I sit back up and see Peter bring his hand up to his face.
"EDITH!" He realizes the glasses are gone and looks around for them, finding them near the bus entrance quickly.
"Peter!" I shout. "What's going on?!"
"Peter, plant your fanny in that seat and buckle up right now!" Roger says to Peter, and Peter responds with something that makes absolutely no sense.
"Look at the baby mountain goats!"
And they dob leaping out of their seats and crowing at the windows facing the mountain beside us. I soon realize what he did that for. He did it to distract them so they wouldn't see him doing what he does next.
He jumps high up into the air, bursts the emergeny exit hatch on the roof of the bus open, and shoots the drone with his webs, and this whole time i don't do anything to help him because that is the drone i saw in my vision, and i really don't want to die right now. I squeeze my eyes shut and hear Peter come back down, closing the emergency exit hatch behind him. His feet thud on the floor and my entire body relaxes as i sigh, relieved. The drone is gone. A second later, everyone looks back to him.
"I don't see any mountain goats," Roger says as everyone sits back down, disappointed.
"You missed them," Peter says, panting. His hair is all sticking up and for a split second, i think i see Tony. But only a second. Then i blink and realize it's just Peter. He only looked like Tony, because of the glasses and the way his hair is sticking up, now.
"I know you think none of us have noticed Peter," Betty says, and Peter looks at her, his eyes widening slightly. Oh no. Is she about to say what i think she's about to say?
"What?" Peter says. He's thinking the same thing i am.
"But your new look? I love it," she says, and both Peter and i release the breath we were holding in. "Right, babe?"
"Yeah!" Ned agrees.
I gesture for Peter to sit by me almost violently and Ned keeps talking.
"Sophisticated, classy. Very European," Ned continues as i pull Peter into the seat next to me.
"What?" He asks, still out of breath and panting. I wait for everyone to start talking again before i tell him.
"What the hell just happened?"
He explains everything. Somehowb his words got screwed uo by EDITHB and she called a drone strike because Peter siad that Brad was a target.
"Idiot," i say, majing fun of him.
"Yeah, that wasn't one of my best moments." He says, scratching the back of his neck.
"On a more serious note," i start, saying it quietly so no one but us can hear. "That drone. It's the one i see in the visions."
"Really?!" He says, suprised, but quiet.
"Well, obviously not the exact one, but there has to be more where that one came from," i say, fear immedeatly rising in my chest, and i know Peter can tell i'm scared, now. "It's the kind of drone that's going to kill me!"
"You're not dying!" He hisses at me, looking back to make sure no one heard. "Hold on. EDITH?"
"No," i say, taking the glasses off of his face. "You are not getting these back for the rest of this bus trip."
"That's fair, but i need to delete that picture from Brad's phone," Peter looks back towards Brad, then back to me.
"I'll handle it," i say. "Cover me."
"What?" He asks, confused.
"If your teachers see me doing this, they'll make me stop and won't trust me to keep chaperoningb so if they look at me, tell me."
"Oh," he says, and glances to the seats next to us at his teachers.
I close my eyes and mentally creep my way to the back of the bus and into Brad's head.
Delete the picture of Peter at the rest stop with the woman, and forget you ever took the picture i force inti his mind, guiding him to do it the whole way. He does it obediently and doesn't try to fight me on it, because i've basically taken over his conscious mind, he can't make decision of his own free will until i stop making him do things.
He deletes the picture and forgets about it, so i leave his mind.
"What are we going to do about the drones?" I whisper to Peter to get his attention back from keeping watch.
"I guess i'll just make sure i don't accidentily call on anymore drones," he says, turning back to me.
"But it's not you that does it, it's someone else," i remind him.
"Oh, right," he says, remembering. "Who?"
"B--" i start to say, but i can't tell him it's Beck. He already trust Beck and diesn't need that kind of betrayal right now. "I don't know," i lie.
"Well, we need to figure it out, and soon," he says. He looks at me and he already looks genuinly heartbroken over it.
"It's gonna be fine," i lie. I have to make him think everything will be okay.
"So you're actually gonna try to stop it from happening?" He asks, brightening up.
"Yeah," i say, giving him a small smile.
"Good, because for a little bit, i thought you were suicidal, again."
"I'm not!" i say a little too loudly and firmly. A few heads turn in our direction, but they soon look away. "I promise, i'll try to stop it," i say, and i really mean it.
"I know," he says. He looks away from me and i can tell he's scared. Scared for me and scared of what's to come.
And so am i.
We get to Prague at night. There are people all in the streets. They must be celebrating something, because there are all sorts of coustumes and people everywhere.
We stop in front of a huge building with banners in front of it and people start to get off of the bus. I was about to be the last one off, but Dimitri stops me and hands me something. A small plastic bag with something else small inside of it.
"What is this?" I ask, trying to see through the white plastic.
"Use that tonight," is all he says.
"Vague much?" I mutter as i hop off the bus.
Apparently this is where we're staying. It looks old, but just about anything is better than that hotel in Venice.
Everyone gets their bags out from the underneath storage area that was on the bus and heads inside. Everyone else heads inside before Peter an i do, with Julian and Roger bringing up the rear. As we get into the building, all the kids are amazed by how nice this place is and i don't think i've ever been in a room this fancy.
"Wow, this place is so classy!" Betty comments as we all make our way into the lobby.
"Yeah, so why are we here?" A boy in front of me says.
"Speak for yourself," Flash replies. "I'm home."
This place is huge, with white walls and golden accents everywhere. Chandeliers, fancy furniture, decorations, concierges, and a live pianist. I momentarily get caught in the music but i come back to my sense when i hear Roger.
"What can i say? The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease!" He says. I donct think anyone understands what he meant by that, but no one thinks about it too hard. I fidhet eith the thing Dimitri gave meb trying to get it open. "Everyone get settled in, rest up, because tonight, big suprise, is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights!" Roger gestruee to a sign just as i get the tiny plastic bag open. Something small, hard, and black falls into my hand from inside of it. I think it's an earpiece.
"Hello?" Peter says behind me. I turn around and see him walking away, talking into his phone. "Uh, yes ma'am." He says a few seconds later, and hangs up the phone.
Ned walks towards him. "Hey man, look, i am so sorry if i seem like i am preoccupied with my relationship. I'm still your guy in the chair." What the hell does that mean?
"No, it's all good, don't worry about it," Peter replies. "By now, i'm kind of used to my friends being preoccupied with relationships."
"Are you talking about me?" I ask, breaking away from the group.
"Maybe," Peter says.
"So, what' the status on the Elemental thing?" Ned asks us. "Where's it gonna happen?"
"You told him about that?" I scold Peter.
"I thought he should know!" He says.
"So?" Ned asks impatiently.
"Uh, it's happening here, in the city," Peter explains.
"Peter, we're here!" Ned exclaims.
"I know, it's not good," Peter glances past me at his group of classmates. "We're figuring it out."
"You have to do something, please," Ned pleads. "We're all counting on you."
"Ned!" Betty calls.
"Yeah, babe," Ned replies, walking towards her.
When i look back at Peter, he looks freaked out. Horrified.
"Are you okay?" I ask him, lowering my voice.
"I..." He looks at me. "I can't do this."
"Yes, you can," i say, putting a hand on his shoulder. "And besides, i'll probably be doing most of it, anyways." I joke.
"Wow, cocky much?" Peter smiles a little bit. I love seeing him smile.
"Shut up," i say. I look over to the group when i hear them shouting about something, i don't know what though. I quickly find out that it's about everyone having their own rooms.
As soon as i get into my room, i take out my phone and face-time Harley. I need ti see him one last time. It's mid-afternoon, there, so there's no reason he shouldn't be up.
The line rings and rings, and i stare at my own face on the screen. I've learned that the camera makes it look worse than it really is.
"Hey, beautiful," Harley says when he finally answers.
"Hey," i reply, trying my hardest to show no signs of my heart breaking as i look at his face and hear him for what might be the last time.
No, Frankie, shut up. I think to myself. You're not dying.
"How's the trip going, what's going on?" Harley asks, curious.
"Uh, no one's died yet, but it's come pretty close," i say.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I'll tell you when i get back," i say in hopes that i will actually make it back.
"Well, alright then. Are you okay? Anymore nightmares or anything?"
"When would i have had a nightmare?"
"I don't know, maybe you fell asleep on the bus. Where are you, now?"
"Nice. Maybe when you get back, we could start planning a real trip to Europe, monster free."
"Yeah, that sounds good," my voice starts to shake and my eyes start to swell and tear up. This is too much.
"Are you okay?" He asks, genuinly concerned.
"I'm fine," i say, trying to hold it together for a few more seconds. "I have to go. I miss you and i love you so much.
"I miss you more. Love you, too," he says, and hangs up.
I let the loud sob i'd been holding in come out of me and don't even try to hold anythung back, anymore I get a heavy feeling in my chest and it pulls at me. That could be the last time i ever talk to or see Harley. My eyes fill with tears and they quickly spill over. My eyes swell even worse and i march into the bathroom to grab tissues so i can try and clean up this crying mess that is my face.
After a few minutes i manage ti stop crying and redo my makeup. Mascara had made it's way down my cheeks so i cleaned all traces of make up off and started over. I put a little more effort into it now than this morning, when i had about 5 minutes to get ready. I keep it mild and do a natural, light smoke with eyeliner and mascara since i am in no particular rush.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now