Dramatic, Stupid, and Overprotective

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(So i was at a speech and debate tournament and i saw someone there and for a second i thought i was hallucinating, because she looks exactly like how i imagine Frankie to look. Hair, eyes, height, body build, face, even her voice and make-up was exactly how i picture her. I told her that and she thought it was cool. But her piece for the tournament had a boy named Peter in it. Then i asked her if her name was Frankie, expecting her to say no, but how cool would that have been? Anyways, she said yes, and i freaked out. She was joking, but she almost gave me a heart attack. And throughout the day, i discovered that her personality was somewhat like Frankie's, as well. Anyways, i just thought i would share that because it was awesome and made me very happy.)
I sit right behind the row even though Peter sits in the back row. Roger and Julian told me to sit up there.
"You don't want to sit with all those crazy teens, do you?" Julian had said.
"Come sit with us, we're cool," Roger had said with a smile.
"Now that's debatable," Julian muttered.
I sat in the seat across from theirs in the second row. Flash was in the front and i didn't want to be the subject of anymore weird insults from him.
We drove North through all of Italy and up to Austria in the Eastern Alps. Most of the time we've been on the bus so far, Roger and Julian have been debating whether or not the water moster was caused by witches or from space. They asked if i wanted to join the discussion since i'm an Avenger and might have a better insight, but i politely declined.
Flash has been livestreaming most of the time and on a few occasions now, icve tried to make him stop, but Roger told me not to mind control any of the kids, unless it's a dire emergency. Then i said:
"But this is a dire emergency. My very sanity is at stake, here."
"Frankie..." He sighs and looks back at Flash, who is now talking about how he is slightly emotionally scarred from the incident with the water monster, but he's glad that Mysyerio was there, and that it's a shame Spider-Man wasn't there, that he could have beat that water monster quicker than Mysterio. Which he can't, that's the whole reason i'm here. But he's definitly not useless.
"10 more minutes," Roger says when he looks back at me. "Then you can make him stop."
"5?" I negotiate.
He looks back at Flash again. "8."
After we stop talking, i try to listen to some of the conversations behind me. I don't hear much. It is mostly just Julian and Roger's debate and Flash talking to his phone (1 minute and counting). But i hear someone in the back talking softly.
"Yeah, he did," they say. From where i hear the voice coming from, i think it's Peter. I look back but i can't see, so i undo the seatbelt and get up.
"Hey!" Dimitri calls out. "Sit."
I ignore him and start walking down the aisle.
"Oh, i forgot to mention," Flash says as i start to pass him. "We've got an Avneger with us on this trip. The infamous Frankie Grant."
"Would you stop that?" I say.
"Anything you'd like to say to the Flash Mob?" He taps somethinh on the screen abd i assume it's to flip the camera to me.
"No," i say, and keep walking. Flash says something about that to the phone, but i don't care enough to pay attention.
I get past all of the seats to the very back where Peter's sittingb wearing some weird glasses that have a slight blue tint in the lense.
"Woah," he says. He doesn't see me because he's looking past me and out over the rest of the bus, but as his head turns he sees me.
"Oh, hey," he says, taking off the glasses.
"What are those?" I ask, sitting.
"They're from Mr. Stark," he saysb handing them to me. "It's some sort of A.I. called EDITH."
I put them on just to see what they look like. "EDITH?" i ask. Immedeatly, the lenses glow blue and a voice appears in my ear.
"Stand by for retinal and biometric scan," a female robotic voice says. Things pop up in the lenses that i guess have to do with that. Soon, my face pops up in a little box with my name above it. "Retinal and biometric scan accepted."
"What the hell?" I mutter.
"Hello, Frankie." She says. "I am EDITH, Tony Stark's augmented reality secerity and defense system.
"So he made you?" I ask quietly so no one but Peter and I could hear.
"Yes," she says. "I have been gifted by Tony to Peter Parker. He has access to all of Tony's protocals, but you do not."
"A little blunt, aren't you?" I say mainly to myself, but of course she hears it.
"EDITH stands for: Even Dead, I'm The Hero. You have access to some of Tony's protocals, but not all. For example, you can see through the backdoors of all major telecommunicative networks..." In the lenses, a bunch of people's pictures pop up with a darker box next to it. Julian is looking uo The History Of Witchcraft, Roger is texting someone, and Dimitri has something written in red, but it is blurred out. "But you do not have access to Tony's multiple defense sattilietes." EDITH says. "But Peter does."
"So you're trusting a 16 year old kid with weapons systems, but not a mature, 21 year old adult?" I ask.
Peter looks at me as if he was offended, but he knows i'm joking.
"Yes, that is correct," EDITH replies. "Tony did not trust you with such weapons due to multiple circumstances, including your incident in New York."
"Damn it, that was 6 years ago, move on, people!"
"Over 300 people died because of that incident," EDITH says calmly.
"Yeah, i know that." I say, taking off the glasses and handing then to Peter. "She's very rude."
"She was just answering your questions and giving you information," Peter says, trying to hold in laughter.
"You could hear all of that?" I ask, then in my mind slap myself in the face. Of course he could, he has enhanced hearing.
"Yeah," he says.
"Well, it wasn't really her that was being rude," i say, and like the idiot i am, i say this in front of Peter. I completely forget in that moment how hurt Peter still is over Tony's death, and how much he looked up to him. "It was Tony who was being rude, thinking i'm still unstable or something, not trusting me with weapons systems." I think fir a moment. "Not that i need them or anything, i can hold my own, but seriously?"
I look back to Peter who is silent, and just looks down at a glasses case with a peice of peper in it.
"What's that?" I ask. He just hands the paper to me, still silent.
"For the next Tony Stark, i trust you," i say to myself as i read it. "P.S., say Edith. -TS."
I pass the paper back to him and he puts it in the case with the glasses.
"I'm sorry," i say. "I shouldn't have said that."
"No, it's true," he says. His voice sounds a little lower than i've ever heard it, and he sounds angrier than he's ever let me see him, and i've never really seen him angry. "It was wrong of him to still hold that against you. But he's dead."
"Peter--" i start to say.
"He's gone and neither of us can change that." He cuts me off, and puts the glasses case in the pocket on the seat in front of him. "And you're..." He stops, but i know what he was about to say.
He leans down and puts his head in his hands. "You're gonna be gone soon and you're not doing anything to try and stop that." He may be whispering, but i can tell he's about to cry.
"Peter..." I start to say, but what can i say? What could i possibly say to make him feel better about any of this?
The bus comes to a stop a few seconds later, and Dimitri opens the doors. He stands up and starts to get off, saying "Petrol and toilet, 10 minutes!"
Everyone starts to get up and file out of the bus. Peter and i are the last two off of the bus. I walk off the last step and gravel shifts underneath my feet. I start taking a few steps and stretch my arms above me. Something pops, but it feels good.
I notice that i don't hear Peter walking behind me, so i look back and Dimitril had stopped him. He points to a building away from where everyone else is headed. I look and it has a mug of beer painted beside the door, and in the door is a tall, blonde woman dressed in all black.
"Damn it, Fury," i say under my breath.
Peter starts walking towards there and i do too.
"That is not for you," Dimitri says when he realizes i'm following Peter, but i've had just about enough of this.
Without turning around to look at him, i flip Dimitri off, and keep walking.
The blonde woman glares at me when she sees me coming. "Go away," she says.
Peter turns to see who she's talking to, and groans when he sees me.
"Can you just leave me alone for 2 seconds?" He says, walking backwards towards the door. "I'm not a baby! I can handle myself."
"I know that, i just--" i start.
"Just stop!" Peter cuts me off. I stop walking and don't say a word.
He turns and walks into the room with the woman, and a few seconds later closes the door behind him.
Maybe Harley was right. Maybe i'm too overprotective over Peter. But i can't help it. If i lost him again, i have no idea what i'd do. I think i would snap and lose it, because he is one of the most important people to me and he's my best friend, but maybe...maybe he's sick of me. Sick of me being dramatic, stupid, and overprotective.
I don't understand why, but it hurts. It hurts to not be needed. I mean, he never needed me to begin with, but i guess i need him, and he either doesn't want me to need him or just doesn't want me to care as much as i do.
I start to walk away from the room he went into towards the bathrooms, but i see a boy coming towards here. I think his name is Brendon or something like that.
"Hey," he says to me as he passes, heading straight for the room Peter and the woman are in.
"Uh...hey?" I say, stopping and turning to watch him. He gets to the door and starts to open it. I try to tell him to stop, but it's too late. He opens the door and stops in his tracks a second later. I can hear Peter say something inside, but i don't know what.
"Woah!" He says. I round the corner and run into the room behind him, and i can tell why he stopped in his tracks.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I screech, pushing past Brendon or whatever his name is.
"Uh...!" Peter stands by the woman in his underwear, his pants at his ankles.
"Sorry! I thought this was the bathroom," Brendon says, understandably stunned.
"This is not what it looks like!" Peter says to both of us with a pleading face. His arm is extended out toward us like he wants us to go away, but i need to know what the hell is going on.
"Yeah..." Brendon says, and then i see a flash and hear a camera noise from behind me. I whip around and his phone is angled like it just took a picture of him and the woman.
"What are you doing?" Peter asks, starting to move away from the woman. Brendon starts to walk out and i go after him.
"I'll leave you alone," he says as he walks out, but i grab the hood on his sweatshirt and stop him.
"Oh, no you don't," i drag him outside and to the wall just beside the door. "Delete that picture right now."
"What are you, his mom?" He says, trying to get away from meb but i won't let him. He may be about a foot taller and stronger than me, but i'm more intimidating.
"No, i'm not, but i am going to make you delete that picture, whether it be of your own free will or not." I glare at him. He still doesn't move.
"Frankie, stop it," Peter says, walking out of that room.
"No, i'm going to make him delete the picture, whether he likes it or not," i hold up a fist surrounded in my blue powers to threaten him, but Peter pulls me back off of Brendon. "What the hell?" I say as i turn around to face him.
"I can handle this," he says. "Crap. Brad!"
Apparently Brad us his name, but he's jogging back towards the bus, now.
"Hey man, that's--" Peter says, but Brad interupts him.
"Look, Peter, i'm not here to judge your life choices, dude. If you want to hook up with some random European chick, that's on you."
"That's not what they was, honestly!" Peter says desperately, trying to get a hold on the situation.
"I can't pretend i didn't see what i saw, " Brad says. He lowers his voice. "I know you're trying to get with MJ, it's obvious. I like her, too."
"Wait a minute," Peter says. "You cannot show her that photo, dude. Come on."
"I'm sorry man, i have to," Brad starts to walk away. "She deserves the truth."
As he walks away, everyone starts to come out of the building the bathrooms were in.
"Okay, put one foot in front of the other, everybody back on the bus!" Julian calls out as they file out of the building.
Peter just stands there, shocked, as everyone gets back on the bus, until he turns to me.
"So obviously, i need your help," he says, his cheeks reddening.
"I thought you didn't need my help," i say, crossing my arms and heading back to the bus, but Peter grabs my arm, stopping me.
"Come on, please," he begs. For a second, i consider it, but i'm too mad.
"No," i say, uncrossing my arms and taking his hand off of me. "It's not my problem."
"Frankie!" He shouts as i jog towards the bus, not looking back. I sit down in my original seat, a steaming ball of anger.
So do what i always do when i get like this. I pull out my phone and open my music app, and put on my Billie Eilish playlist to calm down. It usually works, but not this time.
Peter sits down in the seat in front of mine after he brings his stuff up from the back. On his way to the front, he asked me to help him again, and i said no. He said fine, and plopped into the chair before the bus started moving again.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now