All Caught Up

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I glide along in the air at a leisurely speed of 70 miles per hour, following the directions on the phone until i finally reach Broek Op Langedijk. It seems to be a small farming town from what i can see. There's produce stands and farm animals everywhere. Chickens, cows, pigs. I think i even see a donkey.
But apart from all of that, one person catches my attention. A man wesring overalls and a plaid shirt.
"Sir!" I shout, making ny way too him. "Excuse me, sir, hi."
"Hello," he says, a cheerful smile plastered on his face.
"Um, you talked to my friend. He's um, about my height, brown hair, probably wearing black?"
"I've seen a few boys like that today, could you be a bit more specific?"
"His name is Peter. He asked to borrow your phone."
"Ah! Nice boy, very polite."
"Yep, that's him," i smile to myself. "Did you see which way he went?"
"That a-way," He points to his left to a road leading farther into the town.
"Thank you," i say, and head off in the direction he pointed to.
I try and search for his thoughts again, getting antsy. Soon, i hear his voice in his thoughts.
Stupid, stupid, stupid he thinks. It's super clear, like he's talking right next to me, so that must mean he's close.
I look at whose thoughts i had to go through to get to his. A woman to my left and her friend, a little boy walking with an older man, a small group of teenage boys, another man, and dozens of other people before i get to Peter.
"Excuse me," i start shoving my way through all the people in the streets to get to where i hear Peter's voice. It's getting closer and closer...
"Peter!" I shout when i finally see him. He's wearing a bright orange shirt now, but i don't care about that. I get to him as quickly as possible, and he stands up from where he was sitting.
"Frankie!" He smiles as soon as he sees me, and i run into him, embracing him immediately.
"I thought you were dead!" I cry out, burying my head in his shoulder for a second.
"Wait!" He growls, pushing me away. "How do i know you're really Frankie?"
"Tell me something only Frankie would know."
"Ok,'s not okay that Leia kissed Luke?"
"Hmm...something else. That's too easy to guess."
"Uh...okay," I take a few seconds to guess. I thought about saying something about Harley or Natasha, but those are too general. "I told you about my visions on the roof at Prom. The other girl in my hospital room 8 months ago was named Christina, i'm datibg Harley Keener and we met at Tony's funeral, Morgan loves cheeseburgers, what else do you need?"
"Okay, fine, it's you." He wraps his arms around me, and we stay like that for a few seconds. When we break, the first thing he says is "You look like shit."
"Oh, i look like shit? You should take a look in the mirror," i tease, looking at the bruises and cuts all over his face. He's also limping.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Well, i feel like i got hit by a train," he smirks.
"You did get hit by a train."
"Yeah. I know. I was making a humerous comment, sometimes refered to as a joke."
"Shut up, you idiot. You said Happy was on his way."
"Yeah, when i called him, he said he'd be here in about 2 hours."
"Well, it's only been about 30 minutes, so we've got some time."
"Time for what?"
"Food. I haven't eaten anything in 2 days."
"What?! Why not?!"
"There's been a bunch of other stuff going on if you haven't already noticed."
"Oh. Right. But we don't have any money."
"What good is havng mind control powers if you can't get free food every now and then?"
Over the past few days, i had forgotten how glorious food is.
But i was quickly reminded as i took the first bite of "stroopwafle", which is basically a waffle cookie. All we could find food-wise was a coffee shop that i'm not even going to try to pronounce the name of.
About halfway through the second stroopwafle, i notice Peter staring at me.
"What?" I ask, my mouth full.
"Nothing," he says, looking away and turning back to whatever he got.
Oh i think, looking down at the half eaten cookie and attempting to swallow the food i already have in my mouth. That's always been a bad habit of mine, i eat like a vacuum. My whole face gets hot and i can tell i'm blushing. Harley had looked at me in almost the same way on out first date when i had eaten half of my chicken alfredo in 10 minutes, and he had been talking so much he had barely touched his spaghetti.
"Sorry, i was hungry," i say, picking off a small peice and popping it into my mouth.
"I know, i'm not judging you," he says, not looking up at me. He just stares at his food.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.
"Well i don't know, let's see. I screwed up, Beck's trying to kill us and my friends, and there's still that whole thing about your visions. But yeah, just peachy."
"Hey," i say, reaching a hand across the table to touch his. "It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine, so don't worry about me."
"And how do you expect me to do that?" He argues. He tugs his hand away from mine, and i pull mine back. "What, do you want me to just stop caring?"
"No, that's not--"
"Because that's the only way i'm going to stop worrying about you."
I sigh. "I know your scared, don't even try to argue with me on that. But there's always a huge risk factor in everything we do. We're Avengers, for crying out loud. Everythunh we do is dangerous, and as you know, people get hurt and people die sometimes."
"What time is it?" He grumbles, trying to change the subject.
I pull out rhe phone from my jacket pocket and click the power button. The screen shows the woman's dog lockcreen and a digital clock. "Almost noon."
"Happy will be here soon, we should go." He says, grabbing the last fry on his plate and shoving it into his mouth. He stands and leaves the table, limping right out the front door.
"Great," i mumble, standing up to go "pay" for the food.
"Hello," a woman with a cheery disposition greets me at the counter.
"Hi," i say, not returning the smile.
Let us go without paying i force into her mind. She just smiles and nodds.
I turn and walk out of the door and start looking for Peter. It's not hard to spot the bright orange shirt and crazy brown curls limping away angrily down the middle of the street.
"Hey!" I shout, trying to get his attention. I know he heard me, but he ignores it. "Peter!"
Yelling will get me nowhere, so i jog past the people in the street to get to him.
"Where did Happy say he'd be?" I ask softly.
"He said something about a tulip field being the only place he could land," Peter says with no emotion at all.
"Okay then," i say. "I don't see any tulip fields around here."
"Well, why don't you ask someone?" He snaps.
"What is wrong with you?"
"You know what!"
"Well, what can i do?"
"I--" He wasn't expecting me to say that. "I don't know. Maybe not dying would help."
"I'll try," i say dramatically, trying anything to make him feel a little better. It doesn't do much.
A few minutes later, we find our way to a tulip field in silence. I have no idea ehat's happening between us or why we keep yelling at each other, but i hate it so much.
On the way, i noticed his limping had gotten worse, so now i'm helping support him. His arm is around me and mine is around his, so he barely has to put any pressure on his hurt leg.
The tulip field has rows and rows of bright flowers. Yellow, orange, pink, and purple, and they don't seem to be set uo in any particular order. There's windmills surrounding the field that look big enough for someone to live inside of them.
We both hear a whining noise in the sky from far behind us, and both look up to see what it is, shielding our eyes from the sun.
Seconds later, a small white plane lands right in the middle of the tulip field, destroying tons of the flowers with the powerful turbines. Some of the petals and dirt is cast this way, so we shield our faces from it.
The door of the plane opens and turns inti a staircase to the ground.
Happy emerges. "Are you guys okay?" He shouts over the engine and turbines slowing down and turning off.
"Happy, is that you?" Peter asks, almost freaked out.
"Is it-- yeah of course it's me!" Happy
"Is it really him?" Peter looks to me.
I glance into Happy's head.
"Yes," i confirm after making sure.
Peter sighs, relieved, and Happy comes off the stairs and walks towards us. We make our way to him and meet in the middle. Peter lets go of me and collapses into Happy with a hug.
"It's so good to see you," Peter says, panting.
"You guys have you to tell me what's going on," Happy says, looking at me.
"Okay, let's get inside first," i suggest, gesturing towards the plane.
Happy nods and Peter lets go of him, and Happy helps Peter up the stairs into the plane, and i follow them.
I've never been in a plane like this. I mean, i've been in Rocket and Nebula's spaceship, but never a jet like this. The only other plane i've ever been on was the SHIELD plane to get to Venice.
This plane only has a few rows of chairs in sets of 2, kind of like the bus we took to get to Prague, but smaller, and instead of dark colors, it's white and orange.
"Ok, so," i say as the stairs fold back into the plane, closing the door. "This is what happened. There were these things called Elementals that were causing chaos all over the world, but this guy named Quentin Beck 'defeated' them, but all of it was really fake. Fury asked me to come help after the water monster incident happened in Venice, and then we met Beck. Tony gave Peter these EDITH glasses and something with a drone happened on the bus to Prague, anyways. The next day was the thing with the fire monster, and that night Peter gave the EDITH glasses to Beck, who he didn't know was a fraud at the time. The EDITH glasses control a bubch of stuff, but our main concern is Beck having control over the drones. Beck faked everything by using super advanced projectors to fake the Elementals and to give himself fake powers. That's how i got this," i point to my arm and continue. "Over the past several months, i've been having visions saying that Beck will kill me with a drone, and noe that he has access to said drones, the risk of those visions happening just skyrocketed, but that was my fault because i knew he was a fraud the whole time and didn't tell anyone. Then in Berlin, Fury wanted to see us but it wasn't really Fury, it was Beck, and he tried to kill us. I thought Peter was dead necaus ehe got hit by a train and i fell 4 stories but somehow i'm fine, but then i found him in the Netherlands and now here we are, but we think Beck is going to use the drones for something huge. I don't know what, but he's trying to make himself look like the good guy or somethibg like that. He's trying to fool the whole world."
When i finally finish, i'm out of breath. I pant and look to Peter and Happy, who are both staring at me like i'm crazy.
"That's..." Happy says, "a lot."
"Yeah, i know. But now you're all caught up."

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now