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[5 years later, 2023]
It's just Nat and i in the huge Avengers facility. It is really more of a masion, though. People come and go. Tony moved into a cabin next to a lake. He has a daughter named Morgan, now. He wouldn't let me anywhere near her until Christmas when she was 2. He clearly didn't trust me at all, but i explained to him over an over again that i was in more control. And it's true. I was. I go out to the river next to the facility sometimes, and i've stopped lifting the whole river into an arch and manage to just pull out a spere of water 7 feet across. It's still not quite like what Wanda had been trying to get me to do, but i think it's progress.
Steve lives in his apartment and leads a support group. I went once, and they have a poster saying "What do we dob kow that they're gone?" With the shadows of about 5 five people holding hands. Way too cheesy for me. We just sat aroundin a circle and told everyone how we were dealing with the losses of the Vanished. Steve made me go "to set an example". They knew i was a friend of Steve's, but they didn't know i was the one who terrorized a quarter of the eastern seaboard all those years ago.
So i kind of told them the truth. I told them Peter had helped me through a rough patch along with Wendy (Everyone knows Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, so mentioning her with Steve in the room would probably bring up some suspicion.), and now that they were gone it was really hard, but i was grateful for everyone i have now. After all this time.
Bruce is now Hulk again, but he's both at the same time. Proffeser Hulk. Honestly, i liked Bruce better. And now he's kind of ridiculous.
Clint is...well, i don't really know where Clint is at this point. Natasha and Stev are looking for him, but i heard one of them say "what he's done" the other day.
Natasha is still here with meb as i said. She still dances. I saw her with her ballet shoes on, twirling around and leaping across a room a few weeks ago, and i find the shoes lying around in random places. She looks like a hot mess sometimes, not even wearong makeup, most of the time. She's not even trying to look remotely okay.
Yes, it's been 5 years. It feels like so much longer. But i am 22, now. And i still feel 16. I guess i'm just frozen. Stuck in the past. Stuck with my past hopes and fears. Hopes we could somehow get everyone back, fears that we wouldn't.
But it's been 5 years. The stones are gone. We can't bring them back without the stones so we have to move on. Some of us are just...stuck.
I think Natasha has it slightly worse. Right now, she's flipping out over an earthquake. An earthquake. Nat, hun, i love you, but there's not really anything you can do about it. You can't stop the earth's tectonic plates from moving. We can't stop anything, now. And we can't make anything happen, either. Everything seems to stay frozen.
[1 year earlier, 2022]
"Frankie!" Morgan, Tony and Pepper's adorable little girl, runs over to me on her little toddler legs. She's wearing the cutest Disney Princess dress. Elsa from Frozen, i think.
I shut my car door and jog towards her, picking her up and swinging her around a couple times, then plopping her back on the ground.
"What's going on squirt?" I squat down to her height.
"Do you like my new dress?" She smiles and does her best curtsey.
"Do i like it? I love it. I'm kind of jealous. You don't happen to know if they make them in my size, do you?" I smile back at her. Pepper walks out the door, and stands next to Tony, who was already outside with Morgan when i got here.
"Why is she here?" Pepper asks Tony in a whisper. She thinks i can't hear her, but everyone keeps forgetting i have telepathy.
"She wanted to see Morgan. And it's not like we have anything planned." Tony whispers back, watching me carefully.
"No we don't. Thanks for that, by the way," she pats Tony's shoulder. "I like it better this way." And she walks back inside.
"Have you had lunch?" Tony called out to me.
"No, but it's a little early for that, isn't it? It's only 11:15." I start walking to the porch with Morgan.
"It's never too early for cheeseburgers." He smiles.
"Cheeseburgers!?" Morgan runs right up the stairs to Tony, who picks her up. "My favorite!"
"I know they're your favorite, you little princess."
"Actually, Elsa is a Queen" she corrects him.
"Well, excuse me your highness." He puts her down and she runs inside. "You up to staying for lunch?" He asks as he turns to me.
"Frankie, how's school?" Pepper asks, after swallowing a bite of her cheeseburger.
"Good. I think i aced my Science exam the other day." I answer, my gaze, floating around the room.
"Well, that's great." Tony says, his mouth full with cheeseburger. "They're not overworking you, are they?"
"No, not at all. I think most of them are still upset and getting through the Vanishing..."
I can't believe what i'm seeing. I thought for a second, just a second i was looking out the window and i was going crazy, but it was a picture frame by the sink.
A picture frame with Peter and Tony in it. They're both holding bunny ears behind each others heads, holding some sort of certificate.
I look down, trying to hold myself together. But an empty chair goes sliding across the room and knocks into another table, making something fall.
"Are you okay?" Pepper asks.
"Uh, i don't know..." I look back uo at the picture, then to her. "I'm sorry."
Tony looks behind him, and he sees the picture, too. He sighs, and turns back to his cheeseburger. "It's fine."
"Thank you for letting me stay for lunch, it was great." I say as i walk down the porch stairs towards my car.
"No problem. Stay in touch, alright?" Tony says, following me.
"Frankie! Don't go!" Morgan runs back over to me, and hugs my legs. Bless her heart.
"I'm not leaving forever, but i have to go eventually. Aunt Nat doesn't like to stay in that big house all by herself for too long." I lean down and hug her.
"I love you a bunch, Frankie." She says, looking up at me.
"You want to know how much i love you?" I whisper. She nodds.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now