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10 minutes later, i'm still sitting at the lake. Only now, i have tear tracks down my face yet again, for what seems to be the millionth time since the Vansihing.
I have no idea why, but i start playing with the water in the lake. Lifting up a small sphere of it and swirling it around into different shapes. One shape was a sort of flattened out circle twisted on one side. I saw it in a dream the other night and thought it was cool, so i kind of used it as a distraction.
In the distance i can hear the breeze blowing lightly through the trees behind me, a few birds chirping a ways away, and...are those footsteps?
I look to my left and halfway across the shore next to the lake is Morgan, running just as fast as she can to me, Tony walking behind her.
"Frankie!" She calls out. Tony's got something in his hands, looking at it then back to Morgan racing across the shore.
"Why are you sitting here?" She asks when she's about 10 feet away, breathless.
"Well, i couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my favorite little girl, now could i?"
She giggles before saying, "No, i guess not. But why are you here? By the lake?"
"Well...okay, i'll tell you." I say, like i'm about totell her my deepest, darkest secret. But of course i'm not because what kind of 4 year old would understand it?
"I've been practicing this for a few weeks, but i'm not the best at art, so bear with me. Okay?"
"Okay!" She says, smiling brightly.
My lip curls up into the smallest smile at seeing her so full of joy and wonder as i start forming the water from the circle shape into a more human-like form.
"What is it?" She asks, and Tony's still walking over here, about 30 feet away.
"Did your dad ever tell you about a boy called Spider-Man?" I say, glancing at Tony before turning back towards the water.
"Yeah," she says, as though it's the most exitibg thing in the world. "Daddy said he was a real pain in the a-"
"What have i told you about saying that word, Morgan?" Tony says, only a few feet way, now. I can see the thing he's holding clearer, now. It looks like some sort of picture frame. Wait, is that...?
"To not to." She mumbles, pulling her knees up to her chest.
I continue attempting to make Peter rout of the water. It's the closest thing i have to seeing him because i didn't have any pictures of him before-
Well, you know.
"Morgan, head back inside, please."
"But Frankie was showing me something!"
"And she can show you again later. Your mom wants you."
"Fine," she says, standing up and brushing the dirt off the back of her pants and sweater. "Bye, Frankie." She says, leaning down the tiniest bit and wrapping her arms aroumd my shoulders.
"Bye, Morgan." I say, taking one hand and putting it on her arm before she takes off back to the house.
"What are you doing?" Tony asks, sitting down next to me.
"Trying to make you feel guilty. Is it working?"
"Well, if i'm being honest..." He says, holding out the picture frame for me to see. And as i had expected, it's the picture of him and Peter at Stark Industries with them both doing bunny ears to each other. "A little bit."
"I know you miss him, but you do understand what they were talking about, right? It's time travel."
"Yeah. I know. But it's the closest we've come to getting them back in 5 years."
Just out of curiosity and habit, i look into his mind and see what he's thinking.
When you can do the things that i can, i hear, while also seeing Peter who looks at least a year younger than when i first saw him. But you don't, and then the bad things happen. They happen because of you.
And i can see Tony connecting thoughts in his head about how he could do the things he can, like help us with this time travel idea. And how guilty he still feels about everyone who died 5 years ago. And about how Doctor Strange had said there was only 1 out of 14,000,605 possibilities where we won, and how maybe, just maybe this was the path to that one.
"Fine," he says quietly.
"Fine, what?" I say, a smile slowly spreading across my face because i think i know what he means.
"I'll help."
"Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you!!" I almost shout, hugging him.
"But i'm not making any promises it'll work."
"I know, i just..."
Just maybe.
"Oh, Pepper told me to ask you if you wanted some dinner. We have some leftovers from tonight if you want any."
"Sure," i reply, still smiling.
"Okay, come on."
We stand up and walk back across the lake shore to his house.
I don't stop smiling the whole time i'm there because i just might get them back.
Not just Peter, but Wanda, too.
(Sorry, this was kind of a short chapter.)

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now