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I gasp, almost breathless. He's right there, right there for the first time in 5 years. For the first time in what seems like forever.
I look to Steve and smile, as if asking permission if i can go. He smiles a luttle as well, and nodds.
I run. I run faster than i ever have in my life. Every step jolts pain through every bit of me and my leg causes me to limp a little, but i don't care. With every one of those steps, i get closer to him.
He sees me and smiles, starting to walk towards me, but i keep running. A tear slips from my eyes just before i crash into him, breathless. I groan as my ribcage collides into his metal suit, surging pain through me again.
"Frankie," he says as he wraps his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder, letting the tears come.
"Why are you wet?" He asks. I don't want to, but i let go so i can look at him. He lookd the exact same. "Why is your hair longer? You look different." Then he notices it. "Oh my god! What the hell happened to you?" He asks, gesturing to the blood soaked portion of me.
"Not important," i wave it off, wrapping him in my arms again.
"No, it is important. What happened?" He sounds really concerned. He obviously doesn't know there's bigger things going on right now.
"I broke a rib a little while ago and had to take it out," i say as if things like that happen to me everyday.
"Holy shit!" He exclaims. The other people he was with turn to us and look concerned as well. Except one guy, who is big and grey with what looms like red tattoos. He simply says "I've had worse," and turns his attention back to the army in front of us.
"Remember what i said about it having been 5 years?" The man in the red cape says.
Realization dawns over Peter, his eyes wide, making him look like a hurt puppy.
"There are bigger things going on," I say, turning and gesturing to Thanos and his army.
"Holy shit," Peter says, his eyes still wide.
"How many times are you going to say that?" I ask, smiling at him.
"I don't know." He says, looking back at me.
That's when he sees them. The scars on my arms. He takes in a shakey breath before he looks back up to my eyes. There's even more hurt in his eyes so i just hug him again. He embraces me again, careful not to hurt my wound even more. He lays gis head on my shoulder and just says "why?" before i hear someone shout and people start running towards Thanos's army. We let go of each other and go with them. I can't run anymore so i just fly, and Peter swings next to me, his mask going back on.
I try to stay with him and make sure he's okay, pulling things away from him when i know he can't handle it, making sure he doesn't get hurt in this crowd of throusands of people and aliens.
I try to protect him, but something pulls me back and makes me stop. There's nothing touching me, but still i get slammed into the ground seconds after i'm pulled away. Something lands next to me and as i'm trying to regain my breath, it walks up to me.
It's an ugly, Squidward looking bastard staring me right in the face.
"Finally," He says, making me stand up. "A worthy opponent." He breaks the ground around his feet and makes it float up into the air. He's telekinetic, too. I float up with him, sure i'll win, but before i have time to prepare he throws a giant peice of debris at me. I stop it inches away from my face but another collides with it, hitting me and making me fall. I catch myself before i hit the ground, though, and go back up to the alien. He's floating about 30 feet in the air, now, so i do the same. I glance around for Peter for a few seconds, but he's nowhere in sight. Instead of throwing things, i play this smart. I freeze the alien where he is and start breaking him slowly. I break his bones and crumple him into himself so fast he doesn't have time to defend himself. I condense his entire being into a small sphere. The size of the ball of water Wanda taught me to control my powers with. I forced him high up inti the air and released him, spraying alien blood everywhere. I sheild myself from it before going to find Peter again. I look through the insane amount of people and aliens fighting each other and dying for several minutes before i see a flash of bright red.
I rush to her and kill all the alien dog things around her. She saw my powers and looked up to me. She smiles a little bit at me and i land next to her. She hugs me and buries her head in my shoulder.
"Vis is dead," she cries, hugging me tighter. She obviously didn't see the blood on my shirt.
"Wanda, please let go," i say in a strained voice.
"Why?" She asks as she lets go, then sees it. "Oh, i'm so sorry! What happened."
"Long story short, i broke a rib and had ti take it out."
I hear shuffling footsteps a few dozen feet away and see T'Challa running with the gauntlet. I feel Thanos's footsteps as he chases T'Challa before i see him, his clunky gold armor making metalic sounds as it clanks together.
"I'll kill that asshole," i mutter to myself.
Wanda gives me a little smirk. "Let's give him some witch hell."
We fly up and land directly inbetween T'challa and Thanos.
"You took everything from me," Wanda says, terrifying anger in her voice.
"I don't even know who you are." He says, holding his giant, two sided sword.
"You will," she says.
"That's not how time travel works, Wanda, but okay." I say. We float up into the air in red and blue clouds of swirling magic, mixing to purple in the middle.
Thanos stares back with mild fear in his eyes as our power reflects in them.
"Ah," he says, trying to seem calm, but we both see right through him. "You killed my future self." He says to me directly.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"My daughter Nebula showed me," he answers cooly.
"She's not your fucking daughter!" I yell at him, and we float towards him.
Wanda throws two giant rocks at him to weaken him then i lift him up into the air and start taking off his protective armor.
I hear a familiar noise and look begind me to see Peter grabbing the gauntlet from T'challa. He glances at me then swings off again.
Now that he has the gauntlet, he's a target. Shit.
Wanda hits Thanos with blasts of her magic while i take off the armor and as soon as allof it is off, we start slowly killing him. It's harder than we expected, but we manage to break an arm bone before Thanos shouts something.
"Rain fire!" He must be on some sort of comm system like us, because he pauses before saying "Just do it!"
Seconds later, bombs start falling. One hits near us and both Wanda and i are shot backwards, hurtling towards the ground. I can't stop myself from hitting the ground before another bomb falls near us and almsot kills us, but i sheild us from the explosion.
I make sure Wand ais okay and can handle herself before going off to find Peter. I spot him quickly, and my heart almost leaps out of my chest.
He's being attacked by a dozen alien dogs, all trying to get the gauntlet.
"I got this!" I hear him say over the comms. "No, i don't got this." He's struggling. "Help! Somebody help!" He begs, and still over the comm system i hear "Hey Queens," from Steve. "Heads up."
Steve throws a hammer i saw Thor with a few minutes ago and Peter webs onto it. It carries him out of the pile of dogs and he soars across the battlefeild. After only a few secondsb though, a bomb cuts through his web. I scream and head after him, but someone gets there first. It looks like Tony's suit, but purple and much nore feminine shaped.
"Hold on, i got you, kid," i hear Pepper say over the comms. She flies up and drops him off on a fucking Pegasus. The woman on the Pegasus turns to him and over the comms i hear him say "Hi nice ti meet you, i'm -- oh my god!" They run right into a huge patch of bombs and he falls off the Pegasus and tumbles to the ground. Now i race after him, flying to him to make sure he's okay. The bonbs are coming from all directions and are exploding everywhere. Panic starts to rise in my chest and i focus so much on the bombs that i fly myself straight into the ground. Pain jolts my whole body, especially my rib, and i stay there paralyzed in fear for a few seconds. I start to panic as the bombs keep falling like they'll never stop, making some of the loudest noise i've ever heard. I find myself having anither panic attack on the ground, hyperventilating and screaming. It's too much noise, too much movement. To much terror and danger and fear that Peter or Wanda or anyone else i care about is hurt, and i can't calm myself down and stop screaming long enough to even protect myself or anyone else for that matter. So i just gunch over and scream into the ground, my head, rib, and whole body throbbing. My tears turn the dirt to mud and my throat feels like it's on fire but i can't stop screaming because i'm just so fucking scared.
Scream for so long that i don't even realize the bombs have stopped. Someone touches my shoulder and i fling my arms around to get them off. I keep screaming until i hear their voice
"Hey, calm down, it's over!" Peter says, hugging my shoulders as i lean into the ground. I stop screaming and he helps me stand up. I realize how badly my leg hurts from when something sliced it open when i try to put pressure on it. Peter half carries, half walks me as i lean on him heavily to a peice of debris to sit. He doesn't look in very good shape after the bombs, either, covered in dirt, a black eyes, and a bloody nose.
I finally get a good look at my leg. It was hard to see before with the black jeans, but there's blood soaking my entire right leg and the cut is at least half an inch deep, maybe more.
"Shit," i curse under my breath. I start to fumble with the edge of my shirt to rip it off and make a tourniquit, but i feel Peter already doing that to the bottom of my black jeans. He rips it at the seam al the way uo to my knee, the tears that section of fabric completely away. He starts ripping that in two and ties the pieces together. I start bending my hurt leg at the knee ti make it easier to tie the tourniquit around my leg, which he does.
"Hold on," i say, my throat somehow hurting even worse. I know it's going to hurt when he ties it and i need a few seconds before something hurts so bad i scream, again. I need to prepare this time.
"Frankie, you're losing blood." He says, slipping the fabric under my leg so he can tie it up top.
Breathe. Just breath. I think, my eyes closed.
"Frankie?" He asks.
"Just do it." I say, gripping the edge of my shirt.
He ties it as tight as he dares a couple inches above the gash, which was about 4 or 5 inches above my knee. I let out a little groan and whimper but i don't scream. I tear slips out of my eye and i quickly wipe it away.
Shuffling and sniffing noises come from behind us. Peter peeks over the piece of debris.
"Wait here," he whispers before leaping over the debris. Seconds later, i hear a yelp and a thud, then Peter comes back to me.
"We got to get you out of here," he says, looking around for anyone on our side of the battle.
"Where is everyone?" He says to himself before we hear a loud noise and see a bright light come from abou a hundred feet away. The hair on the back of his neck stand on end and he turns towards whatever that was.
"What?" I ask, knowing his "sixth sense" as he calls it had gone off. He says nothing.
"Come on," he says, turning to me. "We have to go." He says, his voice breaking.
"What is it?" I ask as he helps me up. I only stand on my left leg and he hold me up as he leads me to where the noise and light came from as fast as he can.
"It's Mr. Stark," he rasps, giving up and just picking me up, holding me at the crook of my knees and my back. I wrap my arms around uis neck and he runs the hundred or so feet to where it came from.
I see it before we get there. I see him befire we get there. And tears start to spring from my eyes again, for what seems like the millionth time today.
"Mr. Stark!" He shouts, setting me down so that i lean on my left leg against a large peice of debris.
There's no way Tony could survive this. I see the stones on his hand and the burns on over half of him when Peter crouches down to face him. Rhodey stands on Tony's side and glances at me, then back to Tony.
"Hey," Peter starts, his voice and breath shaking. "Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter."
Peter cries even more than he already was. Shit, now i am. My breath shakes on the way in and out, and tears flood my eyes until the finally spill over. The headache had died down, but now it's come back at full force. By now, most of the Avengers and a few other people i mildly recognuze from the battle are here.
"We won...Mr.Stark." He continues. I can't see them very well through the tears clouding my eyes, but i don't think i want to. I don't want to watch this.
"We won, Mr. Stark" he repeats. "We won, you did it, sir, you did it." I don't have to be in his mind like i am know to know he's completely breaking, right now. He hangs his head down "I'm sorry Tony" Peter looks back at Tony and Pepper has to pull Peter away. She guides him towards me and turns to her husband.
Peter crashes into me and buries his head in my shoulder, shaking.
"Hey," Pepper says, crouched down in front of Tony.
"Hey Pep," he whispers, barely audible.
Pepper's hand is on Tony's arc reactor and he puts his undamaged hand on hers.
"Friday?" She says.
"Life functions critical," the A.I. announces. Peter flinches.
I watch as Tony smiles at Pepper and his head lolls to the side, his focus drifting.
"Tony?" She says. "Look at me." He turns his attention back to her.
"We're gonna be okay," she says to him firmly. "You can rest, now."
There's a few seconds of stillness befire Pepper bows her head down and the light from Tony's arc reactor goes back. I hadn't noticed the mechanical whirring from it before, but i sure heard it's silence.
Peter fliched again and i start to get into his head to calm him down but soon realize that he didn't just hear the mechanical whirring stop.
He heard Tony's heart stop.
I calm him down some and he thinks thank you to me. I lean my head doen to his shoulder, leaning more against the debris than him so he can lean on me.
I hear Pepper's sobbs for several painful seconds before i hear a shifting and a thud. I look up and see Clint kneeled to the ground, and everyone else starts to follow. I tapped Peter so he could see and he did the same after helping me just sit on the ground.
Everyone stayed like that for what seemed forever but was probably only a few painful minutes. Carol was the first to stand up, then like Clint, everyone else followed. Pete rhelped my to my feet and we watched as Steve picked up Tony's body. We all started walking, but i don't think anyone really knew where we were going.
But then again, do we ever know where we'll really end up going?
Because from then on, i certainly didn't.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now