In Loving Memory

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(Author: You really thought i would have actually kept Frankie dead? I have TONS of stuff planned, things that many of you have probably already guessed will happen. But for now, she's still dead.)
(Also, if you read the last chapter before this one was published, i changed a small detail. Just know that the think with Loki and Frankie didn't happen 4 1/2 years ago).

The whole drive to Avengers Compound i couldn't stop thinking about what Blake was going to do. It still doesn't seem real. It feels lke i'm dreaming, but my dreams never end like this. Something horrible always happens and someome almoat always dies. No one ever comes back to life.
Just the idea of it: having Frankie, Tony, my parents, and even Ben! The person who was the first to figure out i was Spider-Man, then i couldn't save him. Just like i could save Frankie.
I recently realized that i've been mourning these people for longer than i actually knew them, other than Ben. I only knew my parents for a few years, and i barely remember them. I only knew Mr. Stark for 2 years before he died, and i knew Frankie for a total of about a year, and i've been missing her for 4 1/2 years. She's still winning though, because i was dead for a little over 5 years, so she mourned me for over 5 years.
But that doesn't really matter anymore, because it's going to happen. They'll all be back and all the grieving that has lasted most of my life will have an Uno Reverse card shoved in it's face.
Needless to say, i'm pretty exited. My face hurts from smiling.
Tony and Frankie tried to get me to listen to rock when they were still alive. They were two completely different types of rock, but i have listened to both for the past 4 years. There were some songs i listened to that i couldn't hear again for years because it brought up too many memories.
For example, Back In Black, which i now know is not by Led Zepplin, but AC/DC. I couldn't listen to that because 1: It was apparently one of Mr. Stark's favorite songs. 2: The day Frankie died, we listened to this song on the way to London, which is where she died.
Another song i can't listen to is The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy. When i first met Frankie and she was still a dumpster fire of a mess, she made me listen to that song and we danced like absolute idiots, flailing our arms and playing an air guitar. Frankie lip synced into a hairbrush because she knew every word. I still remember what she looked like when she was 16. She didn't smile much, but she did when she was listening to music.
So when i died and came back 5 years later, she was 5 years older and that came as a huge shock to me. The hair she had chopped off had grown back, she was taller, her face had changed some, and she had two huge scars running down her wrists.
But one of the things i recognized about her the second i saw her the day all of the Snapped came back was the smile on her face when she was running to me.
I don't think anything like that will happen when Frankie comes back. I look pretty much the same as i did 5 years ago.
She might be confused though, like i was. When i came back, i had no idea what happened. Though, she knew what happened to her. She knew what was going to happen for weeks and told nobody, like an idiot.
I still get mad at her for that, sometimes. Maybe if she had told someone sooner, she wouldn't be dead now.
But that doesn't really matter now, because she'll be back.
Right? I'm not dreaming again, am i? Because if i am, something terrible will happen soon.
But things seem fine.
Avengers Compound (Author: I can never rememeber if it is Complex or Compound, so i might use those words interchangeably). The first one got blown up by Thanos, and this new one is much different. Bigger, with an even bigger number of rooms than the first one, which was already a clinically insane amount.
My car sits in the parking lot in front of the lobby, but i make a left instead of going straight. A left towards the shore by the river. Towards where the grass starts for awhike then turns to sand. But i'm not going to the shoreline.
I'm going to the point just before the grass turns to sand. Where there is a grey headstone sticking out of the ground with words i know by heart at this point:
In Loving Memory of Francesca "Frankie" Grant
Friend and Avenger
December 23rd 2001-June 15th, 2026.
"But you still have all of me."
No, i didn't forget that today is her birthday. I never forget, because every year without fail i'm right here. Every break from school, most weekends, and sometimes when i'm supposed to be at school.

settle onto the ground, facing the grave, like it's her sitting there instead of a piece of stone.
"Hey, Frankie," i say, knowing she probably can't hear me, wherever she is. "It's your birthday. Didn't know if you were keeping track of those sort of things."
Like always, no answer.
"I really miss you, you know?" My voice starts to break. "Really fucking bad. But soon, you'll be back. You don't know it yet, but you'll be back in a matter of days."
The only sound here apart from my own voice is the water in the river. The same river that Wanda took Frankie to so she could start to learn to control her powers. When i met her, her powers were out of control. She lost it one day and almost killed me, but i was fine.
"You know, i want to believe you're here. That you can hear me. But at the same time, i don't. Because that means for the past 4 1/2 years you've been stuck here.
"I hope you're somehwere else right now. Happy. Maybe with your parents, or hell, maybe even Tony.
"But you're coming back. I met this girl, her name's Blake. She's a mutant, and she can bring back the dead. So, she's going to bring you back. You, Tony, my parents, Uncle Ben. Everyone."
"You've really lost it, this time," a familiar voice behind me says.
I turn to see Wanda standing a few feet away, her arms wrapped around her.
"It's true, though."
"Yeah, that's what you said about your Hel theory." Wanda gives a me a pitied look, like everyone has been for the past few years.
"I still think she could be there," i protest, but Wanda's not having it.
"Peter...this isn't healthy. You need to move on."
"You're going to talk to me about moving on? Who is the one who used her powers to create an alternate universe with her dead robot boyfriend?"
She winces. "It's been almost 5 years."
"Yeah, the same amount of time it was before they all found a way to bring us back after Thanos Snapped us away. They didn't give up on us, and i'm not giving up on her."
"No! I don't want to hear it! It's going to work!" I shout at her.
She takes a breath like she's going to say something, but doesn't.
"How would you feel if they gave up on us when Scott came along with a way? All of us would still be dead. How is this any different? I found someone who can bring her back, all of them back. And sure, ut may sound crazy, but i've learned that the craziest things end up happening."
Wanda dropps her arms and walks the few feet to me.
"Peter, i want to believe you. But you need to learn that you can't save everyone. None of us can."
She crouches down, but i don't look at her. I stare at the headstone, instead.
"Come inside, it's freezing."
"I'm not lying and i am not wrong. This will work."
"Why don't you come inside and explain what exactly it is you think will bring her back?" Wanda loops her hand in the crook of my arm and tugs me up. I get on my feet, give one last glance at the headstone, and follow her inside.
"Hey, Peter," Doctor Strange says when he sees me walk in.
"Hey, Doc," i say, too cheerfully. I'm even smiling, which doesn't happen too often, anymore.
"Uh...what's wrong with him?" Sam mutters to Bucky.
"No idea," he mumbles back.
"Nothing's wrong with me," i retort. "I'm just happy. Am i not allowed to be happy?"
"Just tell them," Wanda deadpans.
"Alright," i say, mentally preparing for the pity on everyone's faces before i explain. "I found a way to bring people back from the dead."
And of course, stifled groans and sighs fill the room from just about everyone.
Everyone but Morgan.
"Well, technically she found me," i clarify, ignoring everyone's reactions.
"I can have my dad back?" Morgan asks. For most of her life her dad, Mr. Stark, has been dead. She's almost 10 years old now.
"Yeah," i say. Mrs. Potts-Stark shoots me a look, shaking her head.
"I'm sure this time!" I exclaim. "There was this girl, Blake, at my college. She said she was a mutant and could bring back the dead."
"Peter, we've been over this--" Doc starts, but i cut him off.
"I'm not stupid!" I insist. "I may be desprate, but not stupid."
"I know that, Peter. But what you're saying sounds crazy!"
"You're a literal wizard with a sentiant cape, and you're calling this crazy?"
He starts to say something, but draws back and says nothing.
"How do you know this girl isn't just tricking you?" Sam asks. He critisizes and questions everything i do.
"She's just...not! I know she isn't, my..." I try to fight having to say it, but i have no other word for it. "My Peter Tingle told me. And besides, why would she lie?"
"Why does anyone lie? Money." Sam crosses his arms.
"She insisted on not getting paid."
"I have heard of some mutants who can do insane sounding things," Pepper suggests.
"Thank you!"

(Author: i know this was a shorter one, but i've been losing motivation for this fic lately, and have been focusing on other ones. I've just kind of lost intrest in this one. I'll try to finish it, but i might not. Sorry.)
(I also don't really know how to end this chapter so...i'm ending this one here.)

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now