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"We need a plan," i say, and break the hug.
"Right, uh..." Peter thinks for a few seconds. "We need to keep you away from Beck."
"Right, good. So i'll handle the drones? Bringing the illusion down?" I suggest.
"Yeah. You can just destroy all of the drones so they can't hurt anyone. But they have weapons, so be careful."
"So you'll handle Beck?"
"Yeah. And he's just a guy, so i can take him, get EDITH back, and transfer the control again."
"Ok. So where do you think he'll be?"
"No idea. We'll find him, though. As soon as we get there, take down the drones and start getting people out of there. He could have a back-up set of drones that come in when you get rid of the ones he's using now."
"Ok, i'll watch out for that." An idea pops into my head. "Maybe i can find Beck from here. I know his voice well enough that i could probably find him. Fury told Happy that they were finding the same seismic activity in London, where your friends are, so that's where Beck is going to attack. I could search through London and try to find him."
"Well you better hurry, because we're here!" Happy shouts from the cockpit.
My heart sinks to my stomach. "And Peter, put the suit on!"
Both Peter and i take in shakey breaths before i head to the door we're going to have to jump out of and Peter rushes back to the suit-building room.
"Happy, close the door, please!" Peter shouts, and Happy presses a button and the door to that room closes.
Less than a minute later, Peter knocks on the door from the inside and Happy opens it again.
This new suits is a lot like his old blue and red one, except where there would be blue, there's black, and the spider symbol on the front has hints of white on the outline.
Peter holds the mask in his hand and walks over to where i am, waiting until we're right where we need to be to drop in.
"Oh my god," he whispers to himself when he passes a window. He stops and looks outside. His mouth gapes open.
"What?" I ask, following to see what he sees.
When i see it, my stomach feels like it turns over again and my heart starts pounding. Even almost a mile away, it looks terrifying.
Lighting, fire, and what looks like small tornadoes all in one spot. I can already see people trying to run away and cars and debris of buildings getting flown around everywhere. It's a lot more than what we were expecting.
"It's not real," Peter says, like he's trying to convince himself.
"It looks pretty fucking real to me," i say. I back away from the window and to the door. "I should go first. Beck knows i'm alive. He thinks you're dead, so you should come in by suprise."
"But he knows you know," Peter argues. "He'll try to kill you!"
"If you didn't notice, he's trying to kill all of us!"
"Peter. Trust me."
He nods and i stand by the door.
"After i leave, go up higher so Beck can't see you coming when you drop down," I say.
"And after that, Happy, go find my friends and get them out of here," Peter doesn't take his eyes off of the scene out of the window. "Beck's targeting them since they know who i am and he thinks i told all of them about him being a fraud."
"I'm going to take out all of the drones while you go after Beck and get EDITH back. Then call off whatever drones are left."
"This is going to work...right?" Peter asks, glancing at me.
"I hope so," i say, but my stomach pinches with the fear that it won't. That Beck will win and kill me, kill Peter and all of his friends.
"Find Beck," Peter says. I had forgotten about that.
I close my eyes and try to focus, then send my powers out to the city and sift through as many people's thoughts as quickly as i can. He's probably hiding somewhere where no one can see him, but close enough to the center of the action that he can come out and take credit for saving the day that he faked.
After about a minute, i find him.
"London, Tower Bridge." I say. I saw through Beck's mind the bridge and he was thinking of where he was. "He's in that upper part that you walk through, not the road part."
"Frankie, get ready!" Happy yells from the cockpit. I steady myself in front of the door.
"Ready!" I shout, and the door opens.
I get sucked out of the plane and into the air immedeatly, and i spin in the air as i free fall. The wind whips my hair in all directions and i can't see anything.
After a few seconds i gather myself and push my hair out of my face. I stop myself from splatting on the ground and make my way to that giant, terrifying Elemental monster in the middle of London. It's surrounding the Tower Bridge. Smart move, Beck. No one will go anywhere near that monster thing, so no one can find him faking the whole thing.
"It's not real, it's not real," i mutter to myself as i fly directly towards the monster. I see people looking up and pointing at me.
This thing looks almost exactly like the projection we saw on the bridge last night, but at least 10 times bigger, and it has fire and even more lightning.
Intense wind coming from it pushes me back, and i push even harder against it to get into the core of the illusion.
It. Is. Huge.
There have dot to be at least 50 drones in here, projection a giant illusion of a giant montser, and using the weapons on the drones to cause real damage. Huge sparks fly out of thr drones as the lightning, and guns fire off of them to make the damage worse.
One of the drones turns towards me and a light on it that was green turns red. I crush it into itself before it has the chance to shoot me.
All the lights on the drones are red now.
I try to surround them all and bring them in to each other to crush them all at once, but they start shooting at me and i have to protect myself.
I fight off the lightning and shots from the drones as best as i can, but they're all firing all at once and i can't handle it.
I stop prioritizing myself and start destroying the drones, as many at a time as i can. I slam them into each other, i tear them in half; starting from the ones closest to me and to the ones getting closer.
The illusion starts to crumble. A blue outline apears as spots of the monster start to fade away and reveal the drones. As i destroy more and more of them, the illusion starts to crumble more and more until it there's only some of it left.
A weight comes off of me and i can breathe again. I sigh in relief as i get to the last dozen or so drones.
But i'm hit with a sense of deja vu.
"I can't have you telling everyone what i'm doing, now can i?" Beck says with a smirk as he appears in full Mysterio costume, minus the helmet. My whole body goes limp as i see the exact thing that happens in my nightmares, in my visions.
"No," i whisper to myself. My heart sinks down to my stomach again as he disappears, and all that's behind him are drones.
I know what's going to happen, but i promised Peter i'd try and stop it.
I promised, i promised, i promised!
I start to raise my hand up so i can use my powers to block it. But before i can even muster up my magic, i hear a sound that thunders in my ears, and feel a blinding pressure in the middle of my stomach. The same noise again twice, and the same feeling a couple inches from my hip and another just below the scar from where i broke my rib. Blood from those 3 spots start to soak my white shirt through, turning it dark red.
All the noise stops. The illusion completly comes down and the drones stop shooting. They fly up and away. Out of sight.
I can't seem to breathe. Everythjng just feels so...bad. It hurts but i can't move. For a few seconds, i don't even realize what's just happened.
But i do, soon.
I just got shot. 3 times. Exactly like in my visions.
I start to fall, and this time i can't stop myself. I can't seem to move at all.
But i slam into something hard and groan, then tumble even further down until i hit something that feels like concrete, but i start sinking.
I've seen this before, too. The other night in that horrific dream where bodies tried to drown me in blood, but the blood turned to water and i saw this exact thing.
The blood that comes from me clouds the water. Sunlight seeps in through the water, but as i sink the water gets colder and it gets darker.
I'm dying. It didn't work.
Well, maybe it did. The illusion cane down and the drones left, so Peter must have gotten EDITH back and called off the drones. That's good.
My lungs start to scream for air and my throat feels like it might explode.
I cough, and almost as if my body does it on it's own, i breathe. But i'm underwater, so all that comes in is water. I start to choke and cough, but my head is in a million different places and i'm panicking.
This is it.
I have to try. I have to try and save myself.
I start to try to swim, but my legs refuse to move. My arms move, but as the stretch up, so do the shot-wounds, and i recoil in pain.
Is this it?
My head start to get foggy and i can't quite think straight. The edges of my vision start to go black and my eyelids start to drift closed.
But i open them wide when i see something dive into the bloody water. A blob of red and black, with a dark brown blob of something on top of a pale-tannish blob.
As it gets closer, i see that it's Peter. He swims down and down, only slightly faster than i'm sinking. The sunlight gets dimmer and dimmer.
When he finally reaches me, i move my arm to grab touch his arm.
I love you i mouth to him. He squeezes his eyes shut for a second before opening them. He nods and loops his arm behind me, his hand gripping me at my waist and kicks his legs to swim and get me to the surface.
As we get closer to the surface, the sun gets brighter and brighter and--

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now