New Asgard

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Nebula, Rocket, and Rhodey got to the compound this morning. I watched as Nebula and Rocket came here in their ship and destroyed Scott's taco. Then i watched as Nebula told Rhodey over the comms "Careful on rentry. There's an idiot in the landing zone." Which made me laugh a little harder thsn i have in a long time. Nebula came right to me and said "Hi." She wasn't very nice to anyone but me and Tony. She told me about what Thanos did to her and now i regret not letting her kill him. She deserved to do it. But Nebula and I have become good friends. I've even made her smile a few times.
After they got there, we all talked about who would be going where to get who. I was going to go to Tokyo with Natasha, but she said that it would be safer if it was just her. He is in a very unstable and dangerous condition right now, and Nat thought it would be best if he only saw a friendly face. I wanted to go with her for her protection, but Bruce and Rocket needed it, too. Thor wasn't exactly stable either, what with losing everyone closest to him. He's not the only one, though.
So now i'm in a truck on the way to New Asgard in Norway. We took the Milano, Rocket and Nebula's ship, most of the way there, but then the area changed to have a lot of hills and the ship couldn't land. So we got a truck taxi to take uo the rest of the way.
So now i'm sitting in the passanger seat of said truck, trying to avoid the contant chit chat with the driver who will not shut up.
"So uh, what business do all of yer have here in New Asgard?"
"We here to see Thor." I say, avoiding any eye contact by staring out the window. I can't see New Asgard from here, but it better be close or this guy will end up talking himself to death.
"Ah. Thor. I don't know if he'll be up to comp'ny. A bit of a hermit, he is."
"Doesn't matter. If he doesn't agree, i'll make him."
"Yer that girl with the blue magic stuff, yes?"
"Yes." Elsa's words of wisdom come to me. Conceal, don't feel, pur on a show. Make one wrong move and everyone will know. I can't kill this guy, the Asgardians will know it was me. But of he doesn't shut up i'll do it regardless.
"Didn't ya kill a bunch-a-people?"
"And now yer an Avenger?"
"Did you uh...lose anyone in the snap?"
I don't say anything for a second, but decide to say "I don't want to talk about it."
"Ah. No problem. I'll talk about something else.
"Yer not exactly chipper, are ya?"
"Nope. Lost all that a long time ago."
"Ah." He looks at me like he might be scared, which he should be, then doesn't say another word.
A few minutes later, i see some buildings by the water. I see a sign but i can't read it from here. As we get closer, the lines start to form words: Welcome to New Asgard. Please drive slowly. Then there are a few words in a language i don't recognize.
The town is much smaller than i thought it would be. There are only about 40 buildings and from the looks of it, it's a fishing town. They've got to make a living somehow. Apparently this is all that's left of Asgard, 1/2 of their original population. I thought there would be more.
I can smell the fish almost the second we pass the sign. It's a strong, thick smell that only gets stronger as we get closer. The driver doesn't say anything when we stop on a dock in the town, doesn't even look at me. I have that kind of effect of people. Some people leave others baffled, some schocked. I leave them horrified. No matter that it's been over 5 years and i would never do something like that again. They don't care.
The second the raw fish air hits me, i wrinkle my nose.
"Kind of a step down from the golden palaces and whatnot"
"Hey, have a little compassion. First they lost Asgard, then half their people. They're probably just happy to have a home."
"You shouldn't have come!" A woman shouts behind us. I turn around and see that she's about my height with a yellow vest over a black sweater. Her dark hair is braided and curly.
"Valkrie!" Bruce says. "Great to see you, angry girl."
"I think i liked you either of the other ways."
"This is Rocket, and that's Frankie."
She looks at both of us in turn before she says "He won't see you."
"That bad, huh?"
"We only see him once a month. When he comes in for..." Valkrie glances at some barrels and crates by a building that look like they had a bunch of alcohol in them. ""
"It's that bad." Bruce says, gritting his teeth.
"Yeah." She says.
"Where is he?" I ask, trying to get this over with as quickly as impossible. She points towards a house mext to the shore, the tallest one. We make our way over there, passing tons of Asgardians that stare at us. They see a raccoon standing on it's hind legs wesring clothes, a giant green man with glasses, and me. It 's almost as if Bruce and Rocket don't phase them at all until they see me. They recognize me and immedeatly look away, muttering amongst themselves. And they're all thinkong the same thing.
She's the one who killed all those people.
Why can't people ever move on from that?
By the time we get to the building Valkrie pointed out, my shoes are covered in mud and i'm shivering. It's pretty cold, probably in the high 30's, and the light rain doesnct help much. At least i'm wearing long sleeves and a jacket. I always do to cover up the...
If the smell outside was bad, it's nothing compared to the smell inside. I almost gag. How can anyome live with this smell? It smells like alcohol and someone who hasn't bathed in months. And something that pizza?
"Wooo! Something died in here." Rocket exclaims within 2 seconds of entering the house behind me.
"Hello? Thor?" Bruce calls out when he gets inside.
"Are you here about the cable?" A man says in another room i assume is Thor. We only have to walk a little further down the hallway before we see the living room. The living room with one person and one, no, two aliens. One made of blue rocks and one...i don't even know. And Thor...he looks nothing like i remember him. "The Cinemax ran out two weeks ago and the sports are all kind of fuzzy."
The Thor i remember had short hair and a short beard. Not...this. He looks like he hasn't had a shower in a month, like he hasn't brushed his hair for even longer. His beard is tangled and has crumbs in it. And i don't remember Thor being so...big. He's not wearing a shirt, just plaid pants. He grabs what appears to be a beer from a bucket of ice. Although i guess people greive differently. I didn't eat and he ate a lot.
He turns around and sees us, his eyes landing on me first. For a few second he just stares at me, his mouth gaped open. When the hell is he doing? I mean, he stared at me like this when we first met, but not for this long. He just muttered somethubg about his brother and walked away. But this time, he looks like he's looking me over, his eyes lingering on my fave for way too long.
"Lo--" he starts ti say, but stops.
He turns his attention to Bruce and Rocket, which makes him immedeatly shout: "Boys! Oh My God!" He wabbles over to Bruce and hugs him first, then turns around to Rocket. "Come here you little rascal!" He pulls Rocket to him, rubbing Rocket's head into his upper leg. Boys are really weird.
"No, i'm good, that's not necessary!" Rocket exclaims.
"And you, uh...who are you again?" He asks as he faces me. He sounds drunk by the way he slurs a little bit. "You look very familiar."
"Frankie," I say, my arms crossed.
"Right. Frankie. Yes, i remember. Your hair used to be shorter."
"So did yours. Why were you staring at me like that?"
"You were staring at me."
"Oh, yes. You remind me of someone."
"You've seen me before."
"No...someone else."
"Oh..." Bruce says, glancing at me. "She does look like him a little bit."
"Who?" I ask, sounding a little too rude.
"My brother," he says quickly, then turns to Bruce. "Hulk, you know my friends, Meik, Korg, right?"
"Hey boys," The rock-alien says. He has a headset on and a game controller in his hand. It looks like he's playing Fortnite.
"Hey guys. Long time no see," Bruce says, looking around at the room with borderline disgust.
"Beer's on the bucket. Feel free to log on to the wi-fi, no password obviously." He's got a weird voice too. An accent i've never heard. "Thor, he's back. That kid on the TV called me a dickhead again."
Thor turns his attention to Meik. Or Korg? I don't know which one's which. "Noobmaster."
"Yeah, Noobmaster69," the rock alien says.
Thor takes Korg's headphomes and starts talking into the mic.
"Noobmaster. Hey. It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen buddy, if you don't log off this game immedeatly, i'm gonna fly down to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!" Thor takes off the headphones and hands them back to the rock alien.
"Thank you Thor."
"Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?"
"Thank you very much, i will."
"So do you guys want a drink?" Thor says as he turns back to us. "What are you drinking, we have beer, tequila, all sorts of things."
Ever since i turned 21 i have found that drinking kimd of numbs the pain, so i'm not one to turn it down, but i'm not about to drink anything from in here.
"Buddy? Are you alright?" Bruce says, sounding really worried.
Thor takes the beer had had grabbed and pops the top off on a table. "Yes, i'm fine! Why, don't i look alright?"
"You look like melted ice cream." Rocket says. Normally i would have laughed at that, but i'm too focused on not throwing up to laugh.
"So what's up?" Thor asks, taking a swig from the dark bottle.
"We need your help." Bruce says. "There might be a chance we can fix everything."
"Like the cable? 'Cause that's been driving me bananas for weeks."
"Like Thanos."
Thor doesn't say anything. He looks blankly at something then slowly turns to Bruce, grabbing his shirt.
"Don't...say...that name." Thor says slowly, sounding like he might be on the verge of tears.
"Uh, yeah, we don't actually say that name in here.
"Please take your hand off me," Bruce says to Thor gently, guiding the hand off his shirt. "Now i know that guy might scare you."
"Why would i be? Why would i be scared of that guy?" Thor points to me. "She killed that guy. He's gone. Nothing else he can do. She killed that guy after he killed, what? 2 of your friends? He killed 1/2 my people. My brother. My best friend" He turns to me, pure rage and tears in his eyes. "I deserved to kill that guy!"
"I never said you didn't." I say as i clench my fists, blue wisps swirling around them. He sees that and almost yells again, but Bruce doesn't let him.
"I get it. You're in a rough spot. I've been there myself. You wanna know who helped me out of it?"
"Uh....Natasha?" Thor says, drunkenly smiling at Bruce.
"It was you. You helped me."
I find it hard to imagine Thor being much help with anything with the way he is now.
"Why don't you ask the Asgardians down there how much my help is worth? The ones that are left, anyways." He drops himself into a chair in the corner.
"I think we can bring them back." Bruce says. He's trying to sound as gentle and reassuring as possible.
"Stop, just...stop. I know you think i'm down here wallowing in my own self pity, waiting to be rescued or saved. But i'm fine, okay? We're fine, aren't we?"
"Nah, all good over here, mate" The rock alien chimes in.
"So whatever it is that you're offering, we're not into it, don't care, couldn't care less. Goodbye."
I'm about to get into his mind to make him come with us, no matter how much i don't want him to, when Bruce says "We need you, pal."
"There's beer on the ship," Rocket says like it's a selling point.
After a long pause Thor asks "What kind?"

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now