Over 300 People

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When i woke up, i could smell bacon all the way from my room, and the kitchen was several rooms away.
I got up and walked to the kitchen, and saw Wanda making breakfast.
"Hey. How'd you sleep?" She asked as she turned over a peice of bacon.
"Eh." I answered.
"Did you have any nightmares?" She asked as if she already knew.
"I don't know. I had a dream, but it didn't seem like a dream or even a nightmare. It just felt real."
"How so?"
"There was dust or something and it was everywhere. In the air, in my eyes, coating my throat. I felt like i couldn't breath."
"Huh. Anyway, do you want some breakfast?"
"Please, im starving." I took some bacon and eggs and sat down at the counter.
"I've been wondering, where's Pietro? I would have thought he would be here if you were."
Wanda froze. She took a deep breath and continued to fiddle with the bacon.
"He...uh...didn't make it out of the...city in the sky incident." She said, trying her hardest not to cry.
"Oh. Im sorry. That must have been-"
"Could you pass me the salt?" Wanda interrupted.
"Uh...sure" i slid the salt shaker over to her. "Im sorry for bringing it up, i just didn't know."
"It's fine."
"Ok." I sat in silence and embarrasment for the rest of breakfast while i ate my bacon and eggs.

Afterwards, we went back outside so Wanda could use what she gathered on me so i could begin learning to control my powers. She wasn't mad at me but i still felt bad. I kept saying i was sorry and she kept saying it was fine. I read her mind to see if it was really ok, but i didn't get my answer. Instead i found out that they were afraid of me. We were going into the woods because they didn't trust me with my magic around the facility. I couldn't blame them and i knew it takes awhile to get around to trusting someone, especially when that someone was me.
I also saw that she was thinking about something that had happened when i was 12 and had a nightmare about my powers. In the nightmare i held the Sceptre in one hand and some of my magic in the other. I walked through a huge city, where the buildings flew up and were demolished in midair. My eyes shone a bright blue and a wicked smile flashed across my face. I heard the screams of agony around me but i continued on.
"How do you know about that?" I asked. I knew i wasn't thinking about it anytime i'd been there and she couldn't read my mind when we were with Strucker because of the enhanced walls of my cell.
"What? Oh, right. You may not have figured out how to do this yet, but you can most likely see people's past thoughts as well as their current thoughts. We're not going to attempt that until you can get your telekinisis under control." She explained.
"Ok" i continued walking. I heard Wanda scoff. "What?" I asked.
"I guess you're right. We don't trust you enough to let you use your magic near the facility. I'm suprised Stark lets you anywhere near his precious Peter, even though he's been giving him a lot more responsibility and trusts him a little more." Wanda said. "And i guess we are somewhat afraid of you, but can you blame us? You killed over 300 people. The FBI wants to arrest you but SHEILD and Tony aren't going to let that happen." Wanda was usually optimistic towards me, but i guess she'd given that up.
"Over 300 people?" I gasped.
"Yeah. It's all over the news. The FBI are thinking about overiding SHEILD and Tony and arresting you or worse, but they can't figure out how to build a cell that will contain you."
She laughed. It wasn't a laugh as if she just heard a funny joke, but more of a 'i can't belive i just said that' thing.
I looked down at my feet. I focused on putting one in front of the other.
"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to say all that. You weren't supposed to know all that." She said quietly but in a hurry.
"No. Thank you for telling me, actually. I'm glad you didn't keep it from me. Well, not longer anyway."
"I don't usually do that kind of thing. Tony told me you needed to stay optimistic or something. He's going to try to explain to the public what happened and he's going to try to promote you, kind of like what he's doing with Peter. Really, i'm sorry for saying all that, i have no idea where that came from."
"It's fine. Like i said, Thanks."
We walked to the river and tried to pretend like nothing happened.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now