Discontinuing This Book (and telling you everything that happens next)

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I amvery sorry to announce tgat i am discontinuing this book, meaning i am going to stop writing it. I have just lost intrest in it lately, and whenever i try to write it, i always dread it and it never ends up tge way i wanted it to.
I have been thinking about this for a few weeks, and have decided to just do it. Again, i am very sorry. But i am so grateful for all of you who have read this far and voted/commented.
Because i am stopping it, i realize that there are those of you who want to know what i had planned. And i have decided to tell you.

They figure out that Frankie is Asgardian when Blake tries to revive her, but it doesn't work. They get Thor over there, and he explains how Hel and Vallaha works. He also explained that since those places are their own rhelms, your body can't exist in both rhelms at the same time, so the body has to be burned and only then is it sent to Hel or Vallaha. They figured she was in Hel since it is the place Asgardians go when they were not good not bad.
Thor goes there, harnessing the bifrost with Stormbreaker, and takes Loki and Frankie back with him. He figured Loki wasn't ever there because he wasn't technically Asgardian, but nevertheless, he was there. Frankie was really only half-Asgardian, which is why she aged normally. She is Loki's daughter, because Loki came to Earth in 2000 (i made that up for this) and got with a girl. He never knew about Frankie but figured it out eventually.
Frankie only went to Hel once her body was burned, then was taken back to Earth shortly after.
When she came back, Blake had already revived Tony, Pietro, Peter's parents, and his Uncle Ben. When she cane back, Peter was the first to get to her, just like when Peyer came back Frankie was the first to get to him.
Harley had heard of what was going on and made the trip there from Tennessee. To Frankie, it had barely been a day instesd of 4 1/2 years, so when she saw Harley she still felt the same way and ran to him, but then she realized it had been 4 1/2 years and figured he had moved on. It was co firmed when she saw a child's car seat in the back of his car and a wedding ring on his finger. Still, it had been barely a day for her, so it was like he was with her one day and gone and moved on the next.
After she started to get over Harley, she started to remember feelings for Peterb which were re-emerging. After awhile, she just thought "Fuck it," and kissed him. He kissed her back, and that's where their relationship started. It gets kind of blurry from there, not fully planned out. There was something about her getting kidnapped by HYDRA and having her powers disabled. Then it went all the way to where she and Peter got married and had a baby which they named Natasha. That's where the sequel was going to start, and i'll explain that one, too.
Natasha Freya Parker was born with Peter's powers, and was a quarter Asgardian. She had no Asgardian powers, but spent her summers there.
When she was 15, a huge thing came down from space. At first, the Avengers thought it was some sort of solor flare, but it ended up being something completely different. No one could really do much to stop it but Frankie, who was eventually engulfed by it. Peter thought it took her, so he ran into it. The force left, and Peter and Frankie seemed to have been taken with it. It was assumed they were dead.
Natasha has a hard time dealing with the deaths of her parents. She doesn't go to school for a week or two. When she does go back, she hangs with her friends Miles Morales, who she has known for years, and Qwanda, who seemed to show up out of nowhere, but she admired.
Her crush of almost a year, Mary Jane, was worried about her. So was her favorite teacjer, Miss Jones, Michelle Jones (MJ). She taught Womens' History, a new branch of required history. She didn't find out that she and her dad dated for a little while, but MJ almost had a heart attack when she saw Natasha's name on her roll. Everyone knew who she was from the get go, there was no hiding it.
One day, she finds out Miles has powers. At the same time, a bunch of people start to show up, people with powers like hers and Miles.
But the one that stood out to her the most was Peter Parker, who seemed to have gotten sucked out of a world just like hers, but about 25 years back. She knew it was her dad, just younger. She tried to explain that to him, but he refused to believe that he and Frankie would ever get together like that, because this was when they had just met.
From there, i really hadn't planned it out so much, so that's pretty much the end. I'm sorry that i'm ending this, but i would honestly write things i want to, and write them better than i can write this. I would rather write good things for you guys than the crap i scrape together on this story.
Thank you for all the support that has been given on this book, but i really think this is best.
Love you all 3000 ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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