Everything Goes To Shit

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Everyone on the school trip sits in the lobby, wearing glow stick acessories and ready to go to the Carnival of Lights, but i already know that's not happening. We had to find a way to keep Peter's friends inside while we fight the fake fire moster, and the carnival would have them in the streets in the maximum amount of danger they could possibly be in.
"Good news," Roger says to all of the kids on the school trip gathered in thr lobby. "We're going to the opera!"
"What?!" They all excalim in protest.
"Don't look at me," Julian says, looking for the kids back to Roger.
"What happened to the carnival?" MJ asks, disappointed.
"This is upgrade living, guys," Roger replies.
"Come on! The tour company just gave us these tickets for free!" Roger tries to persuade them, and  in front of me, i see Ned look back at Peter, who slightly nods his head. "Do you have any idea how much opera tickets cost?"
"No, because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera," Flash explains. "Ever."
"Well, i think this is going to be culturally enriching for us," argues Ned, who now knows that Peter and I set this up to keep them away from harm.
"Thank you, Ned," Roger says as he points to Ned. "Everyone, this is going to be maybe, the best four hours of our whole trip."
"Four hours?!" They all object.
"Guys, i think this is gonna be really fun. Seriously!" Ned says.
30 minutes later, they all leave the building in the nice outfits Roger told them to pack, but i stay behind. One, because the "tour company" didn't know i was there, but really, Peter and I thought it would look very suspicious is a student and a chaperone both left the opera together.
"Parker, Grant, do you copy?" Hill says through the earpeice Dimitri gave me on the bus.
"I copy," i reply, letting her know i can hear her.
"Parker?" She asks.
"He hears you," i say. I know because i'm keeping track of him. He's walking with his school group to the opera, right next to MJ. "He's with his school group, and it would look weird if he started talking to himself."
True Peter thinks.
"Grant, are you in position?" Fury barks at me.
"Yes, i am," i say, looking around from the water fountain in the square. Peter should be here soon in the cathedral tower as soon as he can break away from his group. Since Beck can't really blend in here, he's with Fury and Hill, waiting for Peter's signal. My job is to get civilians out, then help with the fire monster after that.
It's so loud here. Instruments blaring, people yelling, drums banging, it's maddening. The carousel makes blares loud circus music, and there are a few kids screaming on the ferris wheel. I close my eyes and try to focus and ignore all the noises and chaos around me.
Get out of here i tell the people around me, mind controlling them. They obey and i start to do that to as many people at a time as i can.
"Parker, are you in position?" I hear after a little while.
"No," he says, kimd of awkwardly.
"Why the hell not?" Fury asks, more forceful than necessary.
"Uh, i-i didn't mean that, uh," Peter stutters. "If you go ahead, i'll grab us a pair," he says. I don't think he's talking to Fury, but i can't check right now, i'm trying to get people out of here. "Awesome," he says.
"Parker," Fury says impatiently.
"I'm coming, i," Peter pauses. "Hey, i gotta go. Could you just tell MJ i'm sick or something?"
I hear someone, it sounds like Ned, say something, but i can't tell what he's saying.
"Yeah Ned, i know," Peter says to him. "Okay? Gotta go."
"Parker! You better be on your way!" Fury barks a few seconds later.
"Coming," Peter says quietly.
I turn my full focus back to the people in the square. A lot of them are wearing huge masks, and if they don't have those, they have some sort of glow-stick accessories.
Get out of here, i tell more people, moving as fast as i can through everyone, but it may not be fast enough.
A few minutes pass by of this before Peter finally shows up. He says he's there, but i don't see him anywhere. It's probably his new all black suit, making him blend in with the night sky. I look all around the giant cathedral building that takes uo an entire side of the square, but i still don't see him.
Nevermind that. I've gotten about 1/3 of the people out of here by now, and the crowd is much less dense and a little quieter.
"All right, i'm in position," Peter announces through the comms. "As soon as i see something, i'll let you guys know."
"Roger that," Beck replies.
Fury speaks right after him. "How's the suit?"
"The suit's great. It's awesome," Peter says, but it doesn't sound like he means it. "It's a little tight around the old web shooter."
That distracts me and i snort, and am immedeatly filled wirh embarrassment.
"Parker!" Fury yells.
"Okay, i'll shut up," Peter says.
"Grant, get yourself together," Fury says, because i'm still laughing a little bit.
"I'm sorry, it was funny!" I explain, another small laugh jumping out of my throat.
I try to go back to getting people out, but something distracts me, again.
"MJ?" I mutter to myself, thinking i see her. Yup, that's her. She's standing a few feet away, staring at the water fountain.
"What about, MJ?" Peter asks, and i hear a little bit of panic in his voice.
"Nothing," i say, and take out the earpeice. I don't want him worrying about her, right now.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask when i get to her. "You're supposed ti be at the opera house!"
"What are you doing here?" She responds, throwing my own question back into my face.
"I'm..." I was about to say somerhung about needing fresh air, but the water fountain catches my attentions.
It's steaming.
"It's not supposed to do that, is it?" I ask herb looking for a genuine answer.
"No, it's not."
"Guys!" I shout as soon as i put the earpeice back in.
"Energy spiking," Fury says, followed by Hill.
"We have seismic activity."
"Everyone, get away!" I shout, pushing people back as the concrete below the water fountain with horse statues cracks, lava spilling out of the steps. The heat breaks out and i jump back, because my foot was only an inch away from being burned off.
"Get out of here!" I shout as loud as i can, getting it into as many minds as i can. Most of them run away, but MJ stays put.
The lava slithers up the water fountain, grasping the metal statues on it and melting them.
People scream and start to tumble over each other as the lave starts to take form, manifesting a body. It towers over everything, as tall as the cathedral tower.
"Get out of here!" I shout, putting up a giant sheild to protect everyone behind me.
"Okay, he's here!" Peter shouts into the comms.
"No shit!" I yell, using that sheild to push the fire monster back. It jumps back up, roaring with anger, sending a flash of fire towards us. At the last secod, i push the fire back towards it.
"On my way," Beck announces into the comm system.
The monster slowly smashes it's way through the square, sending clouds of fire and smoke everywhere. A huge cloud of smoke and heat got too close to me, making me cough and gag.
This may be fake, but it can cause some real damage. And i have to be careful, because Beck is planning on killing me tonight, even though it's not the death i see in the visions.
I keep getting all of the citizens away, untangling the stampede as Beck arrives.
MJ is nowhere in sight, so she must have gotten away.
"You're up, kid," Beck says, letting Peter know it's his time to fight. Fury didn't listen to me.
Something slams into the monster, sending a blaze of fire into the air. It's getting really hot and i'm starting to sweat and lose my breath, but i can't let my guard down now.
I see something move through the air, orange refelcting on black. Peter.
Please be careful i think.
He sticks to a wall and shoots a web at something and seconds later, steam fills the air and hot, sticky humidity clings to my skin. I really shouldn't have kept the leather jacket on.
I take this little time that the moster is weakened to peel off the jacket and fling it inti an alley, where hopefully it won't get damaged. It's the only thing i have left from Nat.
The monster springs bavk up again and roars, punching the wall where Peter stuvk to. Before it could hit him though, Peter jumped off the wall and into the air landing on the canvas top of the carousel, where a second later he had to jump again, because the fire monster shoots a blaze of fire at it.
"Oh, no you don't," i say, and pull it back towards me. I send it tumbling to the ground but just before it hits, i see a green flash come towards me. I can't block it while i'm fighting the monster, so i try to move out of the wsy but i'm not quick enough.
"Ah!" I scream as Beck's laser skims the part of my arm between my shoulder and elbow and i fall to the ground. "Fuck!" I bring my other hand on top of the burn, which only makes it hurt worse, and i'm not holding the monster down anymore. I have no idea how Beck is faking all of this, but he's doing a damn good job.
"I'm so sorry! I missed the monster!" Beck calls out through the comms to me. I know he's not really sorry, he's trying to kill me. He's sorry he missed the wrong monster.
"Are you okay?" Peter shouts to me.
"I'm fine!" I scream, but my arm that is screaming out in pain says otherwise. My breath shakes as i force the monster down again. It breaks from my grasp and heads back towards the carousel and grabs it. The monster tears the metal apart and absorbs it, getting bigger by the second.
"No, Beck, he's got the carousel, he's getting bigger!" Peter yells, then a few seconds later turns around to the ferris wheel. I lolk there too, and there's Ned and Betty, waving their arms and calling out for "Night Monkey". What the hell?
"What?" Peter exclaims when he realizes who it is. "Oh, no!" He turns back and looks at rhe monster, who is growing, then back to Ned and Betty.
"I've got it, you help them, Peter!" I shout, getting back up and running towards the monster, against all of my minds screams in protest. The heat makes my skin feel like it's melting and sweat drips from my hairline, but i stand my ground. I try to push it back but it continues forward, bringing down two fists to where Peter is.
"NO!" I scream, shooting myself over rhere as fast as i can and in the last instant, catch the hot hand and stop it from hitting us. While it brings it's arms up to hit us again, i create a dome around us. "Are you okay?!" I shout over the pounding of the monsters fists hitting the dome. I groan as i have to hold my arms uo stronger against the fists pounding on us, trying to break through.
"I'm fine," Peter says. "Are you? That looks bad." He looks at the burn on my arm. The t-shirt isn't doing anything to help cover it from prying eyes or debris.
"I'm fine," i say as i strengthen the dome with another surge of power. "Listen, i'm going to throw this thing up, and you're going to get out of the way. Then-- what the hell?"
It stopped punching the dome, and is reaching for the ferris wheel.
"Shit!" I exclaim.
"Ned and Betty are up there!" Peter shouts at me.
"I know! New plan. I'll hold it back, you get them out and away from here. Go!"
I make the dome disappear and start to push the fire monster forward, away from the wheel and towards the middle of the square.. It stumbles but doesn't fall, and i see Peter grab Ned's hand on the ferris wheel. He tosses Ned out and Ned lands on a web at the bottom, then does the same with Betty.
As i'm holding the monster back from getting the ferris wheel, Beck comes and shoots the monster with his lasers, breaking my power hold and releasing the monster.
I curse under my breath and watch as Beck seems to weaken the monster with the lasers.
Peter gets Ned and Betty out of the square and comes back, swinging into the air from a lampost and bringing a huge peive of concrete with him to slam into the monster. It stumbles backwards, but nothing much else.
"Good, that hurt it! Keep 'em coming," Beck saysb continuing to blast it in short bursts if green lasers.
I do what Peter does and throw huge rocks at the monster, trying to do anything to weaken it and keep it away from Peter.
"Keep your distance!" Beck reminds us. "Don't let it get near the ferris wheel!"
"What does it look like we're doing?!" I shout, hurling another rock at the monster, "accidentally" hitting Beck.
"Whoops. Sorry!" I say, even though i'm not sorry.
The fire monster punches the ground, cracking the concrete up to the ferris wheel,  and sending it's lava towards it to grab it.
"No!" Peter yells, not knowing what to do.the foundation of the ferris wheel splits, sending it lurching forward, but not falling all the way down. The monster stands up straight and starts to walk towards the ferris wheel and reaches out for it, but Beck blocks it with his lasers.
Peter tries to get up to the ferris wheel to defend it by shooting a web in that direction, but it grabs something in mid-airb and he jerks his hand back, sending somethung grey flying back with a web still attachted. Ignoring that, he shoots another web towards the ferris wheel and defends it, making sure the monster doesn't get it and keeping it from falling down.
Beck and I keep fighting the monster and a few black cars show up. They're SHEILD cars, and Nick and Kill, along with a few other agents get out of the cars.
Beck uses his laser to push hin all the way into a wall.
"Nice! You got him!" Peter says, trying to web part of the ferris wheel to the wall to keep it held up.
Then everything goes to shit.
The monster crashes into scaffolding, and absorbs all of the metal railing.
"No, no, no!" Beck cries, then shoots the monster with the lasers again. But it casts it off a roars, loud.
"It's too late," Hill stares up at the now huge fire monster, now twice as big as it was 5 minutes agob standing over 20 feet above the catedral tower, now.
"Whatever happens," Beck turns to face Peter, and his fishbowl is off. "I'm glad we met."
"Beck, what are you doing?!" Peter shouts, holding the ferris wheel up with webs.
"What i should have done last time." Beck's helmet goes back on, and his hands start to gather green energy, like he gets it from the air or something.
"Beck, don't do it!" Peter cries out, but Beck shoots himself into the fire monster's chest. "Beck!"
The monster starts to turn fully green and falls to the ground. It explodes, sending green shock waves as far as i can see. The imoact if it hits me in the chest and knocks me backward, directly into my injured arm.
"Damn it," i wince, my face controrting in pain. The ground scrapes at the deep burn on my arms, and tears spring into my eyes. That could also be because of all the smoke from the dozens of fires around us.
Please be dead, please be dead, please be dead i beg, looking around for Beck. The air is littered with green specks that move and fal like soft snow. I assume it's from his power explosion.
Footsteps tread lightly about a dozen feet away from me. I see that it's Peter, and start to go up to him, but notice Beck laying there.
"Mr. Beck?" Peter tries to wake Beck up, and it works. Damn it.
"Oh, thank god," Beck says as he turns to see Peter crouching next to him.
I walk the rest of the distance between us, but keep an eye on Beck. If he tries anything, i'll kill him and explain later.
Peter grabs Becks hand and hoists him up to his feet with a grunt.
After Beck is on his feet, Peter glances at me and the white eyes on his suit widen. "Oh my god, are you okay?!"
"What?" I say, and glance to arm where he's looking. Sure enough, there's a steady strem of blood trickling from the huge gash that takes uo about 1/3 of my upper arm. Most of it is from Beck's laser, but some of it if from is scraping on the ground and making the wound bigger. I notice how much it hurts, but i don't let any of them see that.
The blood goes all the way down to my hand and starts dripping off of my fingers.
"'Tis but a scratch," i say in an awful British accent, shrugging. Peter laughs, knowing where that's from.
"A scratch? Your arm's off!" Peter says in an equally horrible British accent.
"What?" Beck says, confused as hell.
"Did you not have Monty Python on your world?" Peter asks, laughing a bit.
"Uh...no?" Beck says. "And her arm is still there."
"Dude, you're missing out," Peter says.
"Damn, i got you good, didn't i?" Beck walks a bit closer to me. I back away. "I'm really sorry about that.
"Sure," i say.
Sorry you missed I force into his mind. He looks taken aback for a second, but regains control.
How much do you know? He thinks at me.
Not much, but enough to know your true intentions of killing me, taking EDITH, and using it to become some sort of great hero by lying to the world.
I get out of his mind as Fury walks up to us.
"So it's over?" Hill asks Beck, who sits down and a peice of debris.
"That was the last of them," Beck answers.
"But not the last threat we'll ever face," Fury suggests, stopping beside Beck. "We need to stay vigilant. There's a void in theis world for someone like you. Hill and I are going to Europol headquarters in Berlin tommorow. You should join us."
Beck stands. "Thank you," Beck shakes Fury's hand. "I just might take you up on that."
Fury nods and turns to Peter, who now has the eyes on his suit flipped up. Fury walks towards him and i glare at him as he glances at me. I think he's still scared, as he should be.
"You got gifts, Parker," Fury starts. "But you didn't want to be here."
"Mr. Fury, i--" Peter says, but Fury cuts him off.
"I'd love to have you in Berlin, too," He continues. "But you've got to decide whether you're going to step up or not. Stark chose you. He made you an Avenger. I need that. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong." Fury pauses and looks Peter in the eyes for a few seconds. "Was he? The choice is yours."
Fury walks away and Beck is looking at Peter. He walks towards us and puts a hand on Peter's shoulder, then says "Let's get a drink."
"Sounds good to me," i say.
"I'm not 21," Peter replies.
"Bars and pubs have more than just alcohol, you know," I say. And after today, i need a drink, and i don't care where it's from, i just need alcohol in my system.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now