Any Smart-Ass Comments To Add?

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"Parker?" Nick tries to get Peter's attention, but he's staring into the fire. "Parker!"
Peter whips around. "Yes, sir?"
"That thing is going to be here in a few hours," Fury reminds him. "Are we boring you?"
"He's not bored, he's just thinking about how you kidnapped him," Beck says. I haven't been able to take my eyes off of him the whole time we've been in this dark room. Not because he's attractive or anything, but because i've been seeing him in my dreams and visions for the past 8 months, and i'm trying to figure out what exactly is going to happen, and how i can prevent it. He knows i've been staring at him, and i think he's enjoying it, how much he's scaring me. Me, one of the most powerdul being on earth, possibly in the universe, scared of a little fraud like him.
"He had obstacles," Fury says, staring Mysterio dead in the eyes (with his one eye). "I removed them."
"They still won't evacutuate the city," Maria Hill announces, stepping away from a computer.
Fury groans. "Idiots," he says to himself. "So what's the plan, Parker?"
"I will be in the cathedral tower keeping watch for the fire monster," Peter explains the plan that they've drilled into our heads for the past hour. "When that shows up, i will radio you guys. And then Mr. Beck, Frankie, and I--"
"My name is Mysterio," Beck corrects him, and Peter smiles at him.
Bastard. Beck, not Peter.
"That's when Mysterio, Frankie, and I will move in," Peter finishes.
"Peter, listen to me," Beck says. "You too, Frankie." I glare at him harder. "The best you have, the only hope is to stop it here bow, no matter what the cost."
Peter starts to walk closer to Beck, who is standing by the wall next to the one with the fireplace. I was sitting inbetween them on the floor, leaning against that wall.
"Manuver it away from civilians if you can, Becak continues. "Most most importantly, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it'll be able to draw energy from the earth's core. After that, there's no stopping it."
That'd be pretty dangerous if it were real i think to myself, rolling my eyes.
Fury must have seen me do that, because he says "Any smart-ass comments to add this time, Grant?"
"No, i think i'm good," i say, flashing him a sarcastic smile, then going back to glaring at Beck.
"Hey man, my friends are here," Peter starts. "And i can't help but think that we're putting them in danger."
"You're worried about us hurting your friends?" Fury raises his voice and stands up from the chair he was in. "You, who called a drone strike on your own school tour bus?"
"That was an accident," i start to say, but Fury interupts me and continues to yell at Peter, who looks down towards the floor past Fury.
"Stark gave you a multibillion-dollar A.R. tactical intelligence system, and the first thing you do with it is try and bloe up your friends!" Fury yells at Peter. I stand up and start to walk over to Fury, but Peter hold a hand out, telling me to stop. "It's clear to me that you were not ready for this!" Fury finishes and Peter just takes it. He looks like a kicked puppy and i really want to punch Fury for saying all thatb because he has no idea what Peter has been going through. But if i did that, i think about a dozen guns would be aimed at me in a second.
After that, the meeting was done, so Peter and Beck walked out. I don't want to leave Peter alone with him, but i have to yell at Fury/Talos before i lose my mind.
"You had no right to say that to him!" I start, getting ready to rant at him. "You have absolutely no idea what he has been going through throughout the past 8 months, and before the whole Thanos and the Snap thing. He has had so much pressur eon him fir so long and he needed this break, but you couldn't have the common decency to let himb even though we've both reminded you of that on numerous occasions."
"Grant--" he starts, but i cut him off.
"No! You listen, i talk." Damn, that felt good. "You know very well that i could handle this entire thing by myself, yet you dragged him into this. And now he is miserable, when all he wanted was a month, a month, to relax on a school trip to Europe with his friends, and tell the girl he likes how he feels about her, but you just had to unnecessarily drag him into this goddamn Elemental shit!"
"Are you done?" Fury asks, a little louder than necessary. Everybody is staring at me. Some of them are in shock that i just did that to who they think is the great Nick Fury, some of them glare at me with pure anger.
"Yes, i'm finished," i say, waiting for his response. I cross my arms and stare him dead in the eyes, even going so far as to slightly pop a hip out. "Any smart-ass comments to add?" Someone across the room snickers, and immedeatly stops. That makes me smile a little bit. If i'm going to die soon, i'll have been glad i was a bitch to someone most of the world respects and fears.
Wellb of course it's not really Fury, it's Talos, but everyone thinks it's Fury. It's as close as i'll get.
Is it just me, or do i have bad relationships with a few people in this crazy, Avenger group of family? Thor and i loathe each other, Fury and i hate each other, i hate Beck and he enjoys it, and Clint tried to kill me that one time.
Fury takes a breath and opens his mouth like he's about to yell at me, but his voice comes out so much lower and quieter than i expected.
"You better watch yourself," he says, walking closer to me. When he finishes the sentence, he stands less than a foot away. "You've let your power get to your head, and that arrogance will come and bite you in the ass, one day."
"I'm aware," i say, trying to hold my ground. Most people would cower in fear from the face he's giving me now. Like he's about to kill me. But i stand unfazed. The room is completely silent, and everyone watches and waits for someone to do something. "You know, i think you're scared of me."
"I'm not scared of a stupid little girl like you," he says, unmoving.
"You're terrified of me," i correct him. "It's why you don't trust me to do much with this whole 'fire monster'. You're scared i'll get too emotional and screw up. You're scared i'll kill people, kill you."
He glances at my hands to make sure i won't do anything. And i'm not. I want to make him horrified of me without my powers.
"You can't control it," He says. His voice shakes a little bit. I may be shorter than him, but i'm starting to tower over him (metaphorically).
"Yes, i can," i say, not looking away from his eye. "It's terrifying how much i can control it. With the slightest tap in your mind, i could make you go insane, i could make you do anything i want. And with the smallest swipe of my finger, i could break every single bone in your body."
I hear the clanking of guns coming out and bullets clicking into place. I don't look away from Fury.
"Was that a threat?" He asks cooly, but i can tell his facade is crumbling.
"That doesn't matter," i say. "What you should be worried about is messing with me." I shift to make the 10 or so inches between us smaller, my face inches from his. "I can make you life a living hell."
There is absolute silence for what seems like forever. I've got him. His eye widens and he looks like all the life has gone out of him. I back away and he stands there, unmoving, his mouth slightly parted, taking in shakey breaths.
I smile to myself and turn to walk out of the room, pushing both doors open without touching them, and slamming them closed behind them in a bright blue flash.
I leave the building and walk all the way outside and into the street. My heart is racing a million miles a second and i can't help but laugh and smile, remembering the look on his face. I think what icm feeling now is an adrenalin rush, and it feels amazing. I feel happy and light, like i can do anything.
Then a loud car horn blares in my ears, and a man shouts at me in Czech.
"Fuck you, too!" I shout, even though i have no idea what he said. I don't care. I feel great.
I start to walk off the street, grinning as i remember how i annihilated Fury, but i remember Peter. I remember him walking out silently, and Beck following him.
I can't leave them alone together. Beck could do something and i...
I close my eyes and search around for Peter's throughts. Throught he building, down the streets. I finally find it on the opposite side of the hotel building, all the way up on the roof.
As soon as i get there, Beck is talking to Peter.
"If we survive this, you'll have all summer to kill Brad," Beck says to Peter. They immedeatly see me, because the blue glow of my powers is kind of bright and hard not to see, especially at night like this.
I come down from my adrenalin high.
"Hey," Peter says, followed by an echo of that from Beck.
"Hi," i say back.
"I'll leave," Beck says. "See you both, later."
"See ya," Peter says back, smiling slightly as Beck floats away. I say nothing to him, and sit on the ledge of the roof next to Peter. My mind flashes back to sitting on the ledge of the cliff at Vormir, and Clint and Nat telling me to get away from it.
"Are you okay?" I ask Peter as soon as Beck is out of sight.
"Yeah, i'm good," he says.
We sit inbetween two of the 5 statues on the wall. They are sculptures of people in old, greek looking toga clothes.
"I just yelled at Fury," i say, the smile creeping it's way back to my face.
"What?" Peter says, turning his head to face me. "Do you have a death wish?"
"No," i say. "But it felt good."
"Why did you yell at him?"
"I told him that you needed a break and he was stealing it from you, and that i could handle it on my own, but of course he's not going to listen to me."
"Is that all you said?"
"Well, i didn't just yell at him," i answer, on the verge of giggling. "But lets just say he is terrified of me, now."
"Dang," he says, impressed.
"I think it's cool, if i do say so myself."
He smiles and turns back to look at the city. It is beautiful. From up here, you can tell that they built the city on top of a bunch of hills from the way it looks like it's waves frozen in place. The lights of the city sprinkle the darkness surrounding it, making it appear as though they were stars and we were surrounded by the night sky.
"Oh, shoot!" Peter exclaims, grabbing his bag and digging into it for something. He pulls out the EDITH glasses, which i had reluctantly given back to him when we were all getting into our rooms.
"What?" I ask.
"EDITH?" Peter says to the glasses impatiently. "I need to find a way to keep my friends inside for the next few hours."

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now