Everything is Different

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[Warning: If you have not seen Endgame, do not read the rest of this before seeing it.]

It's all my fault. I should have gone to face them after i hurt Peter. Then i would have been there to help them win.
"Who the hell are you?" Black Widow said when The Avengers got back to the compound. I recognized them all from TV.
"Frankie?" Rhodey looked straight at me. He never really liked me, but i guess now it was different. Now...everything is different.
"This is a nightmare." Steve says as we watch the population numbers for countries all over the world fall so fast i can barely keep up to the ten-thousands.
"I had better nightmares" Natasha says, still staring at the numbers.
"Hey," Rhodey said as he walked in. "So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing."
We all walk into the room where the weird pager thing with the blue and red with a white star looking thing in the middle was, and sure enough, it was off.
"What do we got?" Natasha said as we walked in.
"Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out." Bruce said.
"I thought we bypassed the battery" Steve said, staring at the pager.
"We did. It's stil plugged in it just...stopped." Rhodey explained.
"Reboot it. Send the signal again." Steve said.
"We don't even know what this is." Bruce said, turning to us.
"Fury did." Natasha sighs. "Would you just do it please? You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who is on the other end of that thing." Natasha turns to leave, but stops. We all turn, and holy crap.
There's a woman standing there. With the same emblem on her outfit that was on the pager.
"Where is Fury?" She says.
About 20 days later, that woman, Carol Danvers, left and came back several hours later carrying a whole damn space ship in her arms.
I don't know what i was expecting, but when Tony came out of that ship and saw us, i couldn't help but run to him alongside Pepper. She hugged him first, then me.
"I couldn't stop him," He said to Steve as he stumed out of the ship.
"Neither could i," He said back, supporting him.
"I lost the kid," Tony announced, glancing directly at me.
I knew Peter had died out there, but that doesn't mean it ever stopped hurting.
"It's my fault." I said to Tony. He was so much smaller and frailer than last i'd seen him. Starving in space will do that to you, i guess.
"How is it your fault?" He asked.
"I ran away like a coward. If i had come back to find out what exactly i had done, maybe we could have won."
"What if, what if. What's happened has happened, and now we've got to fix it." Steve replied.
"I don't think you understand" i said sharply. "I hurt Peter then i ran away, now wanting to hurt anyone ever again. But if i had come back, i would have ended up going with them to space. And we would have won."
"How? He defeated us as easily as snapping a toothpick." Natasha asked from a chair in the corner of the room.
"Because i could rip Thanos to shreds with the flick of my wrist." I sent a vase flying across the room past her head without moving a muscle to prove it. Suddenly, everyone was standing up straighter and was even more on edge that a few seconds prior, if that's even possible.
"It's probably true." Tony said.
"What exactly did i do to him? Before i left."
"You just pressed him into the floor, almost breaking it. But you didn't. He was fine, just passed out with a couple bruises, is all."
"A couple bruises?" I asked, not believing he was telling me everything.
"A couple bruised bones and some scrapes, but he was fine."
"That doesn't sound fine." A chair scraped across the floor, pounding into a window causing it to crack a little. Nat took in a sharp breath, like a wince. She was shaking all over, probably terrified of me and my inability to control my powers. I didn't mean to send the chair flying. But there was no one here to help me control it like Wanda.
"He was up and wondering where you were within a couple hours. He would not stop worrying about you. He never did stop wondering where you were and if you were okay."
That i could tell was true.
Nebula had come with Tony when Carol came back with them. She was really cool. Some of the others weren't very sure about her at first, but i saw right through that hard metal exterior using my telepathy to someone who had been raised harshly and was made into a "monster" by someone who turned them into something else. Changed so much they didn't know who they were anymore. Just like me.
"We've told you a million times, none of this is your fault." Tony yet again tried to convince me i wasn't to blame for half of life being wiped out by Thanos. He was sitting behind me in a chair while i layed on my bed, clutching a t-shirt. "One. One out of 14,000,605 ways things could have ended up, and we only win in one of them. And we are on that path. Strange said "there was no other way", so that means if you did come, we would not win. We are winning because you weren't there."
"You call this 'winning'? All our friends, everyone we love dead? Gone? Just another one of the billions of the vanished?"
"Yes. That's what i call winning. Because now we'll do whatever it takes to get them back." He took in a shakey breath before looking back at me and asking "Which shirt is that?"
Another tear rolled down my cheek before i replied "His algebra one. May let me have it."
"Well, that was nice of her."
"Yeah. It is."
He sat there for a minute before getting up and simply saying "We'll get them back" And leaving, almost as if he'd said it to himself.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now