The Netherlands

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"It's not over," i say. "Beck's doing something. He wouldn't have gotten control over all those drones without having something else up his sleeve."
"You're right," Maria Hill says. "But what?"
"He'll use the holograms again, and use them to terrorize another city."
"But what is he going to fake? What does he need so many drones for?" Fury asks.
"I don't know, but my best guess is that it will be huge," I say, my head spinning. "Big enough to cover a whole city, maybe."
I haven't slept in almost 2 days, i haven't eaten since i left New York, and the giant wound on my arm is worse than i thought. And on top of all that, by best friend, the person i loved most in the world, is dead.
So yeah, i'm not doing all that great right now.
So it comes as no suprise to me when i black out in the middle of the conversation.
I wake up on a couch in an office with no one else in it. The lights are off, but it's still bright in the room because of the sunlight shining in through the windows. I must have either passed out for a full day, or esrly enough in the morning that i woke up during the day.
Hunger stabs at my stomach, but i try to ignore it as i sit up and rub my eyes, which are now dry. I groan as i stretch, momentarily forgetting about my injured arm, and getting painfully reminded of it.
Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe i fell asleep in the car on the way here and i've dreamed everything up until this point, and someone just put me in here so i wouldn't have to wake up. Maybe? No, they would have woken me up.
It's not a dream. So that means Peter's really dead.
"Why don't you guys just kill me already?!" I shouted. The buildings around me started rumbling.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Parker said in a calming voice. Tears started welling up in my eyes.
'What could have happened to this girl to make her want to die?' Parker thought. I wasn't about to tell him.
The memory of when Peter and I first met circles through my mind, toying with my emotions. Another one comes surging through.
"Well then...i can take Peter." i said hesitantly.
"Uh... I don't know" Tony responded.
"That's fine, i get it" I said. "But i mean, what's the point in wasting that gas when you can get there without doing that and by a much more fun way?"

"How exactly are you planning on getting there?" Tony asked.

"Same way i got here. Flying" i answered.

"As long as your hand doesn't slip i guess it's ok" Tony agreed.
"You're not my dad, you don't have a say in what i can and can't do" Peter complained

"You're right. I'm sorry. Do you want to fly 250 feet in the air with a stranger who is obvioulsy emotinally unstable and just killed god knows how many people?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"He's right, you shouldn't-" I started.
"Yep. I trust her." Peter said with a smile.
And another.

"I don't..." He crashes into Tony. "I don't wanna go" We're both crying now. "I don't wanna go. Please, Mr. Stark, i don't wanna go! I don't wanna..." Peter's body is crumbling into peices so much Tony can't hold him up. They are both terrified, and so am i. I'm hyperventilating, tears streaming down my cheeks. Icm yelling, but no one seems to hear me. Peter must be far far away, but i can still here him. And i can make him hear me.

Peter?! I ask, making sure he can hear me

Frankie? He thinks.

Peter...i'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

No, "I'm sorry." He whispers, looking straight at Tony, but i know he's talking to me too.

I... I think, but i can't finish telling him because it's almost as if i've been kicked out, and i know why.
He's gone.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now